no it was a muskrat
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no it was a muskrat
Temari summoned a Kama Itachi, simply a play on her favorite move. Kama, (those are the weapons the Itachi was carrying, the things that looked like scythes), and Itachi, a weasel.
you dont need a torrent for the file. You can straight dl it off of I thought the chapter was great.
wow i loved temari's new summoning technique..
Yeah I was finding the scan quality a bit lacking as well...
But was anyone else disappointed with Temari's win? I was looking forward to something a bit better, as Tayuya must have had something else going for her, but Temari won almost completely without effort (Daikamaitachi, summon, win) in the span of a page - with 3 wasted pages of Shikamaru's completely unneeded analysis.
i thought it was a ferret
I agree that the quick wins are irrataiting, and quite anti climatic... but consider the alternative, another 10 chapters of crap onlt to wait until they "suicide ougie!" thier way to victory...Quote:
Originally posted by: aeturnum
Yeah I was finding the scan quality a bit lacking as well...
But was anyone else disappointed with Temari's win? I was looking forward to something a bit better, as Tayuya must have had something else going for her, but Temari won almost completely without effort (Daikamaitachi, summon, win) in the span of a page - with 3 wasted pages of Shikamaru's completely unneeded analysis.
and yes, i've expected much more from Sakon and Tayuya (Kiba's still alive, the horror! THE HORROR!), and the explenation was wasted space, but if fades if you compare it to the last 20 chapters of nothingness... or more to speack, this arc could have been shortened to half, and it would still be too long...
it wasnt any more anti-climactic though than chouji all of a sudden getting a surge of chakra and punching jiroubi in the face
or the neji fight instantly switching from kidoumaru sniping away at neji's body to neji nailing him with his gentle fist
Yes. It was way below par.Quote:
Originally posted by: ComeComeParadise
Did no one else notice how shitty that scan looked?
It dose look like a Farret. thats my guess.
so... the next chapter's gonna be about gaara and kimimaro... cool
even though i do want to see kimimaro whoop ass for a while before he loses, i want that fight to end quickly so we can get to sasuke ---> itachi.
Is there any possibility that Sakon/Ukon and Tayuya aren't finished yet?
Oh, and if they are dead, doesn't that mean that Gaara should automatically win too? If his two siblings win easily, it would be dumb if he didn't as well. But it's Kimimaro we're talking about here, he ain't no pushover.
yea...the scan for that was unclear...probably be better in color../
kind of started to seem like Shik was gettin the hots of temari...damn him...go u NERD..
one would think that.....however one would ALSO have thought that back in the prelimsQuote:
Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
Oh, and if they are dead, doesn't that mean that Gaara should automatically win too? If his two siblings win easily, it would be dumb if he didn't as well.
Huh, makes sense. her wind blasts do look like those kamas, when you come to think, right from the first time she used that jutsu.Quote:
Originally posted by: zindryr
Temari summoned a Kama Itachi, simply a play on her favorite move. Kama, (those are the weapons the Itachi was carrying, the things that looked like scythes), and Itachi, a weasel.
Then, though it was just the kamaitachi, weasel with scythes. Now, since they're all upgraded. this one is the big weasel with scythes...
Its a scythe weasel, its possibly the most badass summon in the series so far. The scythe weasel is the asian cousin to the artic ice weasel. I thought Kamaitachi was an old legend having to do with an old man in a mountain. Also refering to a mountain region of japan were the winds are so fierce that they are said to cut things. But hell i'd rather it being an eye patch'd ferret wielding a scythe with dozens of spinning kama around him. Too bad the kama weren't kusarigami.....
As a side note i think the term "Itachi" is jap. slang for a burly lesbian isn't it?
THANK YOU so someone besides me saw that a mile away... but it was a kickass chapter as it was SHORT i got sick of all the draggin on stupid one on one battles that no one cared about. now hopefully Gaara's battle goes well, sends kimimaro to hell, and on to finish this ark with the naruto/sasuke stuffQuote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
one would think that.....however one would ALSO have thought that back in the prelimsQuote:
Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
Oh, and if they are dead, doesn't that mean that Gaara should automatically win too? If his two siblings win easily, it would be dumb if he didn't as well.
after reading 214 i have a feeling that Shikamaru will end up in a relationship with Temari
haha you also belive that "something something" is happening between them. ^_^'
this arc is getting weird.
first the appereance of kimimaro, the 5th soundnin (I dunno how he uses the wind though)
naruto goes kiubi uselessly...
then rock lee appears happily.... and useless too (rock lee has never won a fight in the whole story)
then rock lee gets drunk, AND STILL ITS USELESS
now the sand nins come in, and make the story continue... but something tells me that kimimaro's fight wont end in 1 chapter.
I hope no more useless interruptions.... like, sudenly the "6th sound-nin" is goin to appear -_-
im still buggered... why the hell put rock lee if he doenst contribute to the arc?