Originally posted by: Konoha Rek
hokay... personally, I think the kunai is the coolest weapon small and stealthy, and can be used for dozens of things...
But one that is personalized... Orochimarus sword... it is sheathless, so it won't get in the way during a fight, or stealthinesstic operation, and it can float, so you don't hafta worry if its knocked out of your hands... and it has no concious thought, so it wont say, " no Rek, I wont turn into a stick because the little kid cut infront of you to buy a movie ticket and now they are sold out of that particular ticket and you want to beat him so much you would have no trouble sticking him into the dollar slot of a root beer machine... its not a good Idea"
Oh, and his sword is heavy... he's just a strong assed mother... remember someone tried to pick it up I think... maybe the guy in the suit... or maybe I'm thinking of Berserk... ::shrug:: its most likely heavy if I'm proven to be wrong
rek...you are one weird person. ever hear of counseling?