Can you really be anal in the bitching thread though? I thought that was the point.
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Can you really be anal in the bitching thread though? I thought that was the point.
Yeah I guess, if that's the kind of bitching thread you want here.
George Carlin dies at 71
One of the two celebrity deaths I will ever really care about.
Just....Damn it...:(
I don't know what the hell I ate... but something really freaking screwed me.
My damn stomach has been acting on me for several weeks now, and I've passed through several medicines and two doctors already... plus a damn diet.
I've gone down about 8kg (17lb) in just one month... so currently I weight only 63kg (139lb). Bleh... stupid stomach... I need some tacos... and I can't eat them...
Several weeks seem like a long time.
Do you get stomach aches? Or just that the food passes through your body?
(Tacos sound good. I'll eat on your behalf =P)
Damn... Today just fucking sucks; added to the bitching list for today...Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
Today's bitch is about the feeling of helplessness brought on by the death of a friend. I received a call that the father (Mark) of a really good friend of mine was involved in a motorcycle accident and that his recovery outlook was grim. Now, I've had to deal with the passing of members of a friend's family before, but something about today was different.
Mark was a really influential person to me growing up. He was like a stand-in dad to me when my own father was battling meth addiction and was hardly around. However, over the last few years I began talking to him less and less as my free time diminished.
Anyway, today at around noon I received the call informing me of details his accident (He wasn't wearing a helmet and was exceeding the speed limit when a car pulled out in front of him) and the less than optimistic description of his chance to recover (His stepbrother's description was something to the effect of "his head was so swollen it was comparable to the size of the 19" tv in the hospital room").
For a few hours I sat here thinking, "Holy hell, I just talked to his dad yesterday for the first time in a few months", and eventually I was hit by the aforementioned feeling of helplessness. Eventually, I decided that sitting here fretting over it wouldn't make anything any better so I decided to be the optimist about it. However my optimism was taken away when I received a second call a few hours later with news of his passing explained to me in these exact words, "They're harvesting his organs"...
This got me thinking about how uselessly I sat around with my thumb in my ass hoping he would be alright, and I became overwhelmed with fury and hatred towards circumstances that are obviously out of my control. I guess it's a fairly common reaction, but it's still a terrible feeling that I just can't seem to shake... and I hate it.
Well there goes my rare good mood. I've been in that situation more times than I would like to remember and honestly I can't give you any advice other than try and hang in there and don't be too hard on yourself. I would recommend you talk to someone or go out and have some fun. Just do something to get your mind off of it for now until you learn to accept it and find your own way of dealing with it. You should just let go of the anger and doubts and the regrets because nothing good is going to come of it besides that awful helpless feeling is bad enough and even though it may seem like it, anger really doesn't fill the void. Anyway like I said I can't really give you any advice other trying to find a way to deal with it and eventually accept it, because helplessness is the human condition.
one of the VP's tasked me w\ sending out some mass email this morning....
the first one I did I accidentally left the fwd in the subject line... then 10 minutes later tried to recall it but i dont think that works well w\ 2000 + emails.
So now he wants to send another email to try to explain this to the 2000+ people and further spam them... omfg. I'm wondering if I need to start looking for another job
the real bitch is : why the fuck cant you send out your own email.... wtf?
god dammit...i decided to finally start watching one piece, so i look up a batch torrent. i find a few, so i decide to get the one from a group called C_P since it was the 1-100. i figured that should be more then enough to get me into the series and i'll dl the rest as i start watching. Thanx to my shitty internet connections which wont go beyond 30 kb/s it took 4 days just to get eps 1-10. I start watching rite now and it turns out "C_P" is actually cartoon palace or something like that, and all the eps are the retarded english dubs Fox aired a few years back....the same dubs which originally set me off OP, making it seem incredibly stupid and childish.
Oh come on, you at least have to watch the rubber knife incident.
I don't even watch One Piece and I found that edit hilarious.
