Lmao, Steve you crack me up. Please if you have time, find said "piece" I would really like to read it.
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lolipower.org hung up its gloves. In case somebody didn't know, it wasn't Shinta's favourite site, but a ddl site for recent anime. I got half of my anime shows and movies from there for great many years. It was an exceedingly convenient site with nothing extra like captchas, registering, or other bullshit. Clicking a server icon was enough to initiate the download.
I remember using it, was pretty cool.
Was it out of financial, legal or personal burden?
It was a good little site. Not the quickest to upload anime, but it had a decent archive and also used its own servers so I didn't have to wait in line when I had to resort to DDLs. It was particularly a problem at university (which is when I need DDL anyway) where public fileservers would say I've downloaded too much from them already when in fact I've downloaded nothing.
I think we'd need Shinta to interpret the real meaning from that. I visited the channel briefly but it was silent and the topic told they don't like new people, so I gave up trying to find out the reason. In the end it doesn't even matter.Quote:
Loli grew up.
Loli growth ----> Death.
Someone threw a dead body in front of my house... >.> family crying their lungs out outside.
The fuckk????????????/
One kind of a once in a lifetime experience. At least it wasn't anybody you knew.
Well, turns out the guy was some old engineer with Alzeimer that ran away from home and kinda got lost, apparently he had a heart attack, someone found him and moved him right next to the highway... which is kinda where i live.
You're going to be a doctor right? Maybe they thought you could help the guy.
Middle Easterns make the best doctors.
"Hello, I'm Ahmed
-ical doctor."
Ey, the first funny thing you've said all life.
Irrelevant-course accreditation.
Over here, mechanical engineers are forced to take organic chemistry (combination of our Science faculty's two equivalents) to get their degree accredited by the professional organization here, which is a lot of bullshit because I see absolutely zero correlation to the discipline of this type of material in here.
Seriously, I see none. What do the electron transfers of halogens from a hydrogen halide have to an alkene have to do with mechanical engineering? The concepts of putting things together building blocks into the most obscure fashion with a few exceptions to each rule?
"Oh, you can't put that bromide there because the reaction catalysts dictate that it's too hot even though you can do it while it's cold. You have to add it to the end of the chain here because it's more thermodynamically better."
"Yeah, you can't apply Markovnikov's rule here because Boron's a special molecule."
Fuck that shit.
I dislike organic chemistry no matter how relevant it is.
Well at Surverying, Geodesy and Cartography engeneering course i had to study physics, psychology, Real estate ecomomics, and in the future i'll have to study a small parts of mechanical engeneering, and civil engeneering
Physics have formulas and gives you general knowledge of sciences and allows you to apply mathematics that you'll need to exploit no matter what type of engineering you are in.
That psychology sounds like an option course, but yeah, that's completely irrelevant. I mean, I guess you could always try to apply it to social situations with your co-workers and clients, though.
I'm pretty sure almost everyone has to take real-estate economics because the present/future value formulas are useful for your employer where you'll need to determine the value of any engineering investment projects before the managers give the green light to go.
Finally, from what I know, your line of work sounds very much like geomatics engineering over here. I always thought that geomatics was a branch of civil engineering. Of course, as you know, civil and mechanical engineering are closely related on a general level.
Damn, I was eating a very late dinner/ extremely early breakfast and now I have a fish bone stuck in my throat that I can't seem to get out. Guess I was too tired and sleepy to chew properly. If you don't hear from me, you don't hear from me. Good night.
p.s. in response to Enkoujin middle eastern comment.
we all know that death is the final destination for us, middle easterns (sucide bombers) just wants to make sure we get there faster.
Just wanted to get that off my chest.
After 6 or more years of not playing video games, I finally decided to get a up to date system to occupy my time and my weary mind. Being a Playstation fan from long ago, PS3 was the logical choice. Anyways I bought one from amazon, it was suppose to arrive last Friday but apparently I missed the delivery, can't really see how that happened since I was home most of the day and so was someone else for the rest. UPS didn't attempt delivery on Saturday but on Monday instead, which is fine as I was again home for most of the day and someone was home when I was not. Now is Tuesday the final attempt for the delivery and no one will be home and the location the package will be held at is closed on the weekends and the only time available to pick it is is during the week when I am suppose to be at work. Either that UPS guys is a stealth ninja or something is just not right which has made me hesitant to sign anything for them to just leave the package. I've never had any problems like this before.
Sigh* Oh well, it will be returned to amazon and my money will be refunded, I should have had it shipped to my job in the first place but I didn't want to lug it around on the train, lazy I know. Thinking about whether it was not meant to be or if I should reorder it and have it shipped to my job, where they sure as hell make sure that I get my packages delivered.
p.s. I've called UPS and amazon and they both say they same thing, they can't really do anything.