RE: Who do you think should die...?
hi. [img]i/expressions/heart.gif[/img]
yes, obviously none of the main three characters are gonna die. so stop wishing for it guys. if someone were to die... it would have to be either neji or chouji. neji is screwed. he has two big holes in his body and is just about out of chakra. chouji is also screwed. he basically committed suicide with those pills. personally, i think neji has a greater chance of dying cuz the way he looks tells me that he's done. but i don't think anyone should die, there will be too much crap happening in the story. neji can't die cuz he is one of the those characters naruto 'touched' and chouji can't die cuz that'll ruin the ino-shika-cho deal. i want everyone to live and then quickly forgotten about the fact that they were on the brink of death.
Who do you think should die...?
Originally posted by: Jed
Who do you think should be the next person to die for maximum character growth/plot development/etc...
Please don't put "XXXXX should die because I hate him/her"... try to be constructive!
I hope Orochimaru transfers his soul to Sasuke.
It would be more interesting. The arch should end with Naruto fighting and beating Sasuke (orochimaru) by releasing his internal demon to such an extent that his soul was in danger of being consumed.
That arch would finish, and in the future Naruto is reintroduced as a Jounin, like he's depicted in Chapter 200. The bandages are there to try to contain and direct the massive kyuubi chakra that he's still trying to reseal.
RE: Who do you think should die...?
no ones going to die without a build up to something important, they wont just die for stupid reasons
RE: Who do you think should die...?
shino should die..oh wait..he's already dead haha jk
Who do you think should die...?
Characters that don't have anything to add to the plot. Iruka is a nice guy but he already fulfilled his purpose. Same thing for Konohamaru. Not die but perhaps go to the Sand to be an exchange student or something. He has too much to grow up still, and there is no time for that in the story. Iruka doesn't seem that he will be an exceptional ninja in the future. His function was to be a father/supportive figure for Naruto for the first time. Naruto is pretty self-confident now and doesn't need that figure in his life, anymore.
Now, IMO one thing that is complicating this plot is the fact that there are three main bad guys: Itachi, Oro and Sasky. IMO, it totally de-centralizes the story, and may lead to a lot of confusion in the future.
Who should Naruto go after first? For me, as much as some guys here love Itachi, he still haven't a cleary established function in the story. Is he there to give Sasuke's existence a purpose? Is he there to be Naruto's #1 enemy? But that function wouldn't be of the now evil Sasuke or even Oro, since likely, he still wants revenge against Konoha and certainly Naruto will defend the village ? And the kyuuby thing....what are they going to do? Dissect Naruto to extract the fox from him? Just doesn't sound very likely that it's an attainable goal. Since Itachi likes bells, I thought of the story of the rats deciding to put a bell in the cat's neck. Oro's goal of destroying Konoha seemed way more feasible in comparsion. No matter what you think, the kyuuby is stronger than Itachi. So either you face Naruto with the kyuuby and you will lose, being you Itachi whoemver, or you get hold of Naruto and unseal the kyuubi, and likely the kyuubi will do you right away. Itachi is *not* the 4th.
Anyway, two very difficult things to accomplish.
Then, as if those three weren't enough, we have the 6 remaining members of the Akatsuki yet to be introduced...
Given the fact that Sasuke is an ass, that's way enough reason to make him Naruto's enemy, I don't see the need of adding have Oro or Itachi to the story. Sasuke is kinda like a weak Kisame. Fishface is an ass, and Akatsuki or non Akasuki, he'd be killing people for pleasure and profit the exact same way. Sasuka is an ass and brother or non brother, he'd still be a lazy and envious idiot, trying to beat Naruto or even kill him just because his pride was hurt.
I'd say one of those three should die, or even two of them, in order to establish priorities in the narrative. Right now, we're wasting a lot of time with the waste of time that's Sasuke. Let's kill the remaining Sound ninjas, kill or beat Sasuke into a shapeless pulp and go on with the story, wherever it may go.
RE: Who do you think should die...?
i dont understand what everyone hates about Sasuke? Is it the fact that he's too smart or strong? Or is it the fact that he has the will to conitune his life to accomplish one goal, and only one goal? The fact that he's committed enough to sacrifice himself and use Chidori 4 times, when his body can handle no more than 3 attempts? Could it maybe be the fact that Sasuke is mad at Naruto because Naruto could quite possibly be the worst main character ever (except maybe for Shinji in Neon Genesis Evangelion..."ewwww...I don't wanna pilot this thing...waaaaaaah..." yet Naruto could PWN Sasuke? I think it would piss me off if (just for example) my little brother ever got strong enough to kick my ass. Remember during the Zabuza saga when Sasuke was trapped in the ice mirrors and INSIDE THEM? Is that the kind of person you want showing you up in the end? Let's come to grips here, if that ever, EVER happened to me, i would flip out and want more power as well. I gotta admit though, as of lately, Naruto has been getting a lot more Ninja-like, and a lot less Lucky (Gaara's weak point just happened to be his tail). This brings me to the end of my views, so now i will say which character i would want to "die"...and that person Sasuke...
