Neji is too smart to die, he's a genius, he probably figured something out
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Neji is too smart to die, he's a genius, he probably figured something out
yes, they talked about it, he did figure something out, he used his chackra to avoid instant death and just go for fatal injury in order to finish the fight...
theyre dead too bad
why the hell would they make such a pretty death scene for chouji if he wasn't actually dead? That would piss me off.
Neji could be alive. Perhaps shino got back from the clan mission or hinata or some other hyuuga... you can never really tell...
maybe neji will be the cripple and lee will make jokes like: "hey! you should totally join the clergy, because your holy". or "Kidoumaru really did play with you. Alot. He even made new holes to play with" or "Knock Knock" "Whos There?" "I don't know! Lets look thru the peep hole!" ::looks thru neji:: "AAAH! IT's YOUR DAD!! HAAHAHA, just kidding"
No Spoilers. You've been warned.
GotWoot Moderator
hahah. owned. bitch.
thanks for catchin that, mod. I'd heart your cock, but your androgeny comes with the ambiguity, I guess.
I'd say their dead. Like they said, they aren't in the new opening. And cool as Neji is, we have another character in the series that has, or can have, all the same moves. So looks like the writer opted to keep Hinata.
I think that chouji and neji will survive, maby they will get some miracle medicins that the 5th hokage did.
i heard thet neji and rock lee are gone die later in the show, first i just thought it was a joke . But neji has been beat up by a spider guy and rock lee has to take his medicins. BTW: I like rock lee when he has drunk he fights MUCH better [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Oh please, they won't kill of Lee. He's like the most popular character on the show.
Alright. If you want the real answers, you can easily look up the manga or find a spoiler page. I haven't read the manga myself and don't want it spoiled, so this is my two cents.
Most happy-go-lucky animes are fairly linear. God knows how much anime I've seen. So based on all my previous knowledge of happy animes (and yes, Naruto is considered a happy anime) no main character is going to die. At least none of the good guys. Sure, y'all can argue my point with the Third Hokage, but I'll just respond with a big F.U. *<--note: I am not serious there* since he was old and had it a long time commin', and it's his duty to sacrifice his life for the village if need be to begin with. And Hayate (who died in episode 54...the examiner guy) was expendable. He wasn't really a main character at all.
Chouji and Neji still have incomplete goals, so they can't die. Even though I would personally like for Chouji to die, seeing how he just kicked that much ass and it would have been a suitable end for him (proving his worth in the end when everyone always thought of him as worthless, and him saving everyone regardless of their opinion of him), something will happen. Like, those Jounins who got their asses handed to him by Orochimaru's pawns will find him and heal him or something. You know...Genma and Shizune...y'all seem to have forgotten about them. (I'm referring to episode 110-111 *hour-special*) They'll probably find Neji too. He's the best in his clan. Why the hell would they kill him off? Doesn't make sense. Even if those exact events don't happen, something will. Like Chouji's butterflies fly him over to Konoha and they save him. Haha. Alright, I'm kidding. But something. Basically, he's just not going to die.
So there. I have logical reasoning behind my opinions. Argue with me if you will, but you know I'm probably right [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] (<--joke/sarcasm) But in all seriousness, this is kind of a lame topic to "argue opinions" about, because you can look up the manga and find the facts. It's just two kids fighting over the last two slices of pizza. They can both get one, so they just need to shut up and eat [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Kinda like me...I'm hungry now o_o
Oh, and there's no way in freaking HELL, they're killing Lee.
1. He's too popular a character
2. He's a main character
3. They just finished healing him
4. If Lee dies, that means that Gai is going to die. And they're NOT killing him off. He's Kakashi's rival for Chrissakes!
Use your brain and stop gobbling up any stupid rumor your dumb friend heard.
Maybe you should use your brain and learn to use the edit button instead of double posting.
Different topics, smart-ass.
Who gives a rat's ass? It's a whole one extra freaking post. God forbid.
