hehe ok thanx! hm...lately these past few days not much has been released...in terms of episodes of series...generally...
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hehe ok thanx! hm...lately these past few days not much has been released...in terms of episodes of series...generally...
episode 8 is out...
Episode 9 is out!
Do you mean its only Irc release after episode 9? I have downloaded the first episodes from Tokyotosho.com.Here is a directlink: http://www.tokyotosho.com/search.php if the link dont work,just search for Genshiken.But who said its only irc release? is it after episode 9? I thought they had only 9 episodes out.
Edit: Sorry disregard this post then,I posted this as a reply to the posts on page one,didnt check page 2.
Genshiken has been licenced! can't believe it. And anime-faith stopped subbing the series.
Does anybody know other groups that are working on genshiken? where could i get the latest release or the episode 12 or the its final episode?
episode 12 is the final episode and a-faith released it....
they stopped doing Kubijiki Unbalaced though... 1 episode released
Does it really end just after 12 eps?
Well, Anime-Faith released episode 12 not too long ago, and that was the final episode, so they did finish it, but the files have been removed since it was lisenced
apparently yes... i havent watched the episodes so i wouldnt know about how it endedQuote:
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
Does it really end just after 12 eps?
yeah, it does end on the 12th episode.
is there another season? cause that wasnt really a ending
Well..I didn't expect it to be long, it wasn't like there was a hard core story to it , but as far as there being more episodes, as far as I know that was the end of it. There has been no news saying there would be more than just the 12 episodes.
Genshiken Season 2 Announced (2006-01-12 21:42:13)
Media Factory announced at Comiket 69 that a second season of Genshiken will premiere in October. Thanks to Ian for this item. Source: Heissei [ discuss (4 posts) ]
Awesome. This is my favorite comedy series.
whats this series about im interested.
It's about an anime nerd club.
Finally decided to watch the last 4 episodes... Fun stuff... I wish the anime had some sort of story, some sort of real plot...
Glad there's gonna be a second season...
just picked this up when I saw the thread come up... pretty good stuff really. now that i know there will be a season 2, well that's a good thing...
one thing though... what's the difference between Genshiken in kanji or in hiragana? (why does that make it shady?)
When does that happen, in the last episode when they are thinking on how to name their stand?
Or in what episode?
Yeap... talking about the last episode...