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What's WSJ?
Weekly Shounen Jump (home of Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, et. al.)
Because the mangaka got lazy. Twenty-five pages is not enough for a monthly manga.Quote:
Originally Posted by Honoko
Damn right. They finally decided to reissue this and I reserved mine today. :DQuote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
/Searching every figurine store in my bookmarks.....
Too bad Galatea's too much of a side character. I would so get her.
edit: Has it been revised at all, or is simply a reissue?
I think it's a reissue. There's another one of Clare in her new kit, but I don't really like it.
the first one (the one in the first post, AKA, the new one) does look better.
a smile doesn't fit Claire as much as an expression of hate and malice does.
Tell us how it looks when you get it. First hand experience > photos.Quote:
Originally Posted by Psyke
(I'm tossing up between buying from expensive, but reputable sites like Hobbylink and 1999.co.jp, or go for significantly cheaper products on eBay, but risk counterfeiting. :S)
92 by FH:
quite awesome. it's been so long since I've read Claymore that I myself forgot that Jean is dead and Rafella is merging. complete mindfuck.
anyways, so this is the new form of the quick-draw. and now that Claire has five 'spirits' (Rafella, Jean, Ireana, Terrasa, herself) she can focus 5 times the power into the strike.
Wait what? Where are you getting all that stuff about a 'new' quicksword and 'spirits' and 5 (shouldn't it be be 4 since Claire's own power should only count once?) times the power? Claire has taken 'something' from all of the aforementioned characters (except maybe Jean who only helped her un-awaken) but I don't think their spirits are living inside her, other than potentially Teresa's . Claire has had the quicksword ever since she fought Awakened Ophelia, it probably became more powerful thanks to her becoming more powerful overall during the time skip but I think that's the extent of its 'newness'.
As for what the heck happened with the Raph-cila I'm thinking the hybrid awoke as a mindless beast but thanks to Claire Raphelia was able to transfer her consciousness into Claire rather than be consumed in the Awakening. The beastie's first order of business will probably be to have an epic battle with Riful.
It was metaphorical, of course., I'm slightly intoxicated, not stupid
however, it still stands. the scenes in pages 19-21 imply that the quick cutter isn't just an attack that releases violent youki, it seems that it has a stage that draws energy from the entire body and then extracts at greater pressure.
as for claire herself, she did inherit a part of all those mentioned characters.
Ireane gave her an arm, and while it doesn't necessarily carry mental attachments, claire was still able to use it as an excess power. Terrasa is a no brainer, naturally.
jean is trickier, but they did do the soul harmony thing, and I think that qualifies as taking part of her soul. Raffela too, gave claire her memories,
five times the power or four times the power is just semantics.
Rafaela is only now giving her memories, and we really don't know the extent of what this means. It might just be memories, it might be her experiences and fighting instincts (Rafaela being a former #2 and a master of Youki suppression).
Only Irene and Teresa really gave Clare anything. Jean saved her, but that doesn't mean they are connected in any kind of way that is more than a simple delusion inside Clare's head similar to Guts (various), Alita (evil krauser guy, enemies), or Wolverine (Ms. Marvel, other old friends/enemies).
As for the ability, there's nothing particularly "new" about it. It is still the same Flash Sword, Clare has just elevated her ability to control her own Youki in the seven years since she last used the skill. Before she could concentrate a great deal of her power into the arm, now she can move all of it there.
Which, in my opinion, fucking kicks ass. She tore her up like it was nothing!Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
Aye. Somehow, powering up, then coming right down before kicking ass makes it all the more badass.Quote:
Originally Posted by Honoko
While I agree with most of what Yuki and Ryll said, Jean Clare did learn considerably from Jean:
-Teresa gave Claire her natural talent
-Irene gave Claire her arm, as well as teaching her the technique Quick Sword
-Jean made Claire realise that the mind can still control an awakened body, leading her to develop a controlable Quicksword. Whether or not Irene and Teresa's were controllable they didn't tell exactly, but I'd assume there must have been at least some degree, if no total control. Nevertheless, it was from Jean that Claire realised this from. We have to give her credit for that.
-Flora - I can't remember too much from her, despite being the most recent. If memory serves right, Wind Cutter is a different technique that can be achieved through physical means rather than awakening your whole arm. That was the reason Claire chose to adopt this technique instead in conjunction with her Youki suppression. It also allowed Claire to cut with greater precision at the slight expense of other parameters.
I'm not sure what the total effect of the Wind Cutter's training had on the Quick Sword, since it wasn't specified here.
I might be overthinking this, but is it simply Claire pumping all of her awakened Youki into that right arm alone, or something more? Rafaela's response seems contradictory. She comments that the Youki simply vanished, not relocated or compressed into an arm. Then she said "Don't tell me, only the arm is awakened", as if the arm only awakened after her initial comment, which makes it no different compared to our previous Quick Swords.
Bottom line is, what happened to all that Youki built up through Claire's powerup? Did it really get concentrated into one arm?
chapter 093 (franky house)
quite a lot of things are happening, never thought that the the awaken hunters bots would be so strong.
Wow, if they can eat through Duff like that, even Riful's ribbon armour shouldn't be a problem.
Ribbon-sniping's certainly effective...that is until they retreat and develop some form of immunity/tactic against it. I'd totally flip if Riful dies. With Easley gone, she's the only cool Awakened left.
Nude Clare...Mmmm....need more......
Nice chapter. I find myself liking Riful more and more, and hopefully she'll survive this ordeal and meet up with Clare again.
It would be a pity if Riful dies. Although that would more cleanly put Clare's faction against the organization. Especially if the new fused awakened one is nothing but a mindless beast, like a force of nature. Somehow I have a feeling those miserable awakened hunter zombies won't be of use against it. It would be too simple. Maybe it will absorb them.
It'd be interesting seeing those Abyssal Feeders animated. Right how the static frames give them a wtf feel when they come out of nowhere. With proper music and animation, I can see some very good "Holy Shit" moments.
At least they'll make some noise so they'll seem as nasty as they're supposed to be.
If it was just the Feeders, I'd imagine Riful coming out alive. With Alice and Beth on the loose though, I'm not so sure.
The only real traits we've seen of Riful is ultra sharp/hard body and delocalised core. While these two things alone make her a bitch to defeat, it just doesn't seem like enough to match the odds she's up against.
Duff is so a goner.
As for the Fused Awakened, I'm not quite certain it'll make it out of here alive neither. I think it'll take out Alice&Beth perhaps, along with the Feeders, but it might go down with them, realising Kraco's scenario of pitting Clare against Organisation.