RE: 30 Second Anime Review
well, here are my 2 cents on some not so known (yet no completly anonnmious) animes.
Kazemakaze Tsukikage Ran- a samurai lady runs into a chinese matrial artist, and for the next 13 eps they pretend to be funny with thier shitty drinking and eating habbits and after that they go a beat some evil\mafia\not nice guys to pulp without killing them ... it's a basic 'watch one ep, you watched them all' anime, the only half decent part is the fights, and they get old after the seconed episode, i would have even spoilered you about the anime, but i can't even do that, since the only plot movement occured in the last episode and nothing happend with it. No reason to put yourself through this torture,,, just move on to the next one on the list.
Dokkioda - A parody on 'idiot turns super hero' animes, or at least it tries to be: a robot girl came to earth and granted the idiot a suit which makes him a super hero, and he has to fight the super villians to prove his suit is supreme over the other super hero, problem is, that the company who employes them stuck them all at the same appartment building... dokkioda introduced a fairly decent cast of charecters (main idiot, little robot girl, cool hot neighbor super female hero, a mad scientist and an BDSM maniac) but fell too much into sad dramatic moments, i guess that some people might like this more than I did, but i don't really think anyone could really call this anime anything else than a 'pass the time activity'.
Rumic Theather - a rumiko takahashi (ranma 1/2, Inu yasah and the rest) collection of shorties, each episode has a diffrent story with diffrent charecters, it's mainly a look on the japanese society, once you get used to the style you'll really like it.
Mermaid's Forest (Rumic theather S2) - another rumiko takahashi work, this time she leaves the usual comedy\romance genre and goes to thirller\horror type of anime. the anime focues on yute, your usual immortal guy who dies 3 times each episode, and the newly immortal girl mana. in the 13 eps of the anime the story revolves in two forms, the first is yute's flashbacks from old days (the guy has been living for the past 500 years, so he's got some flashbacks to tell) and the second is the real time adventures of him and mana. both the parts are basically stories about other people who ate\tried eating\had a friend who ate the mermaid's flesh to gain immortality. the anime is quite good, and unlike most takahashi works, it has a good insight into the darker actions of the human race.
2 x 2 Shinobuden - it's a ninja anime! just not like naruto. the main charecters are Shinobu, a female ninja in trainning, Keade, her 'normal' female friend who is "more than a friend and less than a lover", and onsokumaru, the yellow ball of pervertedness... the three, along with the other ninjas in the clan (who all look the same and are called Sasuke) go through fan-serviced episodes which include almost every aspect of anime (hot springs, X-mas party, mushroom hunts, culture festival, annoying little girls) and makes sure to bash it to death with PG17 rated fan-service... the plot is kinda missing, and even though the anime actually makes fun of that, it still seems abit uncomplete to me... anyway, if you're up for fan-service, this is the anime for you.
Final approach - The typical 'girl falls in love with a girl and suddenly the rest of the world's female population followes' anime, this time the girl is a super rich girl who can do anything and has everything, and the boy is a orphen living alone with his sister and happens to have many female close friends and a wonderfully happy life. the show tries to switch between comedy, romance and angst, and since the anime ends pretty fast (13 eps of 10 mintues) they manage to pull it off without turnning the 'Haven't I seen this a million times before?' alarm on too many times... it's nice if you're in for a shortened version of a comedy romance anime, if not, try something else.
Cinderalla Boy: Ranma (a lupin the 3rd type of guy) and Reilla (rich blond snubby large breasted chick) are private detectives (does this sound like 'moonlight' american crap to anyone else?) and during one of their works, they fall into a tragic car accident and are suddenly sharing a body, which transforms every 24 hours (sunday it's Ranma's body and mind, and monday's it's Reilla's turn), so they have to found out what happened while taking on other jobs using the insuffisent menpower... if the story and name reminds you of Ranma 1/2, I have to warn that the two main charecters in this anime also don't interact with each other, which leaves us with a fairly intertainning (at least until the end) dull anime, get it the story intrigues you, but even if you decide to skip it, you won't miss anything.
and now, for the one positive anime review...
Narutaru (shadow Star): many people have called this anime a 'pokemon wannabe', i think each one and one of them should be punched in the guts twice, once for spreading shit about an anime without watching it, and once for not watching this anime. the story revolves around Shina, a 12 years old girl who lives with her father, during the summer vaction at her grandparents house, she find a cute starlike thing, which she immidiatly names 'Hoshimaru' (starson, in shitty english adaption), and apparently, Houshimaru has some realtionship to cretures called 'dragons' and other than looking extremly cute, it can fly and act as a medium as well. problem starts when we meet other 'dragon-holders', which most of them don't refer to their dragons as pets, and instead, they use them as machines to get thier not-so-holy objectives...usually, people at this point ot the review will think "so the girl has to stop them using her dragon, so it's basically pokemon", but that can't be further than the truth, Each one of the dragon users has a life story worth an anime of his own, and together they compose one of the best human 'villians' imaginable. the most amazing part of the anime, in my opinion, is how subtile the change is, at the first episode, you think it's a light hearted anime about cute creeters, but in the last episode, you suddenly scream in terror at the screen and pray that what you know is coming isn't coming...
RE: 30 Second Anime Review
Two anime that are very similar in ways.
Hikaru no go: THis anime is about a boy who throug the help of a ghost learns to play the game of go. This may not sound all that interesting but it is truly an amazing anime as you get involved with the main character and the relationships he has with others. Its all about wanting to be the best developing friendships and dealing with the ups and downs of compitition. If you like a good story you will like this one.
Cooking Master Boy: This is a chinese anime that was very enjoyable to watch. It is all about this boy who sets out to be the best chef in china. There is alot of comedy in this anime and if you like cooking you wil enjoy it when they talk about how they made this dish or that dish. Also this anime will make you hungry for chineses food so beware.
Sorry if i butchered the review for these anime, but they are both very enjoyable and Hikaru no Go es an amazing story, go watch them now.