mangastream / binktopia
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mangastream / binktopia
Mest ended being so un-important. But at least Mashima trolled us for a few chapters thinking he may be the last member of the 7 Purgatory.
Levy looks so cute on the cover.
mangastream / binktopia
Ending was pretty bad ass.
I feel like this won't end well for the old man. Lily is the most badass cat ever, he's fit Gajeel so well.
It will probably end in a war of attrition while the other members of both guilds go at it.
I wonder if Natsu can eat those explosions...
No chapter next week due to double issue.
mangastream / binktopia
Well fuck... didn't see that one coming
Neither did I. Now that is messed up. Wonder what happened to Purehito to turn into Hades.
Explains how they knew where Fairy Island was though.
This manga keeps getting better!
mangastream / binktopia
Man that went by WAY too fast. He couldn't even put up much of a fight. But it did confirm what I thought would happen. Now for Laxus to get to them....
Laxus returning would be awesome... but I think his father will stop him leaving the Fairies alone for this battle.
mangastream / binktopia
Kitty Lisanna *nosebleed*
Uh... GodSlayer? WTF?
And I wonder what Hades meant by all of them having Lost Magic... I mean... at first I thought that the 'God Slayer' thing was bullshit... but now I'm interested.
Caprico... I wonder if by Lost Magic it means that one of the Golden Keys was 'absorbed' and this guy is not a Celestial Summon
Those were some pretty obvious match ups
I hope Natsu uses Dragon Force, it's been a while
As for lost magic, we already know there's something off about Caprico since he's fighting on his own.
Since Lost Magic is also called Forbidden magic, I'd expect, for now, that some of them fall to their own magic. It has to be forbidden for a reason and the most likely reason is instability.
I don't really know why the old master had to turn evil to travel to the roots of magic, but I'm glad there was some sort of backstory. I hope he has severely misunderstood Zeref, though, and some of his cronies will get their asses kicked by Zeref once they approach him. Zeref didn't seem particularly evil in the first place and even if he was, it's one of the most stupid cliches of all time that villains would support each other like good guys do (when it really matters). They are villains because they only care for themselves or whatever objectives they have, after all.
That doesn't mean they're idiots though, if their objectives happen to cross each other then temporarily working together is the way to go
mangastream / binktopia