i want to kill you. how am i supposed to get a hold of my weekly naruto if you bring it to the states and lisence it? there arent just americans at these forums moron stop thinking about yourself and think of others for a change.
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i want to kill you. how am i supposed to get a hold of my weekly naruto if you bring it to the states and lisence it? there arent just americans at these forums moron stop thinking about yourself and think of others for a change.
Getting your naruto fix won't be a problem if you are a contributar towards this project. You will have enough money to send a personal assistant to Japan purchase new chapters of the Naruto manga and translate them to you. Hell you could even have Kishimoto shipped over to your house and have him locked up in the basement and only feed him after he's drawn a new naruto chapter. Ah the possibilities.
i really hope you're not serious with this. i hope you're just joking. cause it will never happen altho you could try.
It's a joke. Naruto doesn't have great story telling what the fuck are you saying, try and watch animes like Fullmetal Alchemist, and then talk about great story telling.
I think it's possible. As long as we can get our sponsors right. We won't make much money though, but we would be able to get our nifty project on the run.
I'm not too sure, how it goes in US. But here in Malaysia, we get lots of sponsors to air our show. Just like Nissan sponsors our 'Survivor' series. And Toyota sponsors our 'The Amazing Race' series. Because for the fact that ppl watch the show like mad.
So if we can somehow get sponsors to fund us, we can do it rather cheaply or still make money out of it.
Maybe get McD's, MnM's and some other foodstuff junkfood company to sponsor us? Because kids love eating these. And kids love Naruto!
My ass Naruto dosen't have good story telling. If it dosen't have some sort of storyline that you enjoy to some extent why do you watch it. Why are you even here? I mean common look at the forums naruto is so damn big that there are not one or two BUT THREE FORUMS just to accomodate everyone. Thats bigger then any of the other gotwoot forums. Hell who ever the hell controls this site should just bite the bullet and make this a full fledged naruto site since no one seems to take part in any of the other content offered.
sorry man i already tried this, i called up good ole kishimoto and after bout half an hour of chatting i offered him bout 25 bucks for the license, he said he would go no lower than 82.50 so sorry folks i couldnt help ya out [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
I doubt anyone here could do much better anyway. The companies that license anime normally have tons of money, but don't want to spend it all. We would have very little money to work with in comparison and even if we spent it all in the end we could maybe afford the same voice actors, but probably worse. This is assuming that we can even get enough money to license it, and convince them that a company they never heard of, who just formed out of the idea of a bunch of anime fans is a wise investment. You have a better chance of waiting for another company to license it and hope they put some effort into it... besides isn't it better not to have your friends trying to kill you for screwing up their favorite anime? ^^;;
You guys keep dreaming... I'll stick to the fansubs for now thank you.