YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!! Finals are OVER and I'm done for the semester. I can now transfer out of that craptastic school and somewhere that's simply shitty next semester.
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YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!! Finals are OVER and I'm done for the semester. I can now transfer out of that craptastic school and somewhere that's simply shitty next semester.
Im finally done with school now I can run around like an idiot for two months
I was out Mid April =D cuz I am in university.
-_- sucks tho...I have no summer....Cant even work...
Iam having surgery soon to remove a tumor from my arm bone. The will cut like 6 inches down the back of my arm, scrap out the area. Then they will cut open my hip to get some bone to place in my arm. Then they will steel plate it and screw it into place with some screws. In the hopsital for 7 days -.-''
*waves bye to summer and his ability to walk for a while and use his right arm*
-_- *ish right handed*
But iam hoping i have a cute nurse >.> oh ya and morphine...Goooooo Morphine....
I have to get one of my friends to look after my downloads...thats most important...I still need meh anime..
LUCKY asses...
i get out at freakin 6/25....
then i have to go back to school for summer quarter, that means i only have a weekend off;(
and i need to get a job, life is hard, and fun, but hard
by the way surgery is a bitch..............but its good for you...sometimes
I've been out of school since November last year. Waiting for damn Uni to start in September....
Been really boring. Wish I was back in school, at least there, I had a lot of friends to leech anime from.. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
Originally posted by: Haku_san
I was out Mid April =D cuz I am in university.
-_- sucks tho...I have no summer....Cant even work...
Iam having surgery soon to remove a tumor from my arm bone. The will cut like 6 inches down the back of my arm, scrap out the area. Then they will cut open my hip to get some bone to place in my arm. Then they will steel plate it and screw it into place with some screws. In the hopsital for 7 days -.-''
*waves bye to summer and his ability to walk for a while and use his right arm*
-_- *ish right handed*
But iam hoping i have a cute nurse >.> oh ya and morphine...Goooooo Morphine....
I have to get one of my friends to look after my downloads...thats most important...I still need meh anime..
Damn...That sucks. I wish you the best of luck with the surgery man. Get better. Maybe you can borrow some of naruto's kyubi chakra and heal faster :-)
Originally posted by: Uchiha Barles
Originally posted by: Haku_san
I was out Mid April =D cuz I am in university.
-_- sucks tho...I have no summer....Cant even work...
Iam having surgery soon to remove a tumor from my arm bone. The will cut like 6 inches down the back of my arm, scrap out the area. Then they will cut open my hip to get some bone to place in my arm. Then they will steel plate it and screw it into place with some screws. In the hopsital for 7 days -.-''
*waves bye to summer and his ability to walk for a while and use his right arm*
-_- *ish right handed*
But iam hoping i have a cute nurse >.> oh ya and morphine...Goooooo Morphine....
I have to get one of my friends to look after my downloads...thats most important...I still need meh anime..
Damn...That sucks. I wish you the best of luck with the surgery man. Get better. Maybe you can borrow some of naruto's kyubi chakra and heal faster :-)
Heh..Arigato man...
Iam all for the Kyubi powers... >.>
Can i get Aya and Maya from Tenjou as my nurses >.>
i get out june 9th i live in FL only a few more days to go dude. the last 3 days are finals how gay is that??? shaving cream fight last day wohooooo!!
screw anyone who is out alrdy!!! BAH!!! - i got 4 more days to suffer, gotta work hard though to pass stuff, im like borderline everything :/
june 3rd, last day... im going to sleep like for 48 hours after that [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
v_v i have to wait untill june 10th..just got finished with one final today (on saturday -_-)
I've been out of school for years. Sorry.
edit: i forgot to quote u kakashi and u lived in worchester? why did you move to florida?
lol then why under your name does it say your a student huh?!?!? yeah i thought so....Quote:
Originally posted by: Shadow-wolf
I've been out of school for years. Sorry.
lol, good one xDQuote:
Originally posted by: SaSuKeRuLeS
lol then why under your name does it say your a student huh?!?!? yeah i thought so....Quote:
Originally posted by: Shadow-wolf
I've been out of school for years. Sorry.
[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] school not out for me yet
yeah exactly.. you didn't pass the ninja school.. yet.. now!! get back and learn some ninja stuff.. so you can pass academy.Quote:
Originally posted by: SaSuKeRuLeS
lol then why under your name does it say your a student huh?!?!? yeah i thought so....Quote:
Originally posted by: Shadow-wolf
I've been out of school for years. Sorry.
Im almost done with school. June 15 and im done with junior year. Im gonna be pretty busy over the summer. I got to study for SAT's again, summer reading, two AP assignments, two volunteer jobs, and a real job (hopefully). But some good things are that I'm gonna go play Paintball with my friends alot, play poker with them, and of course, watch anime and video games.
narutomaster that does sound like you will be busy over the summer
I'm out june 11th - then I am done with high school forever. thank god. but now i have to get a job -and go to college - god damn - this sux.
gahh double post invasion!
i finished like, 3-4 weeks ago.....only 1 year of college left.....ugh such a burden, it is