RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person
Well, telling or showing Oro that he is an Uchiha would be the dumbest thing Kabuto could do. He will get overtaken and that is definately not in his interests.
I don't like the idea of Kabuto being an Uchiha, though the plot if he were one could be nice. Kill Oro in order to gain the mangekyou [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
3rd mangekyou sharingan person
kabuto isnt from konoha, he was only raised in konoha.
ruled out.
RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person
kabuto doesn't have black hair!! bad evidence to base it on but that's why i think kabuto isn't an uchiha. then ppl start saying kabuto isn't from konoha...yah, that's a better reason.
is this 3rd person alive or dead?? if he is alive, OMG! the story just gets better and better. maybe this 3rd person can start teaching sasuke or something.
RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person
i dont think its all that good with a third uchiha showing up it will drag more heat away from naruto and to sasuke. we need some akatsuki in the story now and even more of naruto after this arc.
RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person
What we need is a time jump, and with this they can put the story into a "Ive been fighting the Akatsuki arc" that probably wont work, but man can dream
RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person
RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person
RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person
terra is obsessed..... i dont think thats healthy.
RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person
Neiji's dead, next time you see him will be at his funeral. Third Uchiha better be stronger than Itachi, or else he's pretty much a waste.
RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person
RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person
neji can't die. he's a changed man. he has a new life to live! FREE FROM FATE!!!! i hope chouji isn't dead either.
yah, i think i would like to see more akatsuki. intro to the rest of the memebers. yeah, i do wanna see that.
3rd mangekyou sharingan person
i'm wondering about the 'handle' word... doesn't that mean being able to stand against it (like how kakashi thought he could handle it) rathter then being able to use it? another Uchiha running around would take even more spotlight from Naruto\Sakura\Neji\[any other intersting charecter] and force us into another 2 months flashback of some random shit....
bahha, just show us Akatsuki again, i want to see Kisame slashing someone....
Edit: I know that i wrote Sakura as intersting charecter, i'm completly aware that it's 100% crap, plz don't bother about it...
RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person
I truly hope Chouji isn't dead, he just fainted from the pills he used. I hope
RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person
Chouji has to be dead, he took the pills knowing that he'll die... if he just wakes up and says 'well, that was a good nap' then people will be seirously pissed...
Neji still has a chance to be alive, becuase he fainted while he stiil had the will to live on.
RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person
I'll lose all hope with the Naruto series if Chouji survives. They even used the butterfly effect!!
But the main reason is of course not me being biased regarding Neji. My reason is that Neji actually has fans. And, the results of their respective fights were very different in such that Chouji hit his peak as a character, while Neji only overcame his blind spot.
RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person
noooooooo make chouji survive he looked so badass when he blocked jiroubous punch when he had eaten the third pill at least give him one more badass moment!!! i dont want him to die kill off neji instead. neji sucks!
RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person
Baah, I hope Neji dies instead of Chouji ! Chouji 4ever. ^__^
RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person
Neji will not die! Let chouji die, and Neji live!
You all know Hinata's sister(?). Why would she be introduced if the series won't have a timeleap? It can't be for the dramatic effect, o wow Neji is stronger then Hinata. Everyone knew that.
Anyway.... as for the topic:
I seriously hope that the 3rd mangekyu user is female. The lack of strong females is just seriously boring....
Or is everyone just scared to see a boy lose to a girl? .. Maybe the creators...
RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person
agreed neji is godly. cant be dead!!!
RE: 3rd mangekyou sharingan person