Man that was some funny ass stuff. "I can see the speed!!" lol. "Kabuto! Your more useful than Dosu and Sasuke!" "No! Bastard!" lol, man, the dude who made a good Naruto parody.
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Man that was some funny ass stuff. "I can see the speed!!" lol. "Kabuto! Your more useful than Dosu and Sasuke!" "No! Bastard!" lol, man, the dude who made a good Naruto parody.
compared to the first this flashes its getting much better ppl are getting better at it, and that's also good for us
damn it, i can't see it!
i'm getting forbidden access or something!no!!!! i wanna see~~~~
Lee clone was funny...
"He turned into Rock Lee! An exact clone!" LOL
haha, dosu's wrinkled up mummy face worked well in that animation.....
the music at the beginning is pretty interesting too
"I can do this"
LOL that was pretty funny
Where can i see the first one =) Link PLease =) that was awsome lol
"Let's see that in slow motion!"
Haha, made me laugh.
hahaha dosu wht fool
LOL, that was funny to watch, I like the part where Kiba exploded, props to whomever made that
hey, thx for the link. That pwned
where are the other episodes? can you link them too?
It was well made, but it wasn't as funny as some are making it out to be
"Dosu...can't...hit!" *flashes over to Sasuke for a second* "Shutup Sasuke."
it was pretty funny, although ive only seen a few so i cant say if its the best or compare it to others
OMFG, that was funny as hell[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] Kabuto lol, now I like him even more, that was soo funny[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] 'I can see that speed'[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] lol
oh, and the link to first one-
hurray for Kabuto*^_^*
well the second one was much better than the first at least in my opinion now anyone know where i can find more of the same.
that was great. best part was the "shut up sasuke" part. that made me laugh for a good bit. i demand more be made by that guy.
lol darkflare...though i feel the same way