- Please don't hate me for this post, and if you have any really jerkface replies (like calling me gay or something), keep them to yourselves please...stuff like that is a waste of precious bytes of space on the servers...
RE: Who do you think should die...?
Originally posted by: ssjtrunks585
i Is that the kind of person you want showing you up in the end? Let's come to grips here, if that ever, EVER happened to me, i would flip out and want more power as well. ...
Listen, in terms of power, Shikamaru is one of the weakest ninjas around. Yet, as you may well know, he was the *only* one to be promoted to Chunnin.
Why? Because he uses his intelligence as a weapon.
So, how about Sasuke *growing up* and realizing that it's not a matter of individual power but *teamwork* and it's not a matter of going on with his petty personal revenge based on his childhood drama, but a matter of fighting for the village?
How about him shoving his childish pride and envy and working *with* Naruto, and not *against* him?
Gai and Kakashi are rivals, but when they needed to fight the Sand nins, they worked together.
RE: Who do you think should die...?
childhood drama? you make it sound as if it wasn't really anything. try 'childhood TRAUMA.'
RE: Who do you think should die...?
Originally posted by: Neji-Aniki-sama
Originally posted by: ssjtrunks585
i Is that the kind of person you want showing you up in the end? Let's come to grips here, if that ever, EVER happened to me, i would flip out and want more power as well. ...
Listen, in terms of power, Shikamaru is one of the weakest ninjas around. Yet, as you may well know, he was the *only* one to be promoted to Chunnin.
Why? Because he uses his intelligence as a weapon.
So, how about Sasuke *growing up* and realizing that it's not a matter of individual power but *teamwork* and it's not a matter of going on with his petty personal revenge based on his childhood drama, but a matter of fighting for the village?
How about him shoving his childish pride and envy and working *with* Naruto, and not *against* him?
Gai and Kakashi are rivals, but when they needed to fight the Sand nins, they worked together.
this is very true, looks like i have been PWNED myself...
RE: Who do you think should die...?
Originally posted by: ssjtrunks585
i dont understand what everyone hates about Sasuke? Is it the fact that he's too smart or strong? Or is it the fact that he has the will to conitune his life to accomplish one goal, and only one goal? The fact that he's committed enough to sacrifice himself and use Chidori 4 times, when his body can handle no more than 3 attempts? Could it maybe be the fact that Sasuke is mad at Naruto because Naruto could quite possibly be the worst main character ever (except maybe for Shinji in Neon Genesis Evangelion..."ewwww...I don't wanna pilot this thing...waaaaaaah..." yet Naruto could PWN Sasuke? I think it would piss me off if (just for example) my little brother ever got strong enough to kick my ass. Remember during the Zabuza saga when Sasuke was trapped in the ice mirrors and INSIDE THEM? Is that the kind of person you want showing you up in the end? Let's come to grips here, if that ever, EVER happened to me, i would flip out and want more power as well. I gotta admit though, as of lately, Naruto has been getting a lot more Ninja-like, and a lot less Lucky (Gaara's weak point just happened to be his tail). This brings me to the end of my views, so now i will say which character i would want to "die"...and that person Sasuke...
- Please don't hate me for this post, and if you have any really jerkface replies (like calling me gay or something), keep them to yourselves please...stuff like that is a waste of precious bytes of space on the servers...
Dude..using Chidori 4 times is just idiocy. People hate sasuke simply because he's a selfish loser who ran off to Oro, betraying his village, instead of just TRAINING HARDER. Being an individual with raw talent, training as hard as rock lee must be alien to sasuke - hes a brat who wants power fast. Who cares about the long term effects.
RE: Who do you think should die...?
Aren't there other discussion posts similar to this?
Anyhow I've already said that Choji should die to make Shikamaru finally become a serious ninja (coming to realize that being lazy can affect the people you order around, and endanger your friends). Neji - still hasn't realized his dream, so he'll probably live. Kiba and rest will probably live since the sand are there to help. Sasuke will live, Naruto will live - to what ends we don't know.
RE: Who do you think should die...?
