awesome ep, and nice quality, divx had this crazy twitching problem, but wmp played it fine
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awesome ep, and nice quality, divx had this crazy twitching problem, but wmp played it fine
It was very nice, good subs, good quality, better then baka fish and otaku.
im dling SO right now
animesuki said that akusei is going to join SO to do subs
so i guess itll benefit everyone
Episode was alright in quality. I would rate it better than Bakafish (IMO). Can't wait for the 87 discussion thread.
I dont think it was better than Otaku's. Otaku has a bit more clarity in the video department. And Akusei seemed to have problems (with me) where the camera moves in a scene.Quote:
Originally posted by: Krbadass
It was very nice, good subs, good quality, better then baka fish and otaku.
Degree-Anime actually started a sub. Grab it here at Anime Suki
I'm dl'ing it now, I'll let you know on the quality (it's episode 86 btw)
the episode is good too, better than 86 IMO. good char developpement.
Waiting on the 87 discussion thread.
ah well, so much for akusei....i wonder why they surrendered to an inferior group....guess i'll just stick with bakafish and AA now
What twitching thing? I watched with DivX and it was perfectly normal.