I guess it kinda proves it now that Mugi's a carpet muncher. She chose an all-girls University, not to mention those pseudo-shoujo ai moments she seemed to so enjoy.
Chibi-K-ON moments were awesome, especially most of Yui's.
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I guess it kinda proves it now that Mugi's a carpet muncher. She chose an all-girls University, not to mention those pseudo-shoujo ai moments she seemed to so enjoy.
Chibi-K-ON moments were awesome, especially most of Yui's.
I think Yui would make a perfect Kindergarten teacher. She's not really teaching them anything besides having fun and playing around, she knows how to play musical instruments (and has perfect pitch no less!), she's got a myriad of other quirks that entertain kids (like she is mentally). It is a perfect fit.
Two things bothered me about this episode. The biggest was that Ui wants to follow Yui to keep her out of trouble. Sure, she is the perfect little sister and more of a mother to the Yui than their wayward parents are, but she needs to live her own life and not be held back by her sister. If Yui wasn't so oblivious, she'd probably wish for the same thing.
The second was young Mio. The shyness was cute when the two were really young, but she was pretty obnoxious about not wanting to read her essay. It really detracted from the earlier parts.
I think Yui becoming a musician is not impossible at all. She does have perfect pitch, and seems to love playing the guitar as well. She has more than enough talent to make it, especially if Ui decides to go into music with her sister. They might as well form a band together and get famous.
I think in a previous ep, we've seen that Ui is lost without her sister. For some reason she fears rejection or is insecure when her sister isn't around and she makes up for it by being perfect in every other area. She's probably the one with the more acute psychological disorder of the show.
[LonE] K-ON!! Maxi Single - Pure Pure Heart [Various].rar
[Nipponsei] K-ON!! Maxi Single - Pure Pure Heart [Various].zip
Includes the song from the fan club meeting and a rock version of the school song.
[CoalGuys] K-ON!! S2 - 09 (h264)
New Theory: Yui might be more like Ui in terms of personality if not for the Grandma, Nodoka, and Ui. (Also potentially the Daimaou.)
Yui hides a hidden genius and an overwhelming charisma. Other just do things for her. She's by no means as stupid as she comes off, anything she puts her mind to she accomplishes with relative ease. But the others around her have been enabling her to slack off. Nodoka and the Grandma have been covering until Ui came of age and took over all the other duties.
If you think about it, Yui is at semi-pro level of guitar, all entirely self-taught in under a year, assisted by her perfect pitch. She's been practicing every single night since she got it (except the one this season, when it was pouring rain). As long as Yui is trying at something, she accomplishes it. At the end of this episode, she claimed luck was the reason she got high grades. But that doesn't seem to be the case at all. Ritsu was the only one throwing erasers during the test. Yui was studying her ass off with the same fervor she practices guitar, taking up any and all free time she had. In those two days, she learned everything she needed to ace the test.
But she also had huge disadvantages. She fell asleep, she didn't really study after she joined in the talent show, etc. Even with the reduced time and half-asleep, she still passed all subjects with ease.
I also think she would come off as selfless as Ui if people let her do anything. The first thing she wanted to do was return the favor to the old lady that had helped her so much. She never thought about anything else. She participated merely because she was asked to do so. But in general, people don't usually take what she offers and typically give things back to her. Even the drama club hasn't asked for the pig costume back, Yui still has it.
In many ways, Yui is like a daimaou. People do things for her and give her stuff, and when she offers things, people usually give them back to her. She's been doing it since the first episode. All the other girls chipped in to get her one of the most expensive instruments the band has (except maybe Mugi's, I don't know keyboard prices, but KORG's aren't cheap). Her sister even has a mentally crippling devotion to her. Ui gets withdrawl symptoms without Yui. That's really disturbing when you think about it.
Her laziness isn't a personality trait inherent in Yui, others enable her to be that way.
I have never in my life seen a person fall asleep during an exam. You are right, she is talented - also in some dubious ways. Seriously, though, you must be correct: much of her bad traits are a direct result of Ui worshipping the ground under her feet and doing everything for her and Nodoka finishing the rest when Ui can't be present.
That the others also cover for her weaknesses is somewhat natural since their primary form of fellowship is the band and helping Yui is unfortunately the easiest way for making sure the band stays operational.
The preview makes me think Mugi's family must have a permanent holiday house in Finland because this makes the second time already during the series. I have to visit it for a cup of tea and some cakes one day...
A friend of mine regularly falls asleep during exams. Keeping awake won't make much of a difference in his score though.
I never saw even the worst buggers fall asleep during exams back during my compulsary education years. Obviously later there weren't anybody that unmotivated around. I imagine somebody feverish could easily fall asleep, but I don't think too sick people normally even come to school.
Edit: I forgot one of the funniest scenes of the episode: Yui introducing Azusa as Azu-nyan to the grandma and the grandma then addressing her as Azunyan-san. Even at that point Yui didn't see it fitting to correct her - and Azusa herself has already given up on being anything more than Azu-nyan anymore in Yui's company.
That part was hilarious. I think Azusa and Yui make a great comedy pair, especially because Azusa gives in to so many of Yui's selfish and random whims. It's too bad those whims include that performance. I really hoped Yui would manage to give us a good show this time.
I fell asleep in an exam last year.
While Yui hiding under the table was pretty cute, the best part of this episode was the bride's reaction to Sawako's facemelter. She started filling with hope in a super-expectant cute way, and then burst into pure fangirling. It really made the point of why Norimi wanted Sawako and Death Devil to play for their fan's wedding reception. It really meant a lot to her. She was a much bigger fan than of Death Devil (and "Catherine" especially) than say, the former class president was of Mio.
You got the feeling that if she and her bridesmaid(?), the one with the mole near her mouth, found out that Sawako was playing again but some place elsewhere, they'd go to the show instead of the wedding.
Plus Sawako is way hotter when she's in evil mode.
The note passing stuff didn't really do much for me in this episode. It was okay, but it wasn't really funny, even Mugi's forceful way of getting thrown out of class just for the experience.
Decent episode.
What I would like to see is the household stuff of the other K-ON members. We see Yui in her home quite often. And the only other person we've seen interacting with someone else in her family was Ritsu and I guess her younger brother. I'd like an episode or something visiting Mugi's household especially.