i think the word is prejedice
racism is just about culture and people im not sure
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i think the word is prejedice
racism is just about culture and people im not sure
As Itachi above said, racism is against cultures, religions, races, etc. If you hate jews just 'cause they are jews, that's racism. If you hate the Dutch (like Basey does - jk), you are racist.
So yeah, I'm predjucied against goody-two-shoes, they annoy me in the same bad grammar does. But I'm afraid that's not racism.
Idiots who think they're cool and show off in front of their friends by just making a freakin racket
I think you're dumb.Quote:
Originally posted by: turkish-shikamaru
k now u are ageanst racism BUT u say that sex is a good thing and u say that u don't like idIots that keep there virginity till marage..Quote:
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
As all people here, racism.
People who believe they are all good and nice and "no, I can't get mad because I'm a good person".
Idiots who believe sex is evil and should be done only in marriage and as little as possible.
Girls who scold me for reading/watching porn.
Yaoi fangirls.
Ok, so I watch yaoi as well, I read yaoi/shounen ai manga, but I can't stand it when they just force yaoi into a non-yaoi show. A la Sasuke/Naruto/Neji/Gaara stuff. Jesus, I want to brick them.
so actually ure a bit racist 2 that's what i think...
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
actually the things that annoy me the most are
1) arrogance
2) guys who bail on their friends to be with their girlfriends
almost...racisim is being prejudice against a certain race/ethnicity, jewdaism (sp?) is not a race, its a religion. therefore if you hate all jews you are prejudice against them, not racist.Quote:
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
As Itachi above said, racism is against cultures, religions, races, etc. If you hate jews just 'cause they are jews, that's racism. If you hate the Dutch (like Basey does - jk), you are racist.
basey_69 for hating dutch people [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: basey_69
intolerance of other peoples culture
the dutch
[img][/img] wait for it, i know its coming...
people that rat others out for something those people didn't even do.
fucking rat.
Damn straight bitch.
ugly ass chicks that think they can be import models....
number 2 for me on that one as well. theres this guy who ditched poker night for his gf, gave us an excuse" i have to study" when he was talking to gf on the phone for hours. we raided his house afterwards at 1amQuote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
actually the things that annoy me the most are
1) arrogance
2) guys who bail on their friends to be with their girlfriends
xD sameQuote:
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
people that rat others out for something those people didn't even do.
fucking rat.
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
Yaoi fangirls.
Ok, so I watch yaoi as well, I read yaoi/shounen ai manga, but I can't stand it when they just force yaoi into a non-yaoi show. A la Sasuke/Naruto/Neji/Gaara stuff. Jesus, I want to brick them.
To brick them would be an all too nice fate, however.
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
1) arrogance
2) guys who bail on their friends to be with their girlfriends
All about being with the girl when everything's going well but always come crawling back to your buddies when shit hits the fan. My cousin would ditch his friends and myself constantly to spend time with his gf.. any wonder he wasn't invited to our mutual friend's wedding?
Anyway.. shit that annoys me... bandwagoning, asskissing, sensationalism.
edit: Not Lockean sensationalism.
1) Girls that think they're all that.
2) Eating and suddenly someone call.
3) Watching a movie and the phone just ring.
4) Error while copying to a dvd-r/cd-r.
5) Guys who think they can get any girls they want.
when its too hot.
when its too cold.
fat ppl that dont have the decency to cover up(mostly fat girls that wear minimal tops and skirts and shit god i hate that.)
fjortisar(far to annoying. somebody shoot them please.)
wannabe "hip hoppers" or whatever you call them, i mean the kind of guys that think they're black and just cause of that they can do whatever they want.
your regular jock, i mean fine you are playing some sport but just cause of that you're not all that. annoying grrr.
undisciplined/spoiled brats.
old ladies that think they're in their 20's coloring their hair, wearing stylish clothes and all. i mean dress your age damn is it that hard?
teenage moms, i mean buy a fucking condom and its no excuse that you were drinking bitch.
i guess thats it for today, ill post more some other time.
Going to the movies and someone using their phone/palm/i-pod/shiny device in the middle of the film
Guys who ain't that good looking but believe themselves to be gods
Guys who are good-looking, now it, and believe themselves too good for anyone but Cindy Crawford and/or their hand
Chihuahua dogs
wow i have never met a guy that think hes too good for any girl, oh yea except a friend of mine.. but he is damn stupid, there arent many like him....
Girls that post pictures of themselves on the Internet in which their faces aren't showing. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]