Try the irc channel of Kaizoku-fansubs. I got 250+ episodes from their fservers in less than a week. Then I did had to hunt torrents though, for all the middle episodes before vegapunk began.Quote:
Originally Posted by Assassin
It's weird, when I misread the poster as Assertn, I felt a pang of sympathy for his troubles getting One Piece episodes. When I realized it was Assassin, I just felt annoyed by the whole thing. Strange how that works, considering how little I care for either.
you secretly like assertn more then me
Btw, im assuming that whole rubber knife thing didn't actually happen. Where can i see the original?
It's okay Assassin. I like you, like about 5% of the time.
My house has fleas. I don't know where they came from, there's a couple of good possible propagation vectors for them... but we've got them, and bad.
I love how the bites trace out the lines of my socks.
On my right leg, there's at least 30 bites. On the left, about 31. Plus three on my arm and three on my side. I've spent the last two days vacuuming and rearranging and re-vacuuming, taping and crushing fleas on the ceramic tile floor outside my bedroom door, and doing laundry multiple times.
Bombing tomorrow.
Put your saliva on it!! (or was that for mosquito bites...)
But that looks pretty bad...and nasty.
I hope your flea bomb works!
I ordered a Radeon 4850 tonight. The price was hard to resist -- $188 after tax/shipping/rebate.
Damn it...........
Would that be the flea circus you ordered through the mail?Quote:
Originally Posted by complich8
Biting bugs are the worst, especially when they attack in swarms like that. Were you asleep when they attacked or did you just ignore them until it was too late?
just didn't see/feel them. Some of the bites were while I was asleep. Most were probably while I was at my desk, but I didn't feel them until they already happened, and didn't realize it was a flea problem until about 3 days in to the attack.
We've also had a couple flies that we've had a lot of trouble getting rid of (they're smaller, more agile and a lot more responsive than the others), so until enough dots were there to connect, I didn't connect them.
On the bright side, it gave me a good reason to clean my room and the rest of the house and re-cable some stuff, so that's good at least...
I do that sometimes. I'll feel little pin pricks and just ignore them, especially after looking down and not seeing anything there. When I check later I always wonder where all of the little red welts on my legs came from, but eventually I'll remember when it probably happened and go nuts trying to exterminate the bastards.
That's bad. The only insect problem I've ever had were those miniature flies that live in flower pots, but they don't do anything to humans, aside from walking across the LCD, which can be annoying enough but hardly as bad as sucking your blood.
And even those seemed to disappear mostly on their own. I hope you get rid of them.
I got my replacement Xbox360 power supply in the mail today (I burned up the last one when my voltage converter delayed and dumped 220v into the 110v power supply), so my week long wait to resume playing GTA:IV was finally over. I played for an hour, and sad to say, the magic is gone. I was so looking forward to playing this game again if for nothing more than to help pass the time, and now I can't even enjoy it enough for that. I'm going to finish the game anyway, but man what a letdown.
So as not to ruin it for anyone, it's still a great game and worth playing. I just overdid it by playing 3 hours a day for two weeks straight. The hiatus hurt too.
Originally Posted by Animeniax
Same thing happened to me. I was about halfway through the game and my 360 began to suffer from the RRoD, so I had to send my 360 in for repair. Their repair service definitely exceeded my expectations,, my 360 went out on Wednesday and was delivered to my house the following Wednesday. But when I hooked it up and began to play GTA again, I just couldn't ignite the same spark that existed in the beginning. I was pretty disappointed.
Well happy to say I got back into GTA:IV, and it was well worth it. Some very interesting events happen later in the game to tie everything together, so it's not just an endless succession of random missions. I'm back, baby!
So was it money or revenge?
Can't say, it would ruin the story for those who haven't gotten to that point. Spoilers are teh sux.
Well i'm pretty pissed of and yet at the same time i can't help but smile.
Had this big test in uni which i couldn't fail or else i'd had to drop out of the course. So i got my grades back and i failed them. So first i was pretty pissed of at myself because i knew i could've done more to prevent it from happening, but lets say i'm way to lazy for my own good. Something i definately have to work on.
So today i got a mail from uni saying that i passed the test after all, and they had me mixed up with someone else. So now i'm no longer pissed off at myself but god do i hate a certain person now for making me go through hell.
