RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
this series looks incredibely interesting great fighting, ep one is some sort of introduction probably to the main chracters but the fight scenes look slick, and yeah Mugen's voice actor is none other then One Piece's Zoro the gurl with the gigantic boobs seems to also have a voice actor i heard before but can't come up with the name
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
bakafish subbed ep 1
change filename to Bakafish_Samurai_Champloo_01.avi.torrent
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
How good of a job do they do? or should I wait for some other group?
Consider that I have limited bandwith at the moment
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
they did a pretty good job on naruto 84 but i suggest you wait for a group that has more releases under their name finished over an hour so i can't say yet
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
At least two other groups are considering the project.
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
not bad...interesting. not sure i liked that weird switching back and forth style, but good action.
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
Wow, just watched the first episode and I love it. Intro and Outro are awesome. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
Im downloading Samurai_Champloo_1_RAW_avi Is that the right one? I got it from
Thanks for the help!
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
Originally posted by: DeluxSkillz
this series looks incredibely interesting great fighting, ep one is some sort of introduction probably to the main chracters but the fight scenes look slick, and yeah Mugen's voice actor is none other then One Piece's Zoro the gurl with the gigantic boobs seems to also have a voice actor i heard before but can't come up with the name
The girl with the big boobs does not have big boobs, she has a certain paraphernalia hidden in the front of her kimono. In fact this show has nothing to do with ecchi (thank god!).
Seriously though, I just watched the first episode and I am hopping around like a bunny in heat, this show is off-the-hook!
It definitely fills in the gap that Cowboy Bebop left behind.
I like the hiphop style that is used in the show like certain rewind scenes are done in a form like DJ is scratching an LP. Speaking of rewind the first rewind at the beginning had me laughing.
The show also seems to have a plot surrounding the girl and a certain someone she is looking for.
well anyway I am a happy cat today!
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
Where can i get the bakafish subbed ep 1? The link above did not work. Im currently downloading [WGR]_Samurai_Champloo_-_01_(640x360_24fps_DivX5.02)[910C15D8]RAW.avi, will this work?
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
no it doesnt work sin it's raw.... and you want it subbed no?
the link does work.... the thing is that the bakafish link has a .avi at the end... change it to .torrent
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
man bakafish did one heck of a job sadly the subs are a tad small but other than that awsome quality love the widescreen/letterbox view it has
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
I just watched the first episode... very promising anime...
I just hope that they have more challenging opponents, especially that samurai they are looking for.... I want to see them in critical conditions from time to time...
As for the back and foward scenes, I didnt mind them, but it doesnt seem like it will continue throughout the series since it seems that the main characters will be together...
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
Duly noted, [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] We recieved that comment a lot, so in answer to that, we are going to be releasing a second version of the release later on down the road, and all following releases will have larger subs.
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
well Aoi-anime released thier version i am sadly disapointed to many mispellings
i wonder/hope they rerelease a fixed version
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
ops in channel say no second version
Samurai Champloo starts today
Wow, that first episode kicks ass.
I am so buying the DVDs when they come out here.
Edit: I also love the humor in this show. For example at the end of the episode it was: 'The End" then suddenly "Psych! To be continued"
also i LOL for a second when it goes one day earlier and suddenly your in the modern time
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
fricken great show.
Very yin/yang characters. Liked the clumsy waitress- did she remind anyone else of the clumsy ninja spy from PeaceMaker?
RE: Samurai Champloo starts today
This show is of the hook.
Just sick.
The animation and character design are A+ quality.
A little Hiphop meets anime.
I'm lovin it, been wating a long time for this.
Shinichiro WATANABE is truly one of the best.