Is genjutsu more than just "illusion"
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
genjutsu messes with the five senses; sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. it can't do any actual physical damage. from what we've seen tsukuyomi is aimed for the the opponents' hearing, sight, and touch. i don't know about smell and touch since that's not clearly shown. it didn't do any physical damage to the actual body but it made kakashi's mind think that the body was stabbed for however long it was.
It is stated in various episodes that Genjutsu definately CAN harm you physically, for your mind thinks its real and cant get back to reality.(one of them was when Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura were heading for the exams through the woods)
Lets say, you get shot bad and because of the trauma, you believe that your legs were shot off .. Do you really think it mathers wether your legs are still on even though you could see they are ? Cases like that even happen to "real"people in THIS world. Check the news//history more often about war-casualties, vietnam etc.
Although the attack on kakashi was different, It STILL wore out his body , meaning that his whole body was activated to prevent to much pain entering the cerebral core. Meaning that the brain thought the dmg was real, meaning that Kakashi too thought it was real EVEN though he KNEW otherwise.
Is genjutsu more than just "illusion"
well...that's why it's a strong and dangerous genjutsu
Is genjutsu more than just "illusion"
Is genjutsu more than just "illusion"
Tsukuyomi can kill a person though..
RE: Is genjutsu more than just "illusion"
I think its a bit like the matrix, 'the body can't live without the mind'. The pain is not physical but mental, so for a person to survive such a jutsu they must be mentally strong.
I'm not ganna chat about chemical signals from sensory neurones and grey matter or wht have u, its just fair to say the pain is made real by the mind.
The pain feels physically real because the person is seeing themsleves being stabbed or whtevea in the virtual world created by Itachi, I think the fact that Itachi is always saying 'its real' refers to other 'real' mind control techniques. When I say real I am referring to techniques done by peaple like Derran Brown (known in the uk) who can induce thoughts through verbal and physical signals. The only way I can see somone overcoming the technique (apart from Sasuke who has kekkei genkai sharingan, or will do) is by realising that it is not happenning and that it is not rea,l like 'Neo'.
However I havn't had the chance to ask Itachi if the rules of his Mangekyo can be broken by a 'strong mind' for example sakura...... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] (the genjutsu specialist)
That would be funny if Sakura ends up beating Itachi, Sasuke would kille himself.
Is genjutsu more than just "illusion"
Originally posted by: ?igma
It is stated in various episodes that Genjutsu definately CAN harm you physically, for your mind thinks its real and cant get back to reality.(one of them was when Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura were heading for the exams through the woods)
can you be more specific on this? which parts?
Is genjutsu more than just "illusion"
v_v dont' insult Itachi like that.....biggest insult ... sakura... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Is genjutsu more than just "illusion"
i think it's biggest insult for Itachi to say sakura can get out of that.. i mean... V_V.. and mak3 please don't call sakura genjitsu specialist.. cause she's so not..i do not wanna repeat myself.. so look at pg 3 on resemblence.. if you wanna know why i think that.. actually sasuke kinda is....cause he's usually the one to figure out before any of the teammate does...
and anyways.. yea right.. the day sakura beat Itachi when sasuke, and kakashi can't.. will be the day that the anime title changes to sakura..
EditL genjitsu itself can't physically hurt ppl.. but they can use illusion as advantage to inflict physical damage on the opponent
Is genjutsu more than just "illusion"
I wouldn't watch any more if that happened =x
Is genjutsu more than just "illusion"
RE: Is genjutsu more than just "illusion"
would it be safe to guess that you two know each other, miaka and shinobineko?
this is like, the 5th time ive seen a string of posts that alternate between you two [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
RE: Is genjutsu more than just "illusion"
RE: Is genjutsu more than just "illusion"
[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] who knows
RE: Is genjutsu more than just "illusion"
(points at smiley face next to genjutsu specialist) errr i was kidding? Hope you guys are too cos I think Sakura is at a lower level than Udon. Hell I think a fight between them would be damn close but Udon would come out on top fosho.
RE: Is genjutsu more than just "illusion"
yeah. you were kidding , but still wanted to post that about Sakura..Udon vs Sakura..might be interesting [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
RE: Is genjutsu more than just "illusion"
definitely think konohamaru could beat sakura too
RE: Is genjutsu more than just "illusion"
well some ppl are still saying she might become like tsunade so that means atleast jounin level
RE: Is genjutsu more than just "illusion"
RE: Is genjutsu more than just "illusion"
konohamaru's teammate the one with the glasses
Is genjutsu more than just "illusion"
uh.. don't compare Sakura with TSunade... at least Tsunade is strong