There was just no way i would've picked yet another course so this could've pretty much fucked up the rest of my life. Knowing i fucked it up i can handle, now knowing that it could be because of some jackass is seriously pissing me off.
two bitches, which relate to something good. which doesn't belong in this thread.
1. this week, I'm in a situation that I commune to the big city on a daily basis, and since my parents went abroad, I get to drive the car.
it's like thousends of cars with only the driver, and they're all going to the same place. can't they just take three of thier co-workers and get the road clear? it's takes me 70 mintues in the morning (20 mintues spent just to get to the highway) and 25 mintues on the return. I hope the gas prices rise willl put an end to this.
(yes, I'm stating the obvious, but that's what the bitching thread is all about?)
2. I've been to the gym today, for the first time since about forever. there was this giant body builder over there, who looks like he eats unsuspecting cars for breakfast.
apparntly he's one year younger than me, and is in the army. doing a freakin' desk job (which leaves him enough time to go home and train in the gym three hours daily). the guy has a body mass of an APC (and is probably more durable) and he isn't in any special ops unit, or in any combat unit.
fuck this shit. how the hell did they let him out?
Maybe he has the IQ of a toothpick?
He might be doing this because he wants to get into Sp OPs.
I don't know how many people read the small print. I know that i had not until today when I find out that the new pricing on the iphone on the 11th only applies if you're a new att customer, if you already have an iphone, or if you're eligible for a phone upgrade.....
I guess I shouldn't bitch too much because I'm eligible for an upgrade of my broken phone that I'm still paying insurance for on the 25th of july..
which brings me to another bitch... If i pay $5 a month for 16 months for a $90 phone, when it breaks I should ?
a)get a new phone right away with no questions asked
b)get the shaft and be told to go buy a new phone to replace it
c)get told to call a 1800 number to file a claim, at which point another $50 will be required to replace the broken phone w\ a likely refurbished phone...
WTF is that? a and b are correct answers in my case.... I took my horribly broken phone a while ago and the girl working at the store just tried to sell me a similar phone to mine despite my having insurance...
so, i still haven't been payed i work part time for a small company, and i dont really mind if i get my paycheck a day or two late......but i should have gotten this last friday (also my bday i mite add...was looking forward to that :(). I went to the office today, and my weekly time sheets are STILL sitting in the box. seriously, wtf!
I expect someone to atleast pick them up and pretend like they're working towards getting me the fuck do you not even pick up a time sheet for the money that should've been in my bank account 5 days ago?
i had to spend my bday on a fucking credit card cuz of that!
Today's bitch can be resumed in just a few words:
- The company installed Websense in our network. DAMN IT!
Ouch man, time to start looking for a new place to work? Though if you have high-speed at home, it's not really worth goofing around online at the office too much. Unless you're IT, in which case it's all there is to do.Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
But if he's IT, it probably means he can bypass it pretty easilly
Well yeah, that was kind of my point. But it's actually not true, since company wide network security implementations like Websense are administrated at the higher levels of IT, so your average tech or even sysadmins wouldn't be able to bypass or alter it. If you were cool with the upper tier IT guys and they were in the same office location, then it'd be easier.
Well, one year ago I left IT (I worked on Testing). Now I am a Process Implementator... that is... I give work to IT =P.
But anyway... bypasing WebSense was easy, until the admin installed a new version, and most probably bought a 'websense for dummies' guide cause now it does work =P.
Most of the pages I visit are still accessible (like gotwoot) but I do feel the loss of fanfiction... bleh
if you've got a non-blocked direct outbound port, local privileges to change your browser settings, run arbitrary programs and open ports from localhost to localhost, and a decent nix background, you should be able to get around it regardless...
Still, sucks.
Nah... most of my priviledges were removed once I left IT. =/
It pisses me off when people say diamond is the hardest material and you can't break it. They say you can't break a diamond with a steel hammer because diamond is harder than steel.