Originally posted by: Harageki
Dude..using Chidori 4 times is just idiocy. People hate sasuke simply because he's a selfish loser who ran off to Oro, betraying his village, instead of just TRAINING HARDER. Being an individual with raw talent, training as hard as rock lee must be alien to sasuke - hes a brat who wants power fast. Who cares about the long term effects.
i understand that...i said i was PWNED already...the meaning i was shooting for is that he has dedication for the one goal in his life: to kill his brother. true dedication may be to train harder and keep things (like your village, for example) sacred. i see dedication as devoting everything you have to accomplish what it is youre dedicated to, even if you have to stray from your original path a bit...i cant remember exactly who said "it's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it..."(think it was bugs bunny (and many others, lol)). i interpret that quote as doing whatever it takes to get the job done...Now, this is simply my outlook on the matter, most people aren't going to agree with me, but i ask that whoever reads this at least ATTEMPTS to look at it my way...
Who do you think should die...?
Originally posted by: ssjtrunks585
Originally posted by: Harageki
Dude..using Chidori 4 times is just idiocy. People hate sasuke simply because he's a selfish loser who ran off to Oro, betraying his village, instead of just TRAINING HARDER. Being an individual with raw talent, training as hard as rock lee must be alien to sasuke - hes a brat who wants power fast. Who cares about the long term effects.
i understand that...i said i was PWNED already...the meaning i was shooting for is that he has dedication for the one goal in his life: to kill his brother. true dedication may be to train harder and keep things (like your village, for example) sacred. i see dedication as devoting everything you have to accomplish what it is youre dedicated to, even if you have to stray from your original path a bit...i cant remember exactly who said "it's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it..."(think it was bugs bunny (and many others, lol)). i interpret that quote as doing whatever it takes to get the job done...Now, this is simply my outlook on the matter, most people aren't going to agree with me, but i ask that whoever reads this at least ATTEMPTS to look at it my way...
The fact is that revenge won't bring his family back, no matter how many times he kills Itachi, his death wouldn't change the past.
People survived concentration camps and got over it. I don't think the survivors with some sense, dedicated the rest of their lives to seek revenge. On the contrary, many of them realized how important life was after that dreadful experience. Viktor Frankel is one of those guys, but I digress.
Obviously, what happened to Sasuke must have cause extreme psychological damage. But the way Hinata's father treats her also cause *lots* of psychological problems to her, and basically she can't and she won't kill her dad. Neji and Gaara also got their share of childhood crap, and are trying to survive the best they can. At a certain point of their existences, thanks to Naruto, they realized that what their actions weren't beneficial to them, and tried to change.
The fact is revenge is stupid, well easier said than understood... But, Itachi will eventually die, victim of his own actions, because if you plant weeds you won't reap roses. If Sasuke kills him, he will just be doing exactly the same thing that Itachi did. So, would Sasuke be actually *better* than Itachi?
IMO, he'd be making better use of his time training and getting married, so he would rebuilt his clan. It's kinda paradoxal that somebody who wants to rebild his family wants to kill the only other remaining member of it...
Obviously, it's a situation where extreme dark emotions are involved, so easier said than done. But Sasuke has Kakashi to advise him and be a father figure and a role model to him. He has Naruto, who, all in all is a nice guy, being annoying not withstanding. And Sakura, who in her own peculiar way likes him and could offer some emotional support to him.
So he has a problem, but he also had alternative to solve his problem other than taking a short cut that ultimately will destroy him.
As for *winning* a debate, I really don't believe it it. I think most people here, and the exceptions justify the rule, are here to use this forum and the anime as a way to reflect about human nature.
Naruto's characters are pretty decently structured, and that's why we can discuss them and even learn something with that...[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Who do you think should die...?
Originally posted by: Neji-Aniki-sama
But, Itachi will eventually die, victim of his own actions, because if you plant weeds you won't reap roses.
AMEN! And nice cliche, btw... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Who do you think should die...?
Originally posted by: ssjtrunks585
Originally posted by: Neji-Aniki-sama
But, Itachi will eventually die, victim of his own actions, because if you plant weeds you won't reap roses.
AMEN! And nice cliche, btw... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Oh, TY... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
I will try to do better than that, next time...
Who do you think should die...?
Originally posted by: ssjtrunks585
"it's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it..."
i wish i possessed the pull-cliches-that-actually-relate-to-what-i'm-talking-about technique (pctartwita no jutsu)... :-( mine usually always suck...
Originally posted by: Neji-Aniki-sama
if you plant weeds you won't reap roses.
see? now thats a good one...
RE: Who do you think should die...?
Kabuto should die, he should be hanged for his mutenous ways, and Oro should be beheaded lets see him pull a snake out of his house in that situation
RE: Who do you think should die...?
As soon as they spoke about the 8 gates way back when, I predicted that eventually Gai would die because there would be some great evil force or something, and Gai would have to release the 8th gate and take this villain down hard.
RE: Who do you think should die...?
If Naruto dies what would Naruto be called??
It will be called Shikamaru, and they'll use Haruka Kanata as the opening again.
On that note, Sakura could die, and when she does uhh... y'know... Naruto could go on a guest for the 7 Fox Balls to wish her back and spark up Naruto Z.