Originally Posted by Ryllharu
Fair enough.
I'm still not convinced in any way that Rollo's Geass has anything to do with his eye because the evidence just doesn't support what you are claiming. How are you explaining away Viletta, or anything in the Knightmares? Both instances where the eye wouldn't be a factor.
I'm seeing what you explained as just a visual representation of what's occurring. Lelouch's worked the same way all through last season, well, up to eps 22 anyway. The "bird" flapped and shot out right into the eyes of his targets. Do you think that that is literally happening each time? It can't because there are several points in last season where Lelouch simply Geass's someone without that visual effect. The V just shows up and it works.
Sure the power may be emanating from Rollo's eye, but that does not mean that his eyes have anything direct to do with his power. It works both through the frames (and therefore display screens) of Knightmares, possibly solid walls, and as we saw directly with Viletta, no line of sight needed. Much more like Mao's.
I still wonder how exactly you propose Lelouch gets his contact lens into Rollo's eye, or anyone's eye, much less have them keep it there. Geass them I suppose, but the same affect could be had by simply Geassing them in the first place, like he thwarted Mao by commanding him to "shut up" and rendered his ability useless.