The thing is, when you spend that much money you better be prepared for the worst scenario. Wonder if he'll kill himself if he screwed himself over.Quote:
Originally posted by: Samanosuke
it was a good move if he can pull it off.
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The thing is, when you spend that much money you better be prepared for the worst scenario. Wonder if he'll kill himself if he screwed himself over.Quote:
Originally posted by: Samanosuke
it was a good move if he can pull it off.
Hehe well 26,500 isnt that much to kill yourself over.
rofl guess we know xollence is rich.
i think if he has many like that to invest it would make more since to invest it in something real, like real property, not a friggin island in a video game.
dude, 26,500 is enuogh to buy a frickin car! wut he spent his money on isnt even real!! XD haha
a car? wtf? its enough to buy a fucking expensive car. its easy enough to kill yourself over, i mean the guy probly got the money from a loan.
its seriously not that much, it doesnt even take a year to make that for the average person in america.
but anyway, its a pretty solid investment, since people are retarded and like to spend money on dumb things like that.
its not a solid investment at all. if all the servers went down and the game has to be restarted what the hell would the fucker do then? or if someone hacked into the server or into his computer and stole his game account. 26500 is a lot of money, if you dont think so then you must not have bills to pay or youre an idiot, yes its what someone will make in a year, but with all the bills you have to pay its not like you actually see that kind of money.
dude wtf? you lose a years pay and your almost literally down and fucking out. most poeple dont spend a years pay on there car.
considering most ppl who play MMORPGS are in still in skool, 26 grand is a hell of a lot of money. especially if ur in college and ur not majoring in say... business? i dont see how that much money can be nothing. sure americans tend to make that much in a year, but thats for ppl with stable jobs. if the guy's still in college and wut SK says actually happens, he might jus kill himself. or break the bad news to his parents.
"mom, dad, i kinda spent my tuition fee on a computer generated piece of property and..."
I didn't say it wasn't a lot of money, just not enough that the guy would go and kill himself over. I doubt he got a loan to buy that, most likely he had the money available to invest. I don't think you can even get a loan for that.
Hehe chambers you'd be surprised. All these people down here spend every single paycheck to hook their car up, I don't see the point since they don't even race.
dude, stfu chambers you dont know shit - your 14.
i dont know how you morons think somebody who just spent 26 grand is gonna lose his shit by a server crash or hacker.
thats idiotic
the whole fuckin game would have to go down for good.
go kill yourselfs now, because at some point in your lifes your gonna be out 26 grand.
26 grand would be a year's salary if you work at mcdonald's, maybe.
but i dont get why none of you would consider the fact that the guy could be at least 30 years old.
there are people in the world who can afford to invest 26 grand into something without tangible form
yea, like those guys who have to wear suits to work, u know the people im talking about [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
samonosuke im 21 you stupid piece of shit get it right. i never said he coudl have lost the money form a server crash or anythign like that. i said if they guy loses 26k in all likley hood hell be out on his fucking ass. thats UNDER the average wage of an american (37k) but so what, are you so fuckign dense you cant grasp the idea that people have bills? i know your only 12 or some shit and live in your mothers basement and obvioulsy dont have any bills to pay or anythign like that, so you more than likley dont understand that idea that in 99% of peoples lives almost there entire paycheck will go on bills and food. people dont just have 26k lying around. depending on wher ehe lived 26k coudl be as much as 1/10 of the price of this guys house (assuming he even has a house) if thats the case and he got a loan to pay for this (yes its plausable, banks will give you a loan for almost anything these days if you can show a proper business plan on how your going to put this money to work for you) then hes FUCKED. its going to take him the best part of a year to recoup this money, in wich time what? the bill collectors are going to go away?
your seriously fucking dense if you believe that.
EDIT: yeah as this game seems to be based a lot on the idea of real money then there must be some sort of protection in place to avoid such things. ive never heard of this game before tho so who knows.....
yeah im guessing the guy must be rich, which is why im wondering why he wouldent invest into something real instead. ive known people in other mmorpg's who got their accounts stolen then sold on ebay and they couldent get it back, tell me why that cant happen to this guy?
that would mean that 1 out of every 100 people DO end up with more money than they spend.Quote:
Originally posted by: chambers
you more than likley dont understand that idea that in 99% of peoples lives almost there entire paycheck will go on bills and food.
and it only takes a ratio of 1 out of every 1000000 to find some guy who is willing to buy a plot of land in an MMORPG
Chambers obviously a lot of people DO have 26 grand lying around. I play a lot of MMORPG games and I've never experienced a server going down and erasing all of the data. MMORPGs usually back up their shit every night.
jesus christ chambers use periods every now an then.
but anyway, if 99% of your money goes to bills all the time, then you dont know how to spend your money. 26 grand isnt much. youre a douche bag and retarded. and i still think your 14.
you can think what you want, but because your so fucking dense it doesnt matter either way. 26 grand is a lot of money, if it wasnt youd see every person driving round in BMW's and porches. but they dont.
oh and i used plenty of periods, but maybe your the retarded one who cant see them? if you meant paragraphis fair enough (although my post didnt need paragraphs apart from where i already put them). if your moaning because i used commas well then maybe you shoudl learn what a comma is and that when and where i used them they are OK. you really need to get off your high horse.
no need for flames friends. you are wrong, 26,0000 dollars is a lot of money, if someone makes 60,000 a year, its not as if they will actually see 60,000 dollars. lets say you make 5000 a month at 1250 a week, 400 for groceries, 500 for car payment, 200 for insurance, 100 for gas, 900 for rent, 100 for utilities, 50 for internet, 50 for cable, 200 for a credit card, plus taxes and any other loans or other bills you might have. and 60,000 a year is good money. (i live in boston, usa, if you live anywhere else or in europe its different for you)