its all about Trigun - H.T.
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its all about Trigun - H.T.
Well, I haven't seen that much anime. I've been watching Bleach, Naruto, and Tenjou Tenge, and I only started to watch FMA.
For me, I guess my favorite songs have to be:
Asian Kung-Fu Generation - Haruka Kanata, Riraito (yeah, I know Riraito is later on in FMA, but my friend sent it to me, knowing how big I was in AKFG)
Flow - GO!!!
Akeboshi (I think that's his name) - Wind
Those are my favorite. I guess the Bleach op/en are pretty decent, as well as TT op. The rest, meh, not enough recognition by me, hehe.
Logos Naki World from the Hellsing OST
Gits Gig 1 - Inner Universe, Velveteen
Gits Gig 2 - Rise
Gits 1 - Main theme
Elfen Lied - Lilium
Gantz - Super Shooter
Shingetsutan Tsukihime - opening theme (whatever its called)
X TV - Sadame, Sadame (piano version)
*Takes deep breath*
Gundam Seed - Believe
Gundam Seed - Realize
Gundam Seed - Anna no issho datta no ni
Gundam Seed Destiny - Reason
Gundam Wing - Rhythm Emotion
G Gundam - Trust You Forever
V Gundam - Stand up to the Victory
Gundam F91 - Eternal Wind
Turn A Gundam - Moon
Gundam X - Dreams
Gundam X - Resolution
Ranma 1/2 - Little Date
Dragonball Z - Cha-la Head-cha-la
Slayers Next - Give a Reason
Slayers Try - Breeze
Fullmetal Alchemist - Undo
Fullmetal Alchemist - Rewrite
One Piece - Believe
One Piece - Hikari e
One Piece - Glory ~ Kimi ga Iruka
Rurouni Kenshin - 1/3 no Junjou na Kanjou
Inu-Yasha - Change the World
Inu-Yasha - Shinjitsu no Uta
Inu-Yasha - Grip
X-TV - eX Dream
And lots lots more. But that should keep you occupied for a while.
For the sake of my childhood, the spanish remake of Saint Seya, and Pegasus Fantasy too.
My always favorite for a while have been
Nichiyoubi no Taiyou - Narutaru, THE NEUTRAL
Hateshinaku Tooi Sora ni - Kyou Kara Maou!, THE STAND UP
Sutekina Shiawase, see above
Ima Made Nandomo - Naruto
Asterisk - Bleach
Life is like a Boat - Bleach
The entire Wolf's Rain soundtrack, even though they don't sing in japanese
Reason d'trois - Chobits
Itsumo Nando Demo - Spirited Away
And the entire GRAVITATION soundtrack. If you haven't seen the anime because of the homosexuality, give the music a try - some songs are just wow.
There are more, but I have to go =P
New World - .hack//twilight
Bomb Da Head - Tenjou Tenge
Life is like a Boat - Bleach
Forever Love - X
Blue - Cowboy Bebop
Messaiah - Angel Sanctuary
Gessekai - Night Walker
The Light Before We Land - Gunslinger Girl
Run Rabbbit Junk - GitSSAC
Inner Universe - GitSSAC
Rise - GitsSAC
Obsession - .hack//sign
I Want to be your Number One - Martian Successor Nadesico
Sugar Baby Love - A Little Snow Fairy Sugar
Full Moon Light - Devil Hunter Yohko
Be Your Girl - Elfen Lied
Mitsu - Mezzo DSA
Kiseki no Umi - Record of Lodoss War TV
Houseki - Le Portrait de Petite Cossette
Ready Steady Go - Fullmetal Alchemist
Loosey - Bakuretsu Tenshi
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
*Takes deep breath*
Gundam Seed - Believe
Gundam Seed - Realize
Gundam Seed - Anna no issho datta no ni
Gundam Seed Destiny - Reason
Gundam Wing - Rhythm Emotion
G Gundam - Trust You Forever
V Gundam - Stand up to the Victory
Gundam F91 - Eternal Wind
Turn A Gundam - Moon
Gundam X - Dreams
Gundam X - Resolution
Ranma 1/2 - Little Date
Dragonball Z - Cha-la Head-cha-la
Slayers Next - Give a Reason
Slayers Try - Breeze
Fullmetal Alchemist - Undo
Fullmetal Alchemist - Rewrite
One Piece - Believe
One Piece - Hikari e
One Piece - Glory ~ Kimi ga Iruka
Rurouni Kenshin - 1/3 no Junjou na Kanjou
Inu-Yasha - Change the World
Inu-Yasha - Shinjitsu no Uta
Inu-Yasha - Grip
X-TV - eX Dream
And lots lots more. But that should keep you occupied for a while.
Ill post my list later, but terra if you like Change the world, then you should love Brand new world(it was made by V6 also(the same people that did C.t.W))
do any anybody like the Full Moon Endling Song? I'm only saying this cuz a friend of mine is crazy about it, and yes she's a girl.
hikaru004 ^^ I liked Missiah from Angel Sanctuary too.
And animefreak, I like all of the Fullmoon wo sagashite songs.
Rewrite by AKFG FMA
everything by Fat Jon + Nujabe SC
Who Am I by Peace Orchestra Animatrix
Big Wednesday by Free Land Animatrix
the only anime song you really need is samurai deeper kyo opening i have forgot the name but i think it is believe or something like that.
FLCL's closing
I really like the last opening from fullmetal alchemist which i think was also an opening for naruto. I also really like the ending from naruto thats done in english and there is a butterfly in the animation. I don't know what either of these songs are called but I like both alot. Also the new opening and ending of naruto seems too retro for my likeing. Reminds me of the 60's hippie music, just too wierd.
of course all the full moon wo sagashite songs (including the themes)
but my favorite is Fuhen by Rin (ending song for samurai 7)
It wasn't the same song but it's from the same band. The're called Asian Kung-Fu Generation.Quote:
Originally posted by: Foomanchew24
I really like the last opening from fullmetal alchemist which i think was also an opening for naruto.
Their songs:
FMA OP 4: Rewrite
Naruto OP 2: Haruka Kanata
EDIT: The opening of Otaku no Video rocks. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Hybrid Rainbow- Furi Kuri
Song of Four Seasons- Samurai Champloo
Naruto - Haruka Kanata, Kanashimi wo Yasashi sa Ni, GO!, Strong and Strike, Go Go Naruto!
Cowboy Bebop - The Real Folk Blues, The Egg and I
Elfen Lied - Be your Girl
Rockman - Begin the Try (Rockman.EXE), Two Futures (Rockman.EXE Axess)
Viewtiful Joe - Brighter Side
Gundam Seed - Invoke, Believe, Realize, Moment
Ok I change mine to FMA's first opening, the one with the really catchy tune.