Here can you find chaps to 46
and here 47,48,49
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Here can you find chaps to 46
and here 47,48,49
thanks, i couldnt find chaps 43-46 so i really appreciate the links
anyone kno wut day of the week deathnote usually comes out? i hav all the chapters, i jus wana kno wen in case i fall behind
okay i just read this, and its freaking awesome!
doesn't beat gantz though,
but its not ur average manga. damn
GANTZ is great but i like this more,which chapter are you on?
EDIT: DN chap 50 is out!!
someone gave a link to dowload Gantz earlier but the link doesn't work. Help a brother out.
DN 51 is out, go get it and be amazed.
anyway, i just noticed it now, but the chapters are called pages (page 1 = chapter 1, page 51= chapter 51), is it to indicate that DN is going to run for 60 chapters, the same amount of pages in a death note?
Nah it will go longer than 60 chapters cause just because its called pages instead of chapters doesnt mean it will end at 60. Also the story so far showes that a lot more is coming.
hey how'd raito gonna get the deathnote back if he sed he forfeited it? doesnt that mean ryuuku took it back to the other world?
can someone provide a link to download chap 51, either bt or direct download?
(unless its only out on irc right now)
oigh oigh, looks like it might jus be comin to a close... at least til raito gets the deathnote back O.O
I wouldnt know about that since DN is pretty unpredictable we cant really know what will happen next. Atleast the fool will go down....
Chapter 53 is finally out, I won't spoil what happens but..... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif[/img]
this book rocks da house!
ok i cought up to chaperter 53 of death note... pretty good series... this manga is full of psycho's...
but too bad the latest scans were pretty bad... i hope another group releases better quality
edit: btw....[W,tF. 54 is out
now i should be ahead of you guys [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Omg I didnt know you guys knew about that manga, but anyways i just started reading it, if you dont want to download it go to its a good website, where you can just browse through it instead of downloading it
Thanks for the paulboy but i prefer my reading with my manga viewer.
Also i cant wait for chap 55 ,how things will turn out for Light.
chapters 55 and 56 have been released...
i don't have a link with me at the moment
edit... found it here
Thanks for the link bud
Two chapters of DN at the same was a nice suprise.