About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
Originally posted by: Neji-Aniki-sama
Originally posted by: Xceleration
Originally posted by: Himura_san
What the hell is up with Itachi's purple nail polish?!
What a homo! ;p
Ya Itachi is gay! Sasuke and Itachi are both gay now, so Uchiha clan is a clan of gay people. We finally know why Sasuke takes no interest in girls, it runs in the family.
I am still giving Sasuke the benefit of the doubt.
My theory is that he will grow a third comma in his eyes when he hits puberty, and by that time he will be paying more attention to girls.
As for Itachi, too early to tell. But if he were gay, he'd have a better looking travelling companion. I believe he can afford that. Kisame's too ugly to be anybody's boyfriend, man or woman.
So, just the purple nail polisher is not enough to make such a statement as a fact.
well...you never know. dont forget the saying "opposites attract" [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
Originally posted by: lionheart1012000
well...you never know. dont forget the saying "opposites attract" [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Well, I really don't want to go in there.
Let's just say that both of them are sick, and that's nothing to do with being gay. Well, that would explain Kisame, them [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
And yeah, the bishies in this story are all turning evil or is that just with the Uchiha clan?
Genma will never turn evil, but he looks more like a man than a bishie...
RE: About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
Hes not as cool, its really his big ass sword we all like
my fandom for kisame has to do with three things
his appearnce of a shark (all time favorite animal).
his name alone, translates to demon shark.
all his attacks are water based.
hell his sword is a bonus.
RE: About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
kisame sword is actually pretty cool, but really weird. it's looks all weird and looks dull.
About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
its same hadda (sp) which translates to rough skin. the sword is supposed to resemble sharks skin only magnified hundreds of times. the sword really hundreds of hook like blades reversed made to rip and tear fleash apart. like sand paper. but to a much larger skill.
it also has other abilitys that you will see later.
also anyone notice that kisam and itachis rings where different like color and kanji on there ring and oro's too does any one know what the kanji was.
spoiler the other ability
it can absorb chakra.
About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
Originally posted by: sangai sakusei
its same hadda (sp) which translates to rough skin. the sword is supposed to resemble sharks skin only magnified hundreds of times. the sword really hundreds of hook like blades reversed made to rip and tear fleash apart. like sand paper. but to a much larger skill.
it also has other abilitys that you will see later.
also anyone notice that kisam and itachis rings where different like color and kanji on there ring and oro's too does any one know what the kanji was.
spoiler the other ability
it can absorb chakra.
Kanjis in ring explanation
This part of the site is about the Manga. So you're all warned, enter at your own risk.
Complete explanation of *each* Kanji and all things related to them
I won't copy and paste because one can't write the kanjis here.
Hope you're warned and aware of the nature of the site. Otherwise, wait untill you see *all* the rings around.
RE: About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
kik ass eps, itachi owned kurenai if kakashi wouldnt have showed up
About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
It felt like happened way more stuff in this chapter than in the last 12 of them.
Last 12:
Oro x Sarutobi fight resulting: dead of the 3rd and handicapped Oro.
Fight between Naruto and Gaara. Result: tie but Gaara apparently has a change of heart
Invasion of Konoha
Defeat of the Sand and Sound.
Last chapter:
Sasuke sulken, whining and cussing
Oro sulken, whining and cussing even more. Besides bitching and making death treats.
Naruto getting over it, ready for more trouble.
Kazekage found as dead meat or even carrion. Baki cussing and realizing they've been screwed by Oro.
Convo between Jiraiya and the two Hokage advisors.
Arrival of Itachi and associate.
Asuma and Kurenai on a date (finally)
Fight between Asuma/Kurenai/Itachi/Kisame.
RE: About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
Hell yeah we saw some blood in this episode too.... this is a good feeling.
About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
That's annoying, no sub as of yet.
But I can say it was an above average foul-mouthed episode.
Sasuke: Kuso (shit) for no apparent good reason. He also doesn't call Kakashi, sensei. Not only his personality, but his manners are deteriorating visibly.
Baki: Onore Orochimaru. (Orochimaru, you bastard) Well, I guess he had good reason to say that.
Orochimaru: Onore Sarutobi-me (Sarutobi, you freaking bastard) quite different from the tone: Sarutobi-sensei...he had before. Also Kabuto must have gone over the line, since he treathens to kill him (Korosu something...)Too bad I didn't understand what Kabuto said.
Jiraiya: Tsunade no yatsu ga. (that Tsunade person) Yeah, pretty disrespectful way to refer to somebody else. Naruto has been referred as Naruto no yatsu, and that didn't sound as an endearing term.
I couldn't understand any insult exchanded by the four of them at the end, but I am guessing they must have said some. All I was told is that, despite the fact he introduced himself without being asked, Kisame talks very politely. Yeah, he even calls Itachi, anata, on ep 80, a very respectful you. One would think that after all this time of being together...Anyhow, maybe he felt a bit left aside, even though he's a side-kick, and with that face of his, rude talk wouldn't help him any.
Also, what's with the bells in their hats? That must be very annoying walking around with that noise all the time, no wonder they seem to be in a constant foul mood. And what kind of a ninja goes around with a bell on his hat??? Is that for Feng-Shui reasons?
And, as for the permanent sharingan. Kakashi sharingan's eye is in constant sharingan state, so makes sense if Itachi's eyes would be so, too. Maybe that's why the hat covering his eyes.
And yeah, all the Kisame you can take.
Kurenai said something about Mizu (water-country?) and Nuke-nin (missing-nin)
Oh, here's Itachi's original thoughts in Japanese.
RE: About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
I dont like Kisame hes annoying to me, just look at him he looks stupid, his sword is the only cool thing about him
RE: About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
well thatīs your opinion heīs one of my fave charachters. this episode was really good finally my favorite character has gotten his screen time
RE: About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
It feels like that past few anime episodes have been moving faster. Kisame's sword is pretty cool, but sangai sakusei is probably the only one so obsessed with his character.
RE: About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
i don't know what the big deal is with itachi not having sharingan eyes all the time. who cares. the manga has already shown him not having sharingan eyes before. why is it such a big deal now? besides, the animators always add random bs crap to the original storyline anyway.
About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
Fishface Rules!!!!!
Sakana no kao wa shogun desu!! Or sumptin like it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
my character obsession stems for my liking of sharks. and because kisame has a shark like appearance it is only natural.
really he bad ass oh i have a kisame sig too. but i can't put it up yet. but here is a preview of it. i just have to resize it and then i can use it.
are we allowed to post images. if not here is just a link.
About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
Put it as your sig. Damn you beat me to it. Well, let me think of another annoying charater for a sig. now.
About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
hmm for some reason i can post. but can't log in to edit posts.
since i can't do that i will just post the image.
RE: About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
Dude thats really good.
Kisame is a pretty cool character but i don't like the fact that his hair is black. I thought it would be white or something. :\
RE: About naruto 81! IMPORTANT.
Looks like more Kisame fans are here now, he's not bad, I just really don't like his voice. His hair looks blue to me, but we don't have to go into a big color debate, I can accept it as black also. Sangai, you should post that in the fanart section and ask somebody to resize it for you. It's a pretty nice sig.