if you cant wait joust dowload it by some other group....
I say the more they ask the more they wait....
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if you cant wait joust dowload it by some other group....
I say the more they ask the more they wait....
Read closer, lordks lol. He wasn't asking them to hurry up nor complaining about how long it takes.
I don't think we should be jumping down someone's throat when they're offering to help. Anyone with a working knowledge of the english language can at very least help proofread, which is always nice.
I understand the knee-jerk reaction to people complaining, since AA do all this for free, but at least this guy's being constructive.
Aiyah! People calm down! I'm only stating the obviouvs and I wish to help out in some way thats why I made this topic, you all are seem to forget the fact that I am also a fan of Anbu's subbing and i wasn't demeaning them in any way. I don't understand why people get so touchy about stating the obivous and another thing.... I really do wish to help I have no clue why everyone is flaming me. If you were as dedicated to Anbu as I am then you would also try to help them in some way so plese stop the flaming here.
lol its a he lol..... cant stop laughing
Originally posted by: SaSuKeRuLeS
Aiyah! People calm down! I'm only stating the obviouvs and I wish to help out in some way thats why I made this topic, you all are seem to forget the fact that I am also a fan of Anbu's subbing and i wasn't demeaning them in any way. I don't understand why people get so touchy about stating the obivous and another thing.... I really do wish to help I have no clue why everyone is flaming me. If you were as dedicated to Anbu as I am then you would also try to help them in some way so plese stop the flaming here.
Yeah, you right. He just opend a topic to dicuss the matter, not dishonor Anbu&Anime1.
Ya know why they take long? It's because they take the time to sub the intro's and outro's with the bouncy words. They'd be done a lot quicker if they didn't waste their time traslating the words that change every 20 episodes. I mean really what's the use of singing alone with the words?
IF I'm right... and I don't really think I am... I think they only do the karaoke thing ONCE, on the ep where it debuts, than they just cut and paste the same one onto each ep as they come out untill the new intro/outro.
Again, I don't know if thats how they do that..... and if it isn't... they should cause it would save time!
Heh, anywho.... ANBU/AONE rock, but I like my speedy subs.
I just save ANBU/AONE when they come out, cause I like to keep highquality over the speedsubs.
Quality takes time, so just wait for it. I'm sure A/A has plenty of staff.
anyone else get teh feeling this topic should be closed now?
theres really no point to debating quality over speed....and i've seen like 15 posts saying the same thing (namely "get teh speedy release and then get teh AA release). i think we all get teh message.
lets focus on whats important.....tsunade's boobs ( o )V( o ) [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
ps: SaSuKeRuLeS, sorry about that [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img].....didn't think tehre were any sasuke fanboys on gw.
yeah, i was gonna say....the people who complain about people who point out delays can be worse than the people who complain ABOUT the delays themselves
he was trying to be constructive with his post.....geez you guys
anyway, i think they have a very thorough system set up, and throwing several more people into the mix would would probably throw things off and end up with something that might possibly be a sooner release, but very possibly a lower quality
lol Sasuke fanboys but anyhow i like kurenais boobs better!!! Yes and please someone lock this thread.
Done. Thread locked.
SasukeRules, I don't know if you read my post, but you are welcome to go on the IRC channel and see about becoming part of AA if you're truly interested, I know they are always looking for people with skills.