ANyone enjoyed the new ending?
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ANyone enjoyed the new ending? rendered me speechless.
edit: jusdaman, i don't mean the new ending, i mean the episode....the ending was not even noticed....I was still in shock from the ending.
LOL, I actually believed you until you made that edit, the ep was good, and that 128 hands of hakke was insane, oh well two down two to go(Im not counting the second head)
I think it's 64 tenketsu not 64 hits literally.Quote:
Originally posted by: Bakko
I hope Chouji's not dead. I want to see Ino freak out when she see's him skinny.Quote:
Originally posted by: z0diac
bottom line - Choji might be dead but there is hope for Neji!
When the episode first started, the panning and little detailed animations where horrible looking. Then when I saw the fighting I realized where their animation budget went. Those were some sweet moves by Neji. I'm glad he isn't so cocky anymore.
Question about the point hitting. I always thought they added up, since you hear the individual hits.
So 64 point wouldn't be 64 hits, would it?
2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 = 126 hits
Then 128 hits would be:
2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 + 128 = 254 hits
This would make sense of Aeon saying there are 361 chakra points and the 64 hit wouldn't fully be enough. Just the amount to hinder movement.
I dunno, the way they animate these things can be a little faulty.
EDIT: People never use Bunshin no Jutsu anymore. Neji could have won without dying.
dam and i tought that i would the frist one to said that the mark had 2 dissaerp [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Pretty cool episode. Since 2 eps already had 2 "presumed deaths", Kiba will probably receive one as well, leaving Naruto and Shikamaru the two known survivors. I was never a Neji fan so I'm glad that he might be dead.
Fighting 2 people?Quote:
why the hell would he bother learning that??? if the 64 hands of hakke is enough to wipe out a person's chakra system, then what is the practicality of learning 128?
Anyway, this fight was fantastic. As you may know I'm not the biggest Neji fan but I really liked this battle. And the animation was great(there was even some CGI in there), except for the couple of shots of Neji where he looked like he had down syndrome.
The 128 thing was just done fantastic. I loved how it would show him moving at normal speed with everything else seeming frozen in time and then it would switch to what the other guy sees and Neji is just a blur.
As far as the dying, I might have believed that Chouji had died, but now that they are making a habit of them seeming to die I don't think ANY of them will actually be dead, cause they aren't going to kill off all the other gennins in the show. And if one of them is gonna survive seeming to die, they probably both/all will.
New ending isn't that good but its better than the last one.
Ah, what a refreshing episode to start back on Naruto with [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] (Haven't watched it since that crap Tea Country filler)
I dunno about some people, but Animation was great, the tactics, although sketchy in some parts, were sound, and i guess Neji was too weak or did not have enough chakra to do a Kaiten by the time spider guy was shooting his killer arrows. Besides, how would he know when to do a Kaiten if the guy shoots in his blind spot? So spreading his chakra out was the best strategy.
Anyways, anyone notice the similarities between the red head girl and cagalli from gundam seed? Aside from the voices, they also swear as much as each other too lol.
This ep was great,44 min with Neji kicking ass or getting his ass kicked is nice[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
another emotional scene.
The ending was so sad. Hope Neji doesn't die. -_-;
Hmm I just rewatched the preview for 118. It doesn't actually show this happening, but it seems to me like Naruto mastered to use rasengan without shadow clones. It shows him thrusting it DBZ style (two-handed Kamehameha style)
One thing that made no sense the whole ep that nobody seemed to post was how the heck did Kido get away from Neji in the first place. One second he's infront of Neji and the next he's in the tree's. Even Neji was like wtf.
Maybe he used a technique that creates a mirror image of himself. He set the mirror image then transformed into a fly or something and flew away.
wow Neji was awesome, 128 hands of hakke is a new one. At least we get to see everyone shine. So next is kiba going against Sakon probably. And finally we probably will have Shikarmaru going against Tayuya. I hope all the Genin Survive though.
i hated Neji but now i gained mucho respect for him. i doubt any of them will die, it just makes it seem more dramatic if they all survive with the reactions from Tsunade seeing them all alive with sasuke and finding out they killed the sound four. killing one or two off would seem reasonable, but at this rate they all will die off except naruto and shikamaru most likely, and i think shikamaru suks. If Neji dies, u kno damn well Kiba is dying.
question: next episode is airing next thursday?
To be fair, I don't expect any of the Sound Four to be dead either.
OMFG! BEST EPISODE VAERUIJAUIEJVEERRRRRRRR it had it all... and screw all you "animation sucks!" people, who the fuck cares about that. Manuscript, pacing, everything was just top-notch. I screamed and cried during this episode and the 40 minutes passed almost as quickly as saying "Terra is sexy". Bloody awesome!
Oh and the part with Akamaru at the beginning was funny.
New ending was good... for a Naruto song. Which doesn't say much at all since almost all have sucked hairy ass.
Hard to believe that Neji is weak against far distance attack. If Neji is weak against far distance then that mean his entire clan( don't remember the name) weak against it too.
yea but if there are more than 1 fighting im pretty sure they'll cover each other's back if the other cant see cuz of the blind spot