give me some manga
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give me some manga
Here are more Bud
Bowling King- funny as hell and the bowling games are pretty good but the best thing is that main characther is soo funny.
Beck- much much better than the anime
Shura No Mon- better fights than Shura No Toki
Midori No Hibi
getting Shura no Mon right now... ive wanted to get it since i started Shura no Toki anime
The art isnt all that great cause the manga is pretty old but he does alot more moves than the three mutsus in Shura No Toki.
hakeem... any chance you can hook me up with Shura no Mon, or do you know a direct download site..
and you asses, keep recommending
I can hook you up no problem just pm your mail adress and i send it to you.
everything at Omanga.net