RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
But it's a big possiblity Naruto would end up like One Piece if it goes onto something like the foxbox...I can imagine crappy dubbing and totally changed dialouge and names...and if One Piece is poorly marketed, wouldn't be suprised if the same happened to Naruto, like I said One Piece is really big in Japan and has a lot of marketable items to go with it, but it ended up not doing well in the exact same thing can happen to Naruto. And as for the reference to a card game, even though Naruto has one, it's not based on it...and Inuyasha had a card game too, which was released in US too.
I think even if it is a niche programming, AS gets really good ratings, from what I have read, and with the new programs it puts on, it gets even highter, so I don't see it being that bad if they put it on AS..I mean when you think about it Inuyasha will eventually end it's run on AS...would have to replace it...Naruto is another popular anime that could. (-_- though just dvd would be better).
Plus when you think about it, Naruto is a top selling manga in the US, so even if they were to air it on AS, people that read it and find out it was beng aired on there are likely to watch it on there, and of course, buy the DVDs.
And anyways, just because the anime is marketable, dosn't mean that it would in the US or would end up being a very big success. And I think the question of marketing the anime in terms of merchandice is going to highly depend on who liscences the anime.
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
K what noob deleted my post??
Anyways this thread is bad luck.
What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
hmm didnt realise Kenshin made USA tv, after all i'm not there [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
this is just a guess but i think america is too far into the trading card animes at this point (as aus is), bent on making money off people throwing cards around all episode (whats a better marketing system then showing them what each card should be able to do if you were skitzophrenic)
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
well since wb owns cartoon could show the shitty cut eps on the wb saturday morning lineup for the little kids, then show the uncut episodes on cartoon network adult swim for the older people, that way can get both audiences.
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
That's probably the best idea.
Isn't that what they did with dragon ball z ? I think what they used to do was show the episodes on the weekedays then on friday or saturday night they would show all of those weeks episodes uncut in a two and half hour programming block.
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
yeah..sharingan-kakashi, you do have a good point. Since Naruto most likely will end up on tv anyways, and if the company that gets it wants a lot of exposure, they could do that, and at least satisfy more viewers targeting a younger and older audience -.-
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
hmm.. best way to get a dub is to make the scenes as realistic as possible.. if the character get stabbed, stab the voice actor..
that'll fix those un-enthusiastic morons [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] XD
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
Ah crap the apocolypse has come, apparently naruto has finally been licensed unless this rumor turns out to be a giant joke.
What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
I would like to mention Pokemon did not start of on day time television.
it first started on UPN early in the morning at 7 it was not licenced by the WB Untill the characters got the cruise ship after fighting the surge guy. which im guessing was around episode what 12 or 20 something.
Whatever, iI would just make sure that no stupid names are used like Doppleganger technique for narutos kage Bunshin, and things like that.
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
Umm, anyone know why the article at says that Naruto takes place in Konohagakure and not Konoha. Because I have an urge to shoot the person who typed that.
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
People who are trying to license Japanese animes are retards... since they cant even translate Konoha right.. what gives them the right to ruin a perfectly fine anime.. *sigh*..
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
maybe they should hire people from the fansub community who are actual fans of it.
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
Dosen't the toonami programming block only run once a week on saturday's? Yesh talk about product suicide. Naruto should be shown during the afternoon like dragonball z was so many years ago. The toonami block has all kinds of anime but they never get an audience because they progress very slowly with only one new episode each week.
Mostly they either get cancelled and disappear of they never get a firm time slot. Poor naruto deserves better.
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
yeah Toonami is on Saturday 7-11pm. But as for 1 episode a well...just have to live with it just like the Japanese do, 1 episode a week. I think what is bothersome is that usually they play a certain amount of episodes, then repeat while they dub more, play some new ones, and then repeat all of those again... you know , if you were following the show on tv, it would get troublesome to get into it, only to find out the next week that it will be repeated for who knows how long till a certain number of new episodes show up.
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
That may be true but for something like naruto it's usually better to have a large amount of initial episodes airing within close proximity of one another. Lets be frank, the first few episodes of naruto really suck. If I were watching it for the first time the first episode would intrigue me but after seeing the second and third one I would probably hate it and never want to see it again. Things don't get interesting until the bell excersise and even then you hate all the main characters because they don't seem to be able to do anything that's particularly interesting.
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
Yeah, if they DO make a decision based only of the first few weeks, we can be sure Naruto will be on Adult swim. *Shudders at Groove Adventure Rave dub*
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
Well, unless they play episodes back to back, only 1 episode a week, and I do agree, people might not get that into it from the beginning, but never know. And just because it does bad, dosn't exactly mean that it would move to Adult Swim, it would move there if they found that the demographic of the people watching were older..then there might be a possability, but, like I said, kids would have to hate Naruto. Don't really think they would since I am sure a lot of the people that read the US shonen jump and buy the english Naruto manga want to watch the anime.
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
Heres my way of doing it:
Great dubbing, keeping it as original as possible, = great audiance, kids will watch it anyway.. they watch family guy... they coudl definatly watch anruto unedited.
RE: What would you do to guide naruto to successful in the U.S
buy the subbed things from aone (LOL) and then saying those things in english [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]