Well since ep 15 don't seem to be out quite yet figured I'd post it here for now, the new op. Shows of new characters and a bunch of action and what I'm gonna guess is kinda spoilerish
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Ah so Wrath was someone else in the first anime... no wonder I got confused while watching this episode, something just didn't feel quite right.
It's a little disappointing that Greed got killed off almost immediately. More action would have been good.
Lol, they censored the crucification again
They did it with the english adaptation of the manga too
Well, the next episode is 100% new material so i won't forgive any rushing of the plot
Well, I guess censoring that isn't at all unappropriate. Unless the cross has bigger implications to the story later on, taking off two slabs of drawn concrete could save you a lot of potential trouble.
i only read the first few chapters of the manga so the storyline is new to me... I thought the episode was amazing. The story is really coming along rather fast.
marta/martel died in the same way from the first series... but I recall her death being alot more dramatic in the original series. I'm really excited for this series after this episode ^^
Originally Posted by EinReB23
Ep 15 by [TMD-ASU] H264-720p
I was wondering when this would be posted! Man, I just adore Ling. He's so hilarious. ;3
Not really looking forward to what's coming in the next two episodes or so... T_T Sooo sad.
What the hell is Eclipse doing......
Their FMA translator is AWOL.
This episode impressed me much but just 1 thing bothering me about Ed come to save Al. My member told me, it suppose to be Izumi the housewife come to save Al because Ed should be at somewhere else. I can't remember the first series. Including this episode, did they already catch up and cover the first series?
capoi, this series is following the original manga storyline.
The first series strayed at some point. I recall the meeting with greed coming a little later in the series, and under different circumstances. The basics of the fight were the same but ed kills him in the first series.
Good thing about being busy the past 2 weeks is that I just had 13, and 14 2 days in a row and now 15 is out so i can watch it later ^^
This show is so awesomeeeeeeee!
Fucking LEAGUES ahead of Naruto and Bleach, even when they are showing non-fillers.
do any of you guys know if there is a bulk torrent for the first 15 eps out there?
And also, how do i distinguish the new series from the original when searching? is it labelled differently, or is there a different title or something?
Not sure if theres a bulk one out but the new 'remake' version is called "Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood" so that should help you find em ^^
Actually, just searched Nyaatorrents and found this: [TMD-ASU-KNS]_Fullmetal_Alchemist_Brotherhood_01-14_[H264-720p]
I can't complain about the timing of new OPs and EDs, since I'll expect things to be where everything gets different from the forum reactions, but I don't really like either songs. They sound so insignificant that I've got no problems skipping them every week from now on.
The episode itself was one of the more enjoyable ones so far, being a good mix of cool action and humor at the right time.
Hawkeye was sexy, and I lolled when Scar reveals his cute/tiny-creature weakness.
Both links are the same :DQuote:
Originally Posted by EinReB23
This is the link to the MKV version: Click
Ahh, now this was awesome.
This is the first episode that really FEELS like content I haven't seen before. It's all new stuff going on. And I'm loving it.
Al doesn't need a circle anymore, there's awesome Chinese people and their alchemy works on living things. Fun stuff!
What's that? I thought he was about to kill the girl, but was stopped at the last moment when the girl noticed his mixed east-west tattoo.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
It's still amazing how everybody but Scar fails so much at fighting with alchemy. Lots of wasted energy and effort (not to mention destroying the surroundings) and practically no results.
Lol, talk about a difference in interpretation. :pQuote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
I'm pretty sure he wanted to touch that little panda. Knowing Scar, he'd have no issues about killing someone he's set his mind to, let alone the shocked/embarrassed expression of being caught red-handed.
After Kraco made me rewatch that scene though, I noticed something which I hadn't before in all that fast-paced action. That huge all-the-way-around scar on Scar's bicep, just above where the tattoo ends.
Remembering his words from some time ago, when the child from the slums who rescued him from the sewers asked the same tattoo, he commented it was something he received.
That, with the scar and knowledge that Eastern Alchemy can heal living tissue makes me highly suspicious that he didn't just receive the tattoo, but the entire arm from his brother.