Okay.....>.< Lolz, How about this?
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Okay.....>.< Lolz, How about this?
Here's my latest sig. It doesn't have any text but if someone could think of something that would be great. As always, any help is appreciated.
@xDM, Looks really kool, as for teh text.....I'm lost, Maybe just xDM in the bottom left corner? =S At current I have teh same problem.:D
Just did this, Looks decent, you guys have any idea for the text?
Oh, yes. You should keep this one!Quote:
Originally Posted by Lucifus
:D , Thanks, I'm liking it too, you were definatly right.:cool: Any thoughts on the above post?
Well, if you look at the bottom right corner you will see a symbol I designed that is on all my recent sigs, blended in somewhere. As for the text, I want something cool that Urahara said.Quote:
Originally Posted by Lucifus
This is the end product.
Yep, i see ya xDM, I used to use a ying ying symbol in all my sigs but I stopped, I just put it in this one. Now off to make another for my sig rotation. :cool:
I dunno, but I'm just not feeling this one.
What do you guys think?
Edit: Opps, sorry for the double post....
Edit: Recreated a Gaara sig I made a while back.
Pretty nice sigs Lucifus. The Gaara one would be better without the distortion over the render... 'cause that is one kick-ass render. As for your other ones, you seem to use the dotted pattern a lot. Try using different techniques or patterns to make the sigs look more complex. If you need help making a pattern (through Photoshop), I'm sure someone could help you.
And xDM... or master_me... whichever one was asking for good brushes to download... I recommend any MetalCX brushes... and CRCharisma. Otherwise, click "Browse" and change settings to Category: other>resources and Subcategory: Photoshop brushes. I'm sure you'll find some good ones.
Come to think of it, I need to update my brushes as well.
Oh, and sorry no new work to post. I'm currently working on two...
I didn't ask for brushes but I did check them out and CRCharisma does have some good ones but I couldn't find MetalCX.
Lucifus, I love that Gaara render but you need to make it look less...plain.
Anyone have any ideas for my Urahara sig?
xDM... sorry fr the misinformation, but the name is Metal-CX Anyways... for your Urahara sig, the biggest thing I can recommend is the size-space ratio. Meaning, for the size of the sig, you need to fill more space. Was the original render that size, or was it bigger? If it was bigger, I would try not making it as small... and croppin about 1/4 of the sig to make it be around 300x100 pix. Personally, I make mine 310x110 when possible (a trick I learned from Kage). The brushing doesn't seem to fit the sig either. I like the idea of a symbol in it... gives it originality and a "signature" look. Anyways, if the render was that size originally, then just try cropping some of the extra space, and re-brushing. Hopefully you saved a .psd copy. Oh, and try enchaning the image, using the image inhancing tutorial posted in the tutorial thread. Hope all this helps... sorry if it all seems negative. I really do like your work though... keep up the good work.
Thanks for the suggestions and don't worry about it seeming negative, I don't think I get enough criticism. :p I will try to make the render bigger as I prefer to leave the sig size as it is. The render was also already enhanced. I'll post an update later.
Also, orginally when I said suggestions, I ment what text I should put on it...
Edit: Alright, I made the render bigger and made a new BG, but personally I still like the first one.
Heres my lastest addition to my rotations, Rotation done in one day =D, the sigs aren't bad either.
Comments anyone?
xDM... sorry, I thought you meant suggestions in general. I can't really give advice on text 'cause I'm not that good at it myself. I've learned one tech, and that's about it. But anyways, the update looks better, especially since you made the image bigger. I have to disagree on the bg, I think the new background looks better than the old. But, it's your sig, go with what feels most comfortable. As for anything else, try some more brushing on a layer above the render... making some of the render covered by the brushing. You can then mess with colour balances and/or variations and give it a unique feel.
Alright, here's another new one for me. Yeah, the text tech is getting old now, but it just seems to fit everything I do. And I should probably find another way to have "sub-zero" placed... since you can't read half of it. But for right now, you know what it is.
I attempted a more techy background on this one; once I get Photoshop fixed, I'll probably be able to do a better job.
i really have no skill with photoshop but this is my attempt at a sig
Aside from the trimming on your render (which isn't a huge deal,) that's pretty amazing for a start.
I like the bg for #2. The only thing is that the render doesnt seem to blend into it. You might want to try the image enhancment trick the Kage posted in the help thread.Quote:
Originally Posted by xDarkMaster
By blend in, do you mean color, or sharpness, or something else? Also, like I already said, I already did enhance the image. I'm not sure if it is the way Kage does it though, I looked through the help thread and couldn't anything.
Mostly, I mean the darkness of the render. That light render stands out to much, imo.