sound kinda serious. How much is the fine?
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sound kinda serious. How much is the fine?
No clue, just letting you all know. Do what you want with this information, I could care less, just letting you know what happened.
maybe someone has said this but i accidently skipped reading it, but heres what i think. his school ratted him out. the feds werent on him, the school told them he was downloading stuff. most schools with a large computer network usually have some kind of software to watch what everyone is doing on the computers. they have something like that at my school. it'll recording your every action and the network administrator will know if you're doing something wrong. the school didnt want to be responsible for his downloads and so they told the feds he was downloading it saying "this is our policy, he should've known better blah blah blah" and put all the blame on him so the school comes out clean free and leaves your friend with all this crap to deal with.
Yeah, ok. The federal government definitely cares about what some jerkoff downloads at his university. [img]i/expressions/rolleye.gif[/img]
By the way, Jon, your "friend" is stretching the truth a little.
well thats funny.....i guess the $500 per hour lawyer that was co-teaching my class on this topic must've been wrong thenQuote:
Originally posted by: woofcat
Incorrect. The RIAA has not legal grounds other than a request. They are not tied into any goverment agency. Also I was saying about the "Renameing" and the moveing of the files on the Hard Disk. If it is a private computer they have no grounds to veiw its contents.
Of course the RIAA has legal grounds to request information about users from the ISP - the legal grounds being that courts have ordered so in the past, thus setting a precedent.
No he was not stretching the truth, I just read the letter he was given. Go to, .com, something like that. He was downloading games but I know a quite a few of you download more than just anime.
my old high school had a system where they could literally take control of your computer and look at what you were doing from another computer. once i was in the library and i was reading RPGWorld and suddenly the mouse moved and scrolled up and down the page, probably a librarian in another room looking at what i was doing.
im 100% sure it was the school who ratted him out.
No it was not the school it was the ESA. They patrol all the major bit torrent sites watching what everyone downloads and all that type of things. It is all on their website
why didnt you say that in the first place?
Because I didn't know which organization it was in the first place, didn't really know much about any of what was happening. The ESA website will explain it all though.
Dude what is ESA and where is the website
I got one of those letters a year ago. I just ignored it and nothing ever happened. A lot of my friends got them too for using p2p. There are just way too many people getting these letters, I doubt they'll try to do anything other than just scare you with the letter.
yea, but its good to take the necessary precautions