Basically, it really pisses me off when people throw around words that they don't know the meanings to. The "hardness" of a material has very little to do with whether or not it can be smashed to pieces by a hammer. You can easily smash a diamond to smithereens with a cheap hammer from the dollar store.
You can smash a diamond with a hammer, but you can't smash fingernail clippings to bits. Surely, diamond is harder than your fingernail.
There are many factors that determine how "breakable" a material is like malleability and brittleness. Just because diamond ranks #1 on the Mohs scale doesn't make it the most unbreakable solid.
I'm pissed when I buy a product from Japan and there aren't English instructions on the package. Like today I got some mugi-cha and I tried to make a pitcher, but the instructions are all in Japanese! How much water should I add to how many packets? I don't know well enough how exactly this stuff is supposed to taste, so if I make it wrong now, how will I know?
The problem is that I want the Japanese to preserve their culture by not incorporating so much English into their language and to keep the gaijin guessing.
So it really is a paradoxical situation.
@BoC: count me boggled, I never questioned the fact that diamond was the "hardest" material in the world. I need to think outside the box more.
It is the hardest material. It's just that the word "hardness" in this context is often misinterpreted. Hardness is just one material property. There are also other properties that determine in which ways the material can be broken and how easily it can be broken.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
Diamond is very easy to break. If you ever get diamond jewelry and someone makes a bet that they can break it, don't ever bet against them.
Your words came back to bite you Ani;)Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
Yeah, it was an interesting fact that BoC brought up. Diamond's still the hardest material, but that just means if you rub things against diamond, diamond will scratch everything, and be scratched by nothing.
I got the strangest fucking complaint at work today from a customer, who told my manager, who told me.
I won't even repeat it it was so embarrassing and out there. Bugged me all evening.
Was it about b.o.?
No, I smell awesome all the time.
It was just a confusing comment to make, especially since I didn't do what this person apparently thought I did. I didn't bother questioning the manager further or arguing about it. Just accepted what she said and went about my usual routine, albeit very annoyed.
Must have been sekuhara...
That's something that pisses me off these days. Anything non-standard or indirect can be seen as sexual harassment, even a compliment of innocuous remark. What are shy and nice guys supposed to do, if any awkward attempts they make at flirting or charming the ladies is considered harassing?
Here, importers usually attach English instructions via a sticker/label to make things more user friendly. But don't most Japanese products include enough schematic diagrams to make things easy? I remember building Tamiya model cars when I was a kid using only the diagrams on the the instructions. Easy enough after a few trial and error attempts...Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
The importers do add a label but only with the product name, ingredients, and nutrition information, but seldom do they translate the instructions for preparation. I usually try to decipher the instructions, but rarely have success. I always look for numbers too (to see what temp the water should be and how much I should use, etc), but those usually aren't on there either, which boggles my mind. You're right, a few attempts should yield something usable, but I'm unhappy that it might not be exactly (or even close to) what it should be.Quote:
Originally Posted by Psyke
Strange... Here they also include the procedures in the labels (though inaccurate). Maybe it depends on the country.
I guess American companies figure that the average person buying this stuff is probably from the country the product is from, so no need to translate for the few gaijin who might try it out. Like your typical American won't ever buy mugi-cha, but 95% of people who do are probably Japanese living in America. It's a crappy assumption on their part, but mostly valid.
Lol, you deserve a cookie for that.Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
Like how women's farts smell like rainbows and roses.
I want to smell more women's farts for a better sampling on which to make my judgments.
My bitch today is about those who preach when they don't know any better. They'll rail on and on about how people should live their lives, but you know their life is a mess and they don't know shit. But while they ramble on an on to you, you have no choice but to nod your head and pretend you agree with them, because the alternative is that they'll keep talking until they think you do agree with them.
Wait Ani are you talking about yourself because that sounds just like you?
No because I actually do know what I am talking about and I am right.
Meanwhile I sit here nodding my head when reading anything you post, Abdula.
I think you just proved my point.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
I'm still nodding, so you can stop preaching whenever.
