Originally posted by: Aeon
Each team has a top fighter(Sasuke, Shino, Chouji), smart person (Sakura, Hinata, Ino) and slacker(Naruto, Shikamaru, Kiba). I dunno if Ino is the brains of the team or if she is the fighter since she was the top female student. And pffft to ever said Sasuke was stronger then Neji.
Oh I'm sorry. Did I insult your precious Neji? Well maybe if you were watching the same show as me we could agree. I hate Sasuke so i'm not saying any of this because I like him but Sasuke is better than Neji, not by much but he is. 1) He has Sharingan, providing him insight and he can slow movements down so that he can react better. 2) His speed is equal to Lee's which is WAY faster than Neji's speed. I'm not sure if its with Lee's his weights on or off but I think with them off. 3) His ninjutsu skills are the best of all the 12 popular konoha gennins. 4) His intelegence is either higher or somewhat close to neji's. 5) His Taijutsu is one of the best with Lee being 1st Neji being 2nd and Sasuke being 3rd. 6) Chidori....do I even have to comment on that?