And if you haven't noticed, Mr. 4154 Posts, I'm a n00b here. I don't spend my life in front of a forum board.
Apparently, I give a rat's ass whether or not you or anyone double posts. You don't have to make another post to talk about another topic, you discuss many points in one post. If you're a newb here, try observing more and notice what the posting trends are. You've been warned.
GotWoot Moderator
It doesn't take 4154 posts to read the rules...
the jounins (ie. genma and shizune) that you spoke of have appeared again more recently in the series. Remember the hospital scene where gai shows up to meet tsunade? the 2 guys in the beds that she was talking to were Genma and Raido.
@Terracosmo & GotWoot Moderator: Alright, point taken. My apologies. I'll try to keep from double posting in the future even if they're separate ideas. It's not like I'm trying to spam the boards here.
@AssertnFailure: You're right. I'd forgotten about that. But seeing how they're back to Konoha, and the 5th's a medic, she may have told some jounins about it and had them search for them. She couldn't send jounins right away because they were away on missions. But since at least a few are back, I'm sure there wouldn't be a problem sending a few out. But since they're behind, they may not catch up to say...Sasuke and Naruto, but there's a chance they'll run into Chouji or Neji since they were pretty far behind the others...assuming this all happens.
So unless I'm missing something else, my idea still kinda works out.
But when it comes down to it, I'm not saying that is what happens. It's just an idea. I just firmly believe they won't kill the characters off. How they get around it, at least to me, is fairly irrelevant.
just cuz neji and chouji aren't in the new intro doesnt mean anything
before shikamaru became a chunin he didn't have a chuunin jacket in the intro either - but once he became chunin they drew it in
What a wonderful arguement...Quote:
Originally posted by: nge484
Sure, y'all can argue my point with the Third Hokage, but I'll just respond with a big F.U.
You said it your self Chouji will have proved his worth, there are no more major goals of his we know about.Quote:
Chouji and Neji still have incomplete goals, so they can't die.
Simply declaring your self correct won't work in a real arguement, you need facts, not guessess(thats all you have at this point).
I don't have time to say anything more before class, so I will leave you at that, later.
I guess no one's picking up on my incredibly scarcastic tone towards this whole argument.
That "big F.U." was a joke and the actual reason why the Third is an exception is right after it. He knew he was old, he knew he wasn't as strong as he used to be, and it's his duty as the Hokage to protect his village, even if it costs him his life. Not to mention that his death made a great impact on the whole village giving every person in Konoha courage and strength. And if you think about it, no other major character has actually died. At least there are none that I can think of.
And yes, Chouji did prove his worth, which is why I want him to die. But he's proven it to how many people? 4? If he doesn't die, this gives him room to improve and he'll have the encouragement of those for to support him. He won't doubt himself anymore like you saw before this mission began where Shikamaru had to encourage him. This way, when he survives, he can prove it to everyone else.
And how many times have I said this is an idea? And me declaring myself correct was also a joke. I guess no ones catching these jokes and my sarcasm. You see, if I wanted facts, I'd read the manga. Which is what I'm telling all of you to do instead of arguing over opinions because there IS a correct answer out there. You just have to read a spoiler page or find some Naruto manga. If you wanna keep spouting out ideas, that's cool too. That's what I've been doing as of lately. Just don't whine and complain about an idea someone comes up with because they don't want to spoil it for themselves.
There's a reason why the moderator won't allow spoilers in this particular forum. And because of this, no one can support their idea/opinion with facts. So just state your idea and leave it at that , if anything. Add to an idea, make a point about someone elses' idea...whatever. Arguing in here is pretty pointless because arguments are based on facts. So if you want to argue with facts, go to a different forum. At least, that's the way I'm seeing it.
Am I making any sense here? Cuz I hope I am. I honestly don't know if I'm being clear enough or not.
And damn do I write a lot of big comments...
nge484, stop telling people what to do. If they want to argue why Kakashi's shit is more brown than Sakura's while using nothing but personal opinions as supports, let them.