Do what I do and tell them to mind their own fucking business. You'd be surprised how quick they shut their noise-holes.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
Yeah but you're not at the stage in your life where you have to make nice with people or things can get difficult, especially at work. When people reach middle-age, they think they know what's what, and they won't forgive anyone who tells them differently. It doesn't help that I look young, so they think they're helping me out by talking about life lessons that I already had and don't need any help with. Plus you're a big guy, so you can get away with being brazen. I have no such luck.
I had my wisdom teeth taken out and the drugs didn't help. :mad:
I had the same problem, except it was because my aggie orthodontist didn't wait for the drugs to kick in before operating. Then by the time he was finished, I had to stumble to the car because the drugs were then in full effect.
Btw, welcome back Jaitne.
I don't even remember how I got to the car >.> And all the pills made me sick, so I was incapacitated for an entire week.
Oh, and thank you! :D
Aye, welcome back!
I never got my wisdom teeth removed (I have no extra wisdom to spare). So, I have no idea of the bloody horrors...
Mine are all still idling around in me. We've got a mutual contract not to annoy each other. If they don't keep me happy, I'll show no mercy, and vice versa.
I've had teeth removed from the orthodontist though, and I was so glad the anesthetics were in full effect. The extracting wasn't painful, but you'd never want to hear the ear-splitting CRACK and the feeling of something wrenched from your jaw again.
Not to mention the needles. Sharp probing thing squirming around in your mouth.......argh.
I hate designing test cases for projects I was not required to attend to... just because the one that went is lazy I have to do them... send me to the damn meeting instead! so I can know what the fuck is the project about... so I can design the test cases...
The lazy woman who went to the meeting instead of me practically gave the work to do yesterday before I was leaving for home... and she wants it done for today at midday? screw it... I won't have it ready for then. She said she promised it would be done by that time? well to bad...
Why do you have to put up with it? You don't talk about her like she's your superior, though she may be, and it doesn't sound like it affects you greatly if it doesn't go well.
I'll be talking with the boss today actually... I'll be asking him to send me to the meetings (even though they bore me, but at least I will know what the heck it is about). For now, I'll just do the set, and if they are not okay, too bad...
and yes... she is not my superior...
Yeah but is she hot? You don't want to ruin your chances by not caving in to her requests.
dude... that is gross... really gross (you can imagine...)
Current bitching :
I was tasked to price out an additional ip address we need for a web site we're going to be hosting so i did and they told me I'd have to get 5 minimum and that it would be $10 a month... WOW, thats pretty cheap. I was expecting it to be alot more than $10.
but it could not be that easy... could it? of course not. got approval to buy them and then call today and apparently they have a policy about ip blocks and since we already have 5 we would have to get 13 total to get any more ips and in getting 13 more that means we'd have to change all of our current ip settings everywhere.
the 24 hour 'grace period' to make all of this happen seems very small and makes this into a huge pain in the ass.
I've been doing horribly in the gym lately. I started off a new routine this summer quite well, but I've regressed in a few areas. Today was chest day and I couldn't for the life of me lift the weight I had been doing weeks prior. I also ended up doing less reps as well.
Very disheartening. Something has to change.
If you don't have one, get a workout buddy. They'll motivate you and keep you going. Also, try wearing weight-lifting gloves. I hear they help you lift heavier than you thought you could. As always, diet and adequate sleep make a big difference.
Best bet is to make an enemy that you might have to fist fight. That will motivate you to work out harder.
Oh, I already go to the gym with a friend of mine every time and motivation isn't ever a problem with me. Your suggestion about sleep might be the problem here, since I haven't been getting much recently (a bitch all on its own). Insomnia is terrible.
I'm making good gains and improvements with all the other exercises, I just need to reconsider my approach to benching.
Mobile phone networks were blasted to oblivion from sunrise till sundown today. It covered the whole city plus all the surrounding suburbs and affected all carriers. Today I had to pick up someone from the airport as well as meeting up with a group of friends at "Entrance of X" where X has multiple entrances. Everything worked out I guess, despite wasting heaps of time.
I got semi-volunteered into setting up an ultra cheap piece of crap camera system. They are ''wireless'' except for their long power cords and their range is pretty bad... for some reason we ended up w\ this crappy set of cameras as a result of an impulse buy after our last attempted break-in at the office.
