Who has had the roughest past?
I think a main theme of Naruto is that the pain of being alone and not being needed, that same pain that Haku, Naruto, Sasuke, and Gaara go through is the worst pain, and it shows the different ways of dealing with it.
With Haku we see that he decides to fight for someone elses dreams because he had none of his own, and wasnt needed until Zabuza came along and finally found a purpose to live
With Gaara we see that the pain of having no loved ones and everyone calling him a monster turn Gaara towards a more evil and twisted lifestyle, that his purpose for life becomes to kill others. He says himself something like "As long as there are people in this world for me to kill and to define myself, then life is wonderful." When his fight with Naruto comes to an end I think Gaara realizes that Love is the power that made Naruto so strong and that the way he decided to define himself was wrong.
With Sasuke we see that because Itachi killed his clan and family infront of him he has devoted his life to revenge and wants to stay alive and get stronger until he can kill Itachi and get revenge. I think the relationship between Naruto and Sasuke will become a deeply bonded friendship and finally Sasuke will realize that living for revenge is not the right thing to do and that "the true power of the ninja comes out when you protect your loved ones" as the 3rd would say.
With Naruto we see a slightly different development that makes him special and what i think makes the anime about him. We see that instead of living to kill others, living for someone elses dream, or living for revenge, his upbringing of the pain of no family or friends and constantly being called a monster has turned him into a ninja who fights for love, who fights for recognition, and who will become very strong when protecting others is at stake. Haku says it early in the anime. He asks Naruto if he has precious friends to which Naruto says yes and that he would protect them. Then Haku says that he will become strong. Its for this same reason that Kakashi had so much confidence in Naruto when he was fighting Kiba because he knew that Naruto fights for the right reasons, that he is a true warrior.
That is what seperates Naruto from the rest, he may be rash, stupid, immature or relying on the kyubi, but it is for this reason that the anime is about Naruto, and even if the pain of the others is worse, i think that all their pains are very similar and that Naruto is the one who will be come the best because of the way he deals with it
RE: Who has had the roughest past?
sasuke HANDS DOWN. theres no question that having your mom and dad murdered by your brother right infront of you in cold blood, is MILES worse than growing up without a mum and dad.
Who has had the roughest past?
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
1. Naruto didnt have anybody till he met Iruka and plus every adult hated cause of kyubi and as the third said in the beggining of the show the hatred agianst Naruto is bieng passed to the kids.
2.Gaara is almost as Naruto but atleast he thought the his mother sister loved until he killed her.
3. Sasuke had a family and a community before he lost them.
I think Naruto has the worst past its just that they havent made any good flashbacks about his past like they did with Gaara and Sasuke.
wouldnt having your hopes up of being loved by people only to find out you were never loved worse than never thinking you were loved from the beginning?
Who has had the roughest past?
imho Sasuke has the roughest past, someone said that he had someone who loved him BEFORE he lost 'em, sure he does, but then imagine this pain when u see these people killed by ur own brother in front of ur eyes, beside ur grandparents and the rest of the people u knew.
gaara had fucked up childhood too.
but about naruto, not without reason there's saying that "u really start to value things that u already lost".
naruto didn't really lost anything, he was just alone.
sasuke lost EVERYTHING, Gaara lost yashamaru, naruto didn't lost anything, everyone of 'em experienced loneliness, even if naruto experienced it the most, he didn't lose anything...
Who has had the roughest past?
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
1. Naruto didnt have anybody till he met Iruka and plus every adult hated cause of kyubi and as the third said in the beggining of the show the hatred agianst Naruto is bieng passed to the kids.
2.Gaara is almost as Naruto but atleast he thought the his mother sister loved until he killed her.
3. Sasuke had a family and a community before he lost them.
I think Naruto has the worst past its just that they havent made any good flashbacks about his past like they did with Gaara and Sasuke.
wouldnt having your hopes up of being loved by people only to find out you were never loved worse than never thinking you were loved from the beginning?
Yeah I would think that having your hopes of being loved and then finding out none of them ever loved your is worse. That's why I think Gaara had the roughest past, he really didn't have anyone and then was betrayed by the only one he thought cared about him, and like Yashamaru said, wounds of the heart are harder to fix than physical wounds and love is the only cure, which for him he was hurting inside before Yashamaru said that and then took a big hit when he was betrayed by him
I think Naruto and Sasuke also have hard pasts but at least with Naruto he came to have people, and Sasuke also, especially Naruto since Naruto was really having an effect on him, seemed to be changing him (which Orochimaru knew and mentioned in previous episode)
Who has had the roughest past?
Gaara wins this.....lets see his dad had some demon thing attached to him which makes him insane and then for 6 years his own father sends assasins after him constantly trying to kill him. Sasuke had his family killed by his brother yeah but it was over fairly quickly he wasn't constantly being attacked and potentially killed for 6 years. Naruto well you can go to an orphanage and see kids that have no family that cares for them and the people running it might feel sorry for the kids but really it's very similar to naruto's situation.
Who has had the roughest past?
i'd say sasuke... his grandparents were owned right infront of him.
edit: actually i take that back, gaara has the worse. i mean just look at him, hes a monster. no girls would have sex with a monster that looks like that.
RE: Who has had the roughest past?
oh gee, well jing if thats where your basis lies.....then wouldnt shino have it roughest? i mean what female WOULDNT be creeped out by him being an insect hive?
Who has had the roughest past?
Originally posted by: CyberPunk
ok, a while ago i saw this same poll. it was between gaara, naruto and sasuke. i believe gaara was agreed upon by many with naruto coming in at a close second. i just wanted to know what people think now after episode 84 has been released.
