why are people so retarded that they cant drink water when they diet. dieting is for fuckwits anyway. jst dont get fat in the first place, its really not hard.
and its not what you eat that makes you in shape, its exercise.
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why are people so retarded that they cant drink water when they diet. dieting is for fuckwits anyway. jst dont get fat in the first place, its really not hard.
and its not what you eat that makes you in shape, its exercise.
i've never understood why ppl order a burger with fries and everyhting, and then get a diet coke with it......how fucking retarded can u get.
like having 100 less calories will make up for the 5000 you just consumed with the meal.
as for losing weight, its really not that hard...u just need will power. back during highschool, when i was on the wrestling team, we would train hardcore for regionals, and i remember i would lose 5-6 pounds in just over a week.....ofcourse, soon as we weighed in, i would gain those 5-6 pounds back in about 3 hours [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
they're all bad for you, i hope you all burn your throats from acid [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
anyways, i was kidding. but still, drink tea or milk, or just water. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
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