So basically we could have spent a few hours shopping around and bought some quality easy to set up ip-based cameras instead of the crap we have and it would have ended up being cheaper after yyou subtract the time i will have spent on them by the time i'm done.
i've already got a good 6 or more hours invested in tinkering w\ these cheap ass cameras ...
My dad bought some cheap DVD-Rs, and I've been burning stuff on them since a month or two ago. Now I find out that my burner doesn't like it, and about 1-5 chances, a disc's completely unusable. I've gotten into the habit of not verifying the stuff, and deleting after burning. Luckily there wasn't much anime I had to redownload.
Not getting this shoddy brand again. The innocent, white faces of these devils were really deceiving though.
What brand are they so we know what not to buy?
Buying the cheapest media is probably never the brightest of ideas. The bigger brands likely try to maintain some sort of consistent quality level but if you intend to buy a good chunk of decent disks for a decent price without wanting to pay extra for the name in the label, then the only wise choice is to buy only media based on the media code. I vaguely remember mentioning Video help here before, but let's say it again: It's a golden site for checking media codes before placing the order.
I have been lately buying consistently Verbatim media, whose media code I've checked every time before ordering (the web store I buy from lists media codes; I wouldn't buy from a shady shop that doesn't). It's good to keep in mind when shopping for these semi-quality brand media that the batch and the factory mean everything. Thus it's essential to check the media code and not just stare at the brand, because these companies get their media from factories here and there and then sell it under their name.
Pengou DVD suck ass. I was the first dvd brand my burner failed to make work.
Can't believe I missed this... I did not get my wisdom teeth removed either, but I did get 4 molar removed once (during high school... hmm... back in 1997),so they could fix my teeth...Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Two removed first week. Two removed the second week.The horror came when the third one was being removed and it cracked inside, leaving half of the root inside. The doctor had to work for an extra painful hour to fix it. I didn't care I was already 16... I was ready to cry damn it. It was freaking painful to be there, waiting for the damn root to be extracted... it did not compare to have the other 3 molar removed. Sad thing? When he finished taking it out... he still took out the last molar... OW!!! =(
I've thrown the wrapper away. All I can see on the discs are: RITEK INKJET WHITE 8X DVD-R 4.7GB/120MINQuote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
Oh, and did I mention that all 50 discs didn't even come with a spindle? It was all wrapped up with a bottom and top, but no spindle.
I went to that site, and searched for the term RITEK. It turns out a heap of media from varying brands have that word in their media code....does that mean RITEK is a supplier or something?Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
I had all four molars removed in one go for my treatment. I didn't mind it too much since there wasn't any pain involved with the tooth extraction. What I really REALLY hate is that rack that they put inside your mouth to keep it open and suck saliva out. The tubes that do the sucking are always jammed up against the underside of my mouth near the tongue. I almost cried there. It's that annoying/painful.Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
I've used Ritek DVD-Rs before, but I didn't have any problems with them. Early on when DVD-Rs first came out they were one of the cheaper options compared to the big name brands that were charging too much per DVD. Nowadays I stick to the major brands like TDK, and Verbatim. I wish blank dual-layer DVDs would get cheaper.
I guess it also depends on your burner. TDK has a good name in my books.I was going to get them, but they weren't on sale, so I looked around for a day or two more. During that time, my dad bought this. I guess I shouldn't bad mouth them too much, 2 stuff ups out of 10 isn't that bad. Just considering the track record of others, it's not that great neither.
What speed are you burning at? I always use slower speeds even though my burner and the disks are rated higher. I've had fewer coasters that way.
I've also had some Ritek DVDs in the past and the disks I got were very good ones. However, notice that the Ritek quality can vary from batch to batch, so check the media code, again, before getting any Ritek. Also, like you noticed yourself, Ritek media is sold under varying names.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
The media code actually looks always something like this: "MCC 03RG20"; that is, it's not just the name of the manufactorer but also some code for the batch/factory. If you enter this particular code at Video help and scroll down to Verbatim, you will see what kind of media I bought last time.