Nothing to screw you up more than to have your father and uncle tried to kill you, and living with the guilt that you caused your mother's death.
That and everyone in teh village is scared of you, and treat you like a monster.
So definately Gaara.
Naruto may have been shunned, but there was no obvious threats like a whirling clump of sand, so people weren't actually afraid of him (at least the kids weren't).
RE: Who has had the roughest past?
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
oh gee, well jing if thats where your basis lies.....then wouldnt shino have it roughest? i mean what female WOULDNT be creeped out by him being an insect hive?
woah u are so right... hm...
then maybe kiba too, cuz uno he smells like dog's drool.
RE: Who has had the roughest past?
I know a girl who likes bugs. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
RE: Who has had the roughest past?
Who has had the roughest past?
Originally posted by: NomoZ
I still don't believe Naruto's past was that much more traumatic than any given real IRL person who is alone from time to time. That's not to say it's a good thing, but it's not special enough to be called a mega-rough past IMO.
what?! he had no parents and no friends for atleast 10 years, how can you say that isn't horrible. Plus on top of that every grown-up gave him scornful looks all the time.
Sasuke and gaara atleast had family.
I didn't say it wasn't horrible. I just said it isn't as "spectacular" as the other charas' pasts. I mean, how many people has had their whole family slaughtered directly by their own sibling. Or how many had their only true friend (or whatever you should call Yashamaru) betray you or whatnot? These things just don't happen. And if they do, it's truly horrible. It's not very rare with people looking at you scornfully (though for other reasons then for having a demon inside you, IRL we can compare it with people looking at you because you are overweight), having no parents (or parents that don't care) or even lack friends. It's horrible of course, but I think the other situations would be worse.
Who has had the roughest past?
Sasuke imo
to see your family and friends get wiped out in front of u
like that would be so traumatizing, he has to have a strong will after goin through all that
RE: Who has had the roughest past?
seriously, what do you people not understand. This Clan was his village as well, as in every single person he ever knew growing up (and they were closer than that because they were blood, so they weren't like strangers or anything)
but in naruto's defence: "Its better to have loved and lost, to never have loved at all"
And with Gaara: He has purpose to his life: killing people... but he really is the most depressing in the whole anime. So whoever has the sig that is Gaara looking happy, you creep me out... seriously
Who has had the roughest past?
You are right but atleast Gaara thought for some time that he was loved before he was that he wasn't.
Naruto has always been hated for the kyubi.
I dont understand how people think that Sasuke has had worse than Gaara and Naruto just because his brother killed his clan. He was happy until that day.
Who has had the roughest past?
Yes, Sasuke was happy before his family was killed, but what did he have after that? Naruto at least had a hope for the future, that one day if he worked hard someone would recognize him and his life would change.
No matter what he does Sasuke can never get his family back. This will never change for him, and he will miss them for the rest of his life. All he has, at least in the beginning of the series, is his revenge. So I think Sasuke had it worse than Naruto.
Still, I thinks Gaara had the roughest past of anyone. Not only did the one person who seemed to care about him die in front of him, but to find out that he was never loved at all... And he still misses his uncle and his mother, even knowing that they hated him.
Who has had the roughest past?
man... this thread looks like a bunch of morbid teenagers screaming at eachother "my life is worse than yours! pity me and appriciate my angst!"...
seriously, do you really think it's possible to compare between rough experinces? it's not something that can be put on a scale of one to ten, and you can't answer the question of wheather it's better to habe something and lose it or to never have it...
if you can angst about Sasuke, you can also appriciate Inari's experince, he also lost his most precious person, his adopting father got killed right infront of his eyes, and he wasn't able to do anything... that sure fucked him up until the day he met Naruto...
out of all of the 'hard past' cast, Sasuke's past is the most 'anime ordinary' one.... 'someone killed my family', boo-hoo, we saw that in a million stories (take batman for example), and it's just not that intresting...
everyone in the anime had some sort of hard upbring... Neji lost his most important person becuase of his family rules, Naruto lived his entire life without anyone to love him, and Gaara got the whole 'you killed mummy' treatment, along with the 'nobody gives a damn about ya' attitude, and multipie those two by ten..
to put things simple, you really can't compare this stuff, do you honstely think you can rate it and have some sort of standart procceser to deal with it? will it go something like this:?
Naruto: no family (20 points), ever (10 points), no one to give a damn about him (10 points), no immidiate chance to achive goal (5 points), total of 45 angst points.
Who has had the roughest past?
Umm.... I thought this thread was about the fictional lives of the characters of Naruto?
Of COURSE there's not one answer to this question. The question of whether it's worse to have loved someone and lost them or to never have been loved at all (or to think you were loved and find out it was a lie) is a very old and long debated philosphic question which probably won't be resolved here. Look, just because there is not an exact answer (Naruto is an 8, Sasuke is a 67) doesn't mean it's not worth discussing. People will still have their own opinions, theories, and ideas, which is what I find interesting anyway. Kind of the point of debating.
Who has had the roughest past?
1. Gaara
2. Naruto
3. Sasuke
Now i think most can understand that gaara had it bad, with everyone going against him. But Sasuke's isnt all that bad. Yeah, his family died, so what, alot of people's family die today, me included, as for Naruto, don't give off those "hes gay and overexagrated crap" look and see, ever since he was born people would rather see him dead then see him alive. I think growing up with the idea that nobody wants you and you dont have any importance/purpose in life is alittle worse than just your family dieing.
If Sasuke really had it worse than Naruto, then i believe he wouldnt act "better" than everyone else.