After that last crappy episode I am almost happy. Maybe if they wait a week they can find a way to make the next few episodes better then the last few. They sucked.
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After that last crappy episode I am almost happy. Maybe if they wait a week they can find a way to make the next few episodes better then the last few. They sucked.
Ya, I was just watching the ending recently(I usualy don't) and felt that it didn't really work anymore and that we needed a new one. Yay! =)Quote:
Originally posted by: hopeknight
Well, according to, the next episode that airs on the 7th will also debut a new song, I'm not sure if it's a new opening or ending. My guess is it's an ending theme, it's way too early to switch openings.
Wow, damn.
maybe the week delay is to ensure a high level of quality form the animation of some awesome episope long scrap? remember how BAD naruto vs kiba was? its my opinion they sacrificed the quality of that fight to improve the lee v gaara fight wich looks outstanding IMO.
hmmm, good no naruto next week. i hope they put more holes like that. better with breaks than filler eps once the anime catches up to the manga.
interesting.. my bday is also the 7th...... how old r u?Quote:
Originally posted by: gaaralovessand
the show usually airs on tuesday, right? why is it airing on July 7th (my b-day btw), which is wednesday?
That, for *some* reason, sounds completely irrelevant.
Always airs wednesday.
sry i didn't read most of the post but i heard new opening on episode 90. dunno if this is true.
too bad there is no new naruto for me its one of the few series that i watch that comes out on a regular basis besides full metal alchemist, for some reason every thing else i watch takes longer for the subbers to sub. I'm not complain(well maybe a little) but i like a regular diet of anime, waiting two or three weeks for an episode to get subed is a painfull wait.
also i liked the episode, and i liked all the previous episodes as well, i think people complain too much about, quality this, and filler that, and it didnt further the plot. Stop complaining nobody wants to listen to you people bitch and moan.quit being so negative.
NOOOO what will i do with that extra 30 mins of friday night [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] guess ill have to take up a cocaine addiction [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
what about spend time with your friends 30 more mins? maybe try to hook up with a girl? Help your mom with the dinner? clean your room? play a game? go to the gym? there are tons of things to do.
Umm.... would ep 90 be a double release? because i remember them skipping a week then next week we got ep 66 & 67. I'm not sure if it was the same or not with ep 26 & 27.
probably not, dont they usually hint at that in the previews?
Maybe the 100th episode will be a hr long, I can dream can't I.
I'll dream with u, 3 manga releases + 1 hr of the Anime / week [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Aeon
Maybe the 100th episode will be a hr long, I can dream can't I.
Damn this is a nice dream, weeeeeeeeeeeeeee [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
yea but very impossible since it wouldnt work to make 3 chapters a week.
I dont know about you but i really havent seen those crappy quality ones lately. Im thinking that the only reason they had crappy quality animation was because the main group of artist, who normally do naruto, were busy working on the movie. But im assuming they finished the work for the movie and have been working back on the series. Just a thoughtQuote:
Originally posted by: chambers
maybe the week delay is to ensure a high level of quality form the animation of some awesome episope long scrap? remember how BAD naruto vs kiba was? its my opinion they sacrificed the quality of that fight to improve the lee v gaara fight wich looks outstanding IMO.
hopefully they release a double episode next week. we haven't seen itachi in a few episodes and what's gonna happen with the sannins are reunited????? can't wait
i know i will be in withdrawal without naruto for a week. BUT anime expo is next week and i'll get my weekly dose of naruto there. I'll support naruto products!!