mass hype? i started this tread cause i hadnt heard of it till yesterday...
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mass hype? i started this tread cause i hadnt heard of it till yesterday...
hmm... i guess that depends on individual preference...Quote:
Originally posted by: PossiblE
I agree with Knives on this one... this game is already getting mass hype, and you are going to be letdown. A third person shooter can't really compare to an RPG.
No one said it was going to be better than the RPG, but as a fan off FF7, itself, the story line and EVERYTHING ABOUT FF7, I wanna play this really bad.
We don't need FF sequels to be RPGS. If they're trying something new (like, say, direct sequels), then they might as well go all new (like, say, third person shooter).
Although I fail to see why they would make an optional character from the original game the main character of the sequel. </boggle>
Well, I'm sure it'll make sense . . . eventually . . . more than likely . . . unless it turns out anything at all like FFX-2. If that happens, then I'm afraid suicide is our only option. =P
wasnt vincents girlfriend the birth mother of sephiroth? did that make vinvent the father? its been a long time scince i played FF7 and an even longer time scince i botherd to entre THAT cave. the guy with the blue hari looks totally badass so what are the odds on him being the main bad guy......pretty high id say!
I haven't played in awhile, but as I recall, the girlfriend is indeed Sephy's birth mother, and the "father" is Jenova.
I thought Hojo was Sephiroths father...doesn't he reveal that at the end?
Yes, Hojo is Sephiroth's father. He mentions that when he takes over the Mako Cannon I think it was called. I think that was also the place where you get Barret's ultimate weapon.
OH yeah! Thanks, that's what I get for trying to remember a game from 3 years ago. ^_^;;
thats 7 years for me =PQuote:
Originally posted by: Shippou-sama
OH yeah! Thanks, that's what I get for trying to remember a game from 3 years ago. ^_^;;
Yes, but I played it once . . . and didn't care . . . still don't like it . . .
Although I usually say "Oh yeah, it was great!" Because most people can't take criticism. -_-;;
On a sidenote, good memory . . . cuz yeah, if you were remembering exact order of details from 7 years ago, you either were too obsessed for your own good, or you have a freakishly good memory. =P