dude... thats not funny... http://www.geocities.com/kemerek/DSCN0364.JPG it really hurts...
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dude... thats not funny... http://www.geocities.com/kemerek/DSCN0364.JPG it really hurts...
umm, can you host that at imageshack? Geocities is out of bandwidth.
He was giving me backsass!
I don't think Zabuza ever massacred anyone. I think maybe he wanted to make use of him 'cause of his Kekke Genkai (sp?). But really, who knows? I guess we'll have to wait....Quote:
Originally posted by: Stoopider
Perhaps Zabuza's the one that massacred his village? Thats why he's the only survivor of his tribe?
I'm soooo glad Zabuza makes an appearance though. I love that dude!
zabuza never masacerd anyone??? wtf, don't you remember what kakashi said about zabuza in the first series...
from the looks of it in preview kimi confronted zabuzza and i think the other guy is haku but u nevr see his face. I think kimi was lik trying to mug zabuzza or something... cuz kimi didnt really seem lik a shinobi more as a guy who can manipulate his bones... all his attacks are completely based on his bones unlike the other blood-line limits we've seen so far, they assist in battle they arnt the primary use of battle
did u all see garra use desert coffin in preview? i hope that doesnt mean he'll kill kimi with no effort...i wuz hoping this wud become a huge battle.
maybe he just took out an arm or something, like he did to lee
i'm pretty sure thats not the case since he broke lee's arm and leg bones severely but kimi cud jus replenish them...
i had a thought but it brings questions to my mind... can dessert coffin fail? lik can it not damage a person? because i've nevr seen it happen. I'm pretty sure garra's killed every person he used desert coffin on besides lee so far. (besides lee but gai saved him) I heard from manga readers that this fi ght wuz supposed to be super badass but it brings doubt to mind seeing how garra's ended almost all his fights with desert coffin.
ummm...no manga references in this thread?!
That's because he can't give out spoilers from the manga in this thread.
i kno but i wudnt have known he wuznt a manga reader if i didnt accidentally stumble into the manga fourm once and saw his name there. i wuz jus wondering if he wuz trying to act lik it or if he wuz acctually curious...i dunno doesnt it make u think lik hes not really into wat we're saying cuz he alrdy knos wat happens even t hough we're lik predicting off of the preivew.
why does it matter if im a manga reader or not, im just giving feedback based on peoples' observations
its not hard to take on the perspective of an anime viewer even if you've read the manga, you know
ok thx for feed bak [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img] (suddenly scared)Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
why does it matter if im a manga reader or not, im just giving feedback based on peoples' observations
its not hard to take on the perspective of an anime viewer even if you've read the manga, you know
you should be. bitch.
is EVERYBODY suddenly after me?
u can't talk about someone with sannin status like that and expect to get away with it, expecially not someone like assertn......ur just lucky u didn't say this in the irc channel [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
thats right, my boys got my back
lol sry >.<
I know what you mean. Just partition your mind and pretend you haven't seen it yet. Then spectulate what's going to happen.Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
why does it matter if im a manga reader or not, im just giving feedback based on peoples' observations
its not hard to take on the perspective of an anime viewer even if you've read the manga, you know
Or maybe I'm just crazy.
yeh i can understand that...i must've been high when i criticized assertn but it kinda seems lik lying to me but i dont wanna cause any more arguements... sry assertn and all who were offended wen i asked (not sure who else wud be offended but i thought i mind as well include that to avoid any more arguement)