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id love to take credit for the list but i cant. some other genius thought of it. i just borrowed it.
Then It's still a great thing to share the info [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
yea...u do sound like a guy. But u don't have to act like one. Act like a girl and defend for girls right!!!! Stand up don't give up the fight.Quote:
Originally posted by: Eurasian
sure i'll act like a guy if u want...i'll just add "shit" or "fuck" or "ass" in all my posts. and i'll go on irc and make random stories of me and girl.
it's pretty funny...i don't know if i should be happy reading this or not. "If you think you're fat, you probably are." That's so fucking (do i sound like a guy now?) mean.
what has our world come to... that's what i wanna ask when i see this thread.... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img]
Alright! I will!! but sometimes, some of the guys here r just ruthless...but u know what...i will!!Quote:
Originally posted by: animefreak
yea...u do sound like a guy. But u don't have to act like one. Act like a girl and defend for girls right!!!! Stand up don't give up the fight.Quote:
Originally posted by: Eurasian
sure i'll act like a guy if u want...i'll just add "shit" or "fuck" or "ass" in all my posts. and i'll go on irc and make random stories of me and girl.
it's pretty funny...i don't know if i should be happy reading this or not. "If you think you're fat, you probably are." That's so fucking (do i sound like a guy now?) mean.
Don't ask us, YOU'RE the female. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: miaka
what has our world come to... that's what i wanna ask when i see this thread.... [img][/img]
okay... if you want me to answer.. i think world is almost getting close to an end.....
lol at miaka.
i have to agree with miaka on that
when you say will, u mean you want to act like a guy or a girl?Quote:
Originally posted by: Eurasian
Alright! I will!! but sometimes, some of the guys here r just ruthless...but u know what...i will!!Quote:
Originally posted by: animefreak
yea...u do sound like a guy. But u don't have to act like one. Act like a girl and defend for girls right!!!! Stand up don't give up the fight.Quote:
Originally posted by: Eurasian
sure i'll act like a guy if u want...i'll just add "shit" or "fuck" or "ass" in all my posts. and i'll go on irc and make random stories of me and girl.
it's pretty funny...i don't know if i should be happy reading this or not. "If you think you're fat, you probably are." That's so fucking (do i sound like a guy now?) mean.
Act like a girl and defend for girls <- i think she means she will do this..
Yeah, I hear it was going to end last thursday. But it never did. :/Quote:
Originally posted by: miaka
okay... if you want me to answer.. i think world is almost getting close to an end.....
yea, let hope she mean that. But seeing her icon as a guy which is not a good sign.Quote:
Originally posted by: miaka
Act like a girl and defend for girls <- i think she means she will do this..
what the...does my ava HAVE to be a girl??? animefreak...u shoulda stopped after that first post.
Hey, i think we all just did. This is a argument between girls and guys anyway, But i support the girls in this one, is wouldn't be nice if the girl would turn out to be like a guy, Girls u have my support. Hey what u know this remind me of Tenshi na konamaiki.
I think they want Eurasian to become Megumi. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] i will unleash the fury of AoF= Angel of Fury too all of you sexist ppl [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif[/img]
Perhaps when I was younger... well only by about 2-3 years... I would have taken part in this conversation. In terms of taking sides I mean. I think its a bit immature to belittle women or men by giving in to the so called characteristics each are said to posses by society. I know you guys are just kidding, and I hope, maybe in vain, that I'm not seen as a kill joy. I just felt like saying what I thought though.
I think this divide of the sexes debate is childish, does not exist, and is simply banter, perhaps even a kind of courtship, that people may engage in. I think people should be judged by the concepts they carry, their thoughts and their ideas. This way it free's a person from any kind of sexist, patriotic, nationalistic bonds that may hold them back.
Sorry if I kind of broke the momentum of this thread. Just had to get that off my chest.
DB_Hunter, how old are you?