Why do people cheat at video games?
After many years away from a game console, I'm getting back in the swing of things. One of my favourite games was socom and I was badass at it. But that is besides the point, while playing Killzone 3, I was gradually getting back into the swing of things until I noticed that the enemy was always behind me and it was always the same guy. Turns out this asshole has a cheat that puts him on both teams and he interchanges when it is to his advantage.
Totally ruined my game, and he kept joining the same games I was in. After observing him, it was clear what names he was playing under so I would follow his ass and wait for him to switch just so I could kill him. And I did, many times, I really hope it pissed him off. But then I realised a few other players were doing it as well, wtf?
I really wish I knew where these assholes live so I could hook their balls up to a generator and fry them so no idiots would ever be born again; wishful thinking I know.
What made it worse was that on a few games I was on a roll too 5-6 kill streak (would have been a lot more if they didn't keep killing me, cheaters that is) and I still haven't been able to get my headset to work; Best Buy you cheap piece of shit!!
This is one of the things I don't miss about gaming.