Actually i like the fact that her skirt is floating on the left. I see no problem with it and the little sparks are very nice. Text is the only thing i think you need to work on.
Well now don't i feel stupid i have only made 5 sigs myself well 6 if you want to be technical. I have learned much and much yet to learn.
I've made a whole lot of sigs, but most were crap when I was getting used to photoshop, and I really think ya should keep the left, I see no reason to cut it off, it looks really kool.
The only thing I think you should change the the color and font of the text. At current it looks like a very dull DJ.:D
As you guys continue to post amazing sigs, I realize that I cannot keep giving you positive rep due to the restrictions :p
Just did this, what do you all think? Gonna go do another.:rolleyes:
Edit: I'll do it later...I'm tired, barly got any sleep last night...Nappy time:)
I like it. It's very nice artistically and has a consistent colour scheme (and balance). Also, it doesn't have any places feeling empty, yet neither places feeling too cramped. Proportions look good as well. The "stay night" text is somewhat blurry, but otherwise I have nothing at all to criticize. Good work.
Okay, heres what I came up with, what do you guys think, First or second?:)
The first one was better, the logo doesn't have to be bigger just more visible. In this one it is over powering the sig. and somewhat competing for attention with the render. Other than that its a great sig. Nice new style and it is a welcomed edition for the fate/ stay night fans.
Thanks for the comments DR, and I totally see your point, I'll get to work on it =)
In the meantime, just did that at the request of Woofcat, what do you all think?
EDIT: Heres the outcome, this one work?
EDIT: Wow, somethings wrong with me...once I start making sigs I can't stop till I'm dead tired....=S Anyway, heres another one, I'm not sure about this one, comments on this one as well?:p
Yeeeah check the Alphonse ava and the Halo 3 sig...prooooooooooooo
And heres another......I've made too many sigs today and my judgements off, I'm not sure if they're good or bad. So, heres a sig of Lancer, I'll probably find a better render and do another sig of him.
Well my first tip would be to start reading some more moderate tutorials. Not noob, but not quite intermediate yet either. Really any kind of tut would be fine, anything that helps you develop a sight for color flow, brightness, contrast, and saturation balance.
So yea blue and white dude with deeeep red and bright yellow border and text just naturally does not look good.
since this is a new page and my last post kinda got cut...
check the Alphonse avatar and the halo 3 sig heeeell yea thats badass.
check out all my best sigs here http://kage.mysigs.com/
Yeah. Your latest one, Lucifus, has really clashing colours like Kage pointed out. However, I'm amazed how you can just keep making nice sig images with such speed and quantities. It's like you had a sig factory in your garage...
The Rin sig got a lot nicer. And even if I risk offending you, but the fact you dropped the ying yang is a big plus, as well. The text "Lucifus" could perhaps be a bit lower, closer to the corner than the "stay night" text. My gut feeling tells me it might look better that way.
Yep, I suddenly realized that the Ying Yang symbol really screws over my sigs......=S
And now that you say it, blending my name like I blended stay night would look awesome, as soon as I get home, I'll try that. At the Lancer sig, yep, I realized I probably messed it up, but I was truly tired, I did it as quickly as possibly, and the render I made wasn' that impressive either.
Again once I get home, I'm definatly gonna try another Lancer sig. Any comments on the Ilya sig? I think I need a better render for it.........:rolleyes:
Oh and ya, what do you guys think of the sig I did for Woofcat? I had a really awesome background but I added too many renders and covered it up T-T..........
Yep, your totally right on the Lancer sig, yesterday when I was making it, I couldn't read the text on the wall 12 feet away from me that I could usually read with ease. I'm going to try another Lancer sig. Thanks for the advice.:D
Lucifus, you need to work with higher quality pictures. It's very appparent on your Ilya sig - you can clearly see the artifacts. Either conceal them by blurring or whatnot, or find better stocks to use.
PS: and the fact that your files are all around 10 KB means you're saving them in low quality JPEG. This creates artifacts even if you use good stocks to begin with.
Only one sig today, :( man I'm tired, just got up after my beauty nap and have to go to sleep again. Just did this....what do you all think? Man I love Levi......
89 KB, good job. See, no more nasty artifacts :)
Lol, Thanks dude, I knew there was something I was forgetting to do since I came back....
I've been coping all my sigs to paint and saving them as JPGs in there...:o Lol, I forgot that I could keep decent quality when using Photoshop.......:rolleyes:
Lol when you save sigs as jpegs in PS all you have to do is make the quality less kbs. Before it finishes saving that little window pops up with a whole piss load of ways to edit the quality.
Been a while since i posted in here so here comes my newest work. It's an abstract as you can see (hopefully)