I'm all for light sabers!!!!
This was a good episode even if it didn't have alot of action, can't wait for the next one.
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I'm all for light sabers!!!!
This was a good episode even if it didn't have alot of action, can't wait for the next one.
its just that them being trapped and them escaping had no week long cliffhanger involved
i think people wouldve appreciated it more if they dragged it on for 2 eps [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
im surprised nobody has said anything about sakon's second head yet
That's what i was gonna comment on. Guh, circus-maximus over there, freakin the shit outta me.
Im Just curious how a head threw kunais. There must be an explanation, but it just further illustartes the perversions that Orochimaru creates with his men, and his jutsus.
Also, for the page one tits, listen to Terracosmo. It was such a great episode.
I always liked Chouji, and felt that he was never given enough credit. Shikamaru believed in him, though, and the bond the two have is truly starting to show. Chouji was the only one who figured out Shikamaru's plan ^^
I can't wait to see him fight with his new jutsu!
Yea, about that guys second head.. Could someone explain to me what happened there? His second head moved! First, how come that jerk wasn't frozen like he should be. Second, didn't those kunais come from behind Shika...or did I not understand the angle?
I'm gunna guess that it will be explained soon...Quote:
Originally posted by: scarfacejq
Yea, about that guys second head.. Could someone explain to me what happened there? His second head moved! First, how come that jerk wasn't frozen like he should be. Second, didn't those kunais come from behind Shika...or did I not understand the angle?
I thought it got kind of medicore with how long it was drawn out, I wanna see them fight already. =)
yep, the kunai did come from behind. That a cheap moved, its didn't required any hand seal.
Watch the episode again, carefully- you'll see exactly what the guy was doing Right after the big guy does the stone prison and the episode title fades.
Its a far shot showing the whole group- look closely and you see what his teqnique is exaclty.
I'm not sure, but I guess his ability would qualify as a blood line limit, as no one outside his family could pull it off the same, or so it appears.
As far as filler goes, this was far from it. It foreshadows allot, and highlights Shikamrus leadership and tactical skills. Not to mention Choji gets to show his worth and power some more. As far as everyone believing Shika was betraying them, it was meant to seam that way. I think the only one really fooled by it was naruto.
Can't wait for the next episode- hope they animate it above average- the story really calls for it.
This episode was not worth one week's wait. I was really surprised Naruto didn't use rasengan as soon as they got trapped, but only attempted to use it when he's completely out of chakra.
im surprised that no one has commented that Sasuke appears to have a 3rd pupil in the intro... based on the position of the other 2....
. ___
./ ..@ \
| .0 ....| <-- what we are used to seeing
/ ..@.\
| .0 ..| <-- what we see now
\_ @/
(its shitty but u get the idea)
OK, Thanks for the hint Crowskill, on second examination the anime CLEARLY shows that his little back buddy (can I call him that?) had gone missing before the kunais were thrown from behind. I totally missed that the first time through.
Maybe its like a puppet thing...
wrong. the positions of the two commas have always been changing.Quote:
Originally posted by: Cal_kashi
im surprised that no one has commented that Sasuke appears to have a 3rd pupil in the intro... based on the position of the other 2....
. ___
./ ..@ \
| .0 ....| <-- what we are used to seeing
/ ..@.\
| .0 ..| <-- what we see now
\_ @/
(its shitty but u get the idea)
i just watched the part where they just got trapped in the dirt. Right after the title screen, it seems like Sakun's "other half" reconnected itself to his normal half. It appears Sakun's back half can split off from his main body.
After seeing Sakun split into two, I know he has to fight Neji now. And it was cool seeing Chouji perform meat tank again.
he coulndt use rangsan b/c the big fool was asorbing the chakra and he even said i cant use rangsan while hes doings this bla bla b/c it takes concentration to do it etc rewatch the partQuote:
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
This episode was not worth one week's wait. I was really surprised Naruto didn't use rasengan as soon as they got trapped, but only attempted to use it when he's completely out of chakra.
That wasn't my point. My point is why did he only attempt to use it at the end, instead of right away?
In order for the Rasengan to be perfect, Naruto needs to concentrate. Kiba and Akamaru were using their Mimicry Technique + Tsuga so it would be impossible for Naruto to concentrate on the rotation of his chakra and start forming it.
it wouldn't have mattered whether or not naruto attempted the rasengan in the beginning or at the end. it would've had the same result.Quote:
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
That wasn't my point. My point is why did he only attempt to use it at the end, instead of right away?
NM, btw, that's the worst explanation for why naruto didn't bust out the rasengan earlier.
I agree with Mut@t@. Regardless of when Naruto pulled out the Rasengan, it would've been drained away.
This is a good episode (not as good as most great ones) since I thought this was gonna be action-packed. Well, let's hope it'll be like this for next week, hehe.
the pupils do move(but not relative to each other),ie. they have always been directly oppossed, in the intro they are no longer directly opposed.Quote:
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
wrong. the positions of the two commas have always been changing.
think of basic chem, how electrons fill in the valence shell in such a way that there is always a maximum distance between them.
i tried to look for it, but i can't see anyhitng.....its possible that foreshadowing, as alot of stuff in the intro is, and its also possible u have no clue what ur talking about.
we'll just have to wait and see.....but i dont see sasuke getting a third dot anytime soon. maybe he'll get a temp dot due to the power boost from the curse seal or something