kakashi is NOT a Uchiha clan member.
and i am correct on his eye. that he can;t put it away like an Uchiha clan member.
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kakashi is NOT a Uchiha clan member.
and i am correct on his eye. that he can;t put it away like an Uchiha clan member.
ummmm....this whole thread is a joke Natural Cause...
.......umm...... Natural Cause....... you're not getting this, are you?
Aite i have to say this.... just so i can get a laugh when i am corrected
Itachi is actucally an It... wouldn't you be really pissed off if u had neither balls nor overies... He took it out on the clan cause of it
Sasuke is actucally straight and the girl he likes is moegi... Looks like konohamaru and udon got some competition going on there.
Naruto Knows how to do chidori but dosn't want to because he figured out rasengan is a more effective way of killing
Kakashi left alittle hatake in a uchiha slut therefore later on killing his own son for sharingan
wow natural cause really is slow, HAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA
you got to be kidding me. natural cause dont you get this thread is a joke
guys, you're all wrong. natural cause is obviously tricking us by posting as if he was completely serious in his responses to kenshiro's sarcastic thread. can't you guys see it?
words are not coming out...i'm so speechless. is he serious???
*cries with laugher* Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner!
i can't believe it. lol
i think we just have to nominate him for n00b survivor(or is he already nominated?) seriously tho when does it start?
Kakashi's Sharingan must be some kind of Orochimaru's experiments, otherwise, why would Kakashi know and remember Orochimaru from before? They must have met before, but why?... And Orochimaru always wanted to get the power of Sharingan on his hands, i mean, his eyes... lol
jeez, somebody nominate me for survivor.
And nominate Sekiho too.
His posting contradicts itself so much without him realizing, it's inflicting physical pain.
ohh come on its his first post.
Sekihos post i mean
Damn, this thread is overkill.