damn i thought he was cool
damn the producers of the show... they are messed in the head.
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damn i thought he was cool
damn the producers of the show... they are messed in the head.
gotta watch out for the quiet ones.
I waited i thought we would discover rei was some way a girl. Maybe deeping her voice. What a fucking fruit cake. WOw.
wow..... rei................wow
no comment, since the producer is so messed up, they should kill off that prick shinn.
I always knew Rei was a girl and this ep just proved it. She prob just want's to sleep in her own bed for the night. And Mia(I don't wanna call her Meer,what kinda name is that) singing and dancing were just as funny this week as they were last week.
A girl? How is he having such a deep voice? Aren t grils supposed to have breast unless she is titless.
Surgery, Gene Alteration; You know how Coordinators like to do those kinds of things.Quote:
Originally posted by: kyubisrage
A girl? How is he having such a deep voice? Aren t grils supposed to have breast unless she is titless.
0_o is all i have to say about the whole rei-chairman situation....
but asuran seems to be taking after Kira in the pimping lol.
Yeah that Ray scene was a little disturbing. Mu La Flaga must be rolling in his grave(if he is really dead, heh). By the way, I don't think Ray is gay, but come on, its not like the Chairman was his father and they haven't seen each other in a decade or something.
Anyways, I think it was pretty much confirmed tonight that the Chairman wants Lacus Clyne dead-"Just wanted to talk to her about coming back to PLANT"... yeah sure you just want to talk with her. *winK wink*
lol they just make this chairman mroe and more shady, and give us less and less reason to trust him, but nothing beyond intuition to back it up----id say makes for a good char :-P keeps you guessing
I think that ep was funny ^^
a total out of the line Athrun not much more doing than studdering around (Uhm.. well... yeah... no... but.. uhm..) ^^ did you watch his eyes when the fake Lacus showed up and Dullindal explaind that they ALL are invited to stay, and that Meer and Athrun should have dinner together? He had to fight the tears! ^^
Although it becomes interesting now since Shinn seems to know Meer. But his reaction was funny when he put his hand in front of the mouth like "UGH a pink Ginn, i'm gonna.. *bluaaargh* "
BTW who thinks Arthur (yes our little wannabe XO ) deserves a punch? i sure do!
Another scene: Where Meer dances on the Ginns Hand and the pilot inside is swinging to the beat operating it. The my imagination went wild for a second to an alternation of that ep, where he pushes the wrong button: *SPLOOORTCH!* and the crowd screams LAAACUUUUUUSSS-SAAAMAAAAA! while her guts are spread over them.. gnahahaha
And about Dullindal and Rei: They are brothers. They have to be. That was the typical "I will do everything for my brother! Nii-san loves me! I have to be good so nii-san will notice and respect me! YAY Nii-san is speaking about me! NII SAAAAAN! *hug* "
Anything else would be plain... weird.. and.. disturbed.. but they could turn out to be something like "bright and dark side of a coin" if you know what i mean. Dullindal plotting and deceiving like nothing, Rei, the goodhearted young man blindly following him till he discovers truth and so on..
Man i should apply for the job a s a Gundam series storywriter...
lol I had a WTF all over my face when Rey had that scene. For several reasons. First he called Gilbert "Gil", second... the blushing chins. And third... the jump?!!!
OMG... well, not bad. I love Rey as a character regardless of his apparent love for Gilbert, but I was really surprised.
Haine Westenfluss looks pretty cool so far. Shinn was a lot more polite for once. Good.
Meer's boobs have a life of their own. Teehee.
Anyone caught Shinn's face when Meer and Athrun was gonna go for dinner? Looked hilarious for some reason...
great ep this certainly brought the show back up fomr last weeks ep.
some moments i was ready to puke tho. first the pink zaku, its just disgusting. then theres arthur who seems to have the mental age of a 12 year old chick. and meer when she ran in the corridor screaming in the end.
asuran pimping as always "lets go over here" and then leading meyrin there. lunamaria got pissed quite a few times. and the expressions when dulinandal told asuran and meer that they could have dinner, shinn was like "wtf?" lunamaria was like "im going to kill that bitch" and asuran was just his normal "oh my god please no". noticed how asurans face suddenly became twice as long, haha that expression was priceless.
shinn acutally being polite for once and haine seems to be pretty badass, i think he knows about meer to. it was interesting how dulinandal explain the whole war industry thing to.
i seem to be the only one thats not suprised by rey's love for "gil". remember the very first ep when dulinandal walked through the factory grounds and rey saw him? he got one of those i love you expressions right there. but i have to say that this butchered his character quite a bit.
well we are not really surprised for rey's "love" for gilbert... what surprised me was the fruit reaction he had... that's what takes the cake...
I wonder if anyone picked up on either of the times that Athuran inadvertently called out Mia's name. Obviously Dullindal covered it up quickly the second time, but one would think that one of the people standing right next to him would be curious.
Mainly, I just felt like saying I'm looking forward to episode 21. The Preview for 20 didn't look that good. It focus' WAY too much on Shinn and the way Shinn thinks. I'll still watch it, but I'm not waiting impatiently for that episode.
hahah well im waiting impatiently for eps 22-23. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
and this episode was ok. another stupid meer on prozzak, and some other stuff.
funny how all these girls are going after athrun. haha.. wonder if kira will steal any again, just like how he stole enough girls in GS.
I guess it was ok. The first 3/4 of 19 annoyed me. Mainly it was because my exectations were high. With the title Unseen truths I expected something new. Everything they discussed was obvious stuff. The name and/or term Logos was teh only thing worth anything.
The only part of the episode that I felt was worth the time to watch (again just feeling the disappointment for missed expectations) was at the end when Dulindall asked about the Archangel. First the look on Dulindall's face was rather telling. Also when Athuran suddenly feeling the need cut himself off when he mentioned Kira's name.
Okay well first of all I think you guys are getting waaay too dramatic over this Rei thing. In the first couple episodes when Rei, Dullindal and Neo were all around eachother there was tons of little flashy newtype(not to be confused with the coordinator thing cause thats the seed) things going off. So maybe Rei and Dullindal were really close friends or maybe they're cousins....yea you get the point they're closely related(maybe not through family) and they also both have some type of relationship with Neo.
Secondly, for the love of god, during Gundam SEED there was a terrible group of fan-subbers that butchered the names of almost all characters. I watched this sub, then later reading a magazine called Newtype, which basically covers all things anime here and Japan, they did a piece on Gundam SEED with the CORRECT names. Currently, Animeone is using the correct names so since thats what everyone watches could we please use those names.
Athrun is not: Asuran, Athuran, whatever the correct spelling is A-T-H-R-U-N.
Cagalli is not: Kagalli, Cagari, Kagari. The correct spelling is C-A-G-A-L-L-I
Right now there are two names in Destiny that have been annoying me as well;
As far as I know Rei is the correct one, not Rey. And Meer(where the fuck did you get that?) is Mia.
....meh great episode, Rei's still badass. I guess according to you guys the only way someone can be badass in an anime is if they show no emotions.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img]