Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
Im gonna start training Kickboxing for the purpose of keeping my body in a good shape and after that im gonna start learning thai boxning cause i like how they use thier elbows and knees.
Akido,i have seen it discovary channel,its pretty cool.
why don't you go straight to muay thai, it's going to be a real pain in the ass if you go from kick boxing to muay thai. There's a different stance, and a different way to set your feet when you kick. My brother did exactly what you did, and it took him a while to adjust. I went straight to muay thai so it wasn't a problem for me. One piece of advice though, don't push yourself too hard when you're just starting, as your body might not be ready for it yet. When I started, it was a friday and I went all out. I couldn't move for the whole weekend after training.