Well, anyway, you can use also a program like Nero InfoTool to get the media code from a disk you have already bought. You can do that with those current disks of yours and see what kind of feedback they have got from people. If it's all good, then maybe it's just your drive that's unluckily incompatible with your disks.
Edit: Like Ani, I always burn at a lower speed than my drive / disk max. In fact, I use only 8x speed. My drive max is 20x, I think...
Here's the link with the Media Code:
Mine's some forgotten brand with RITEKG05
Looks like I either got a bad combo of burner and media, or I picked something from the "mixed" bunch.
I always wondered why my burner always burns at 8x, even though the media is capable of higher. Nero InfoTool tells me my drive's max is 8x :(
I only buy MCC004 (Verbatim +R 16x) or TYG02 (Taiyo Yuden Premium -R 8x) when it comes to DVD disks. I haven't had problems with bad disks in the past, but these two are among the more reliable disks out there and I just feel more secure burning these. I always burn at 8x or 12x even though my burner is capable of 18x on the MCC004.
My bitch: new Office 2007 default fonts.
People everywhere use the default Calibri front that comes with Word 2007. I hate it. I always write everything in Times New Roman or Arial because that's how it has been ever since Word 95. Calibri is ugly and hard to read because it's anti-aliased. I like my fonts clear and crisp. It pisses me off when people send me documents and it's written in Calibri.
i love calibri, and cambria >_>, i especially hate times and verdana
Someone at work threw away my plastic sports bottle when they cleaned out the break room for the night. Why the fuck would you throw something like that away?? Have to go buy a new one now.
Wow, 100 pages and almost 2000 posts of bitching and whining.
That sucks Xan, but you can get those bottles for cheap anywhere. Plus they found that some of them contain carcinogenic plastics, so maybe someone just saved your life.
It will take me, at most, 20 minutes to go to HEB and buy a new one for about 2 dollars. But that's not the point. Motherfucker threw away my shit because he didn't know what else to do with it :mad:.
In offices with community refrigerators there's usually a sign up that says to label your stuff or it goes in the trash. Does your office have such a sign, or other such policy that you might have ignored to bring this trouble upon yourself?
Hmmm... this reminded me of my office.
Whenever I leave a plastic bottle on my desk, the cleaning personnel decide to clean my desk and throw them away. Always without fail.
For the last 3 weeks I've left a pen standing up... balanced on the flat tip, and it hasn't fallen once, which signals they have not cleaned in 3 weeks.
Thus... if I wish for them to clean, I must get an empty plastic bottle first.
I believe my company doesn't actually clean my office at all. I've never seen evidence that it's been vacuumed, ever.
I think they've been doing other offices, but skipping mine because it's a sysadmin office (and thus always dark, with cables and random old computers in various states of disassembly strewn about the place). But still!
I wouldn't mind if they vacuumed around that crap!
Is your office secured while other offices are not? We had that problem at my office since we had a lot of sensitive and expensive IT equipment unsecured, so we locked the office and the cleaning crew didn't have a key. We cleaned up the room ourselves as we could, but that meant no vacuuming or dusting for weeks at a time. I preferred it to thinking someone had been through my work area though. I'm territorial that way.
The company I work is about Telephony and Internet services (mind you... the internet is really bad...). So their 'IT' area is currently on a basement... no special security. Laptops have been stolen several times when the owners idiotically forgot to attach them to the security cables (whatever they are called), lock them up or take them home...
I always lock mine whenever I go out to lunch... people mock me (Process area), but whatever. Im not having that thing stolen from me...
This inconsiderate korean chick ashed her gigarette on me...twice and didnt say shit. I almost flipped my lid, and called her all kinds of names, cause she tried to pretend like she didn't do anything. I kind of wanted to throw water in her face...sadly this has happened before, and if it happens again, i may really flip out and curse someone out.
Maybe she was trying to flirt with you. More likely she was disrespecting you because you're "not from 'round here, are ya fellar?"
If anyone does that again, I'm throwing water on them.