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this episode rocked!! itachi is here!! woot woot and at the end u see more of the movie coming out in august!
He got three 'comma's in his eye. And he's staring at me. He must be wondering why I'm naked.
And according to Bakasan Translation, its two movies in one...
- Reason -
The quality of this Episode(Bakasan) REALLY REALLY SUCKED...
Sometimes the picture was blurred and the persons or things was being weird..
The quality was fine, either you need a codec, or you need to stop complaining. I'm sick of this bitching everytime Bakasan releases an episode. There was no complete sannin flashback, but the Itachi discussions will be starting soon for the anime people.
v I meant it wasn't in depth, like the one in the manga v
Actually there was a sannin flashback. It was when Jiraiya was leaning up against the post.
I don't believe it will be 2 movies . I remember having to take my younger brother to see one of those Pokemon movies way back when. And before the actual movie started, they had a Pokemon short film (something like half an episode in length).Quote:
Originally posted by: Reason
And according to Bakasan Translation, its two movies in one...
- Reason -
So I believe the athletics competition or whatever will be a short film before the Yukihime movie starts.
I dun complain about Bakasan.. His Eps is good and fast to be released and i turned out that i was using the wrong codec..
You really need to use VLC for Bakasan's files because he uses experimental XViD codecs - VLC is a media player that has like every codec which is why he reccomends it, some files i could never get to play in WM or DiVX player you can get playing on VLC. Also if you can view his on windows media or divx it usually looks crappy, it did to me before i downloaded VLC
very sad eps, shedded a few tears, and man didnt naruto look almost just like the 4th without his leaf head band
i know, i said that they didnt show MUCH of itQuote:
Originally posted by: villin
Actually there was a sannin flashback. It was when Jiraiya was leaning up against the post.
in the manga they actually have some dialogue in the flashback, and jiraiya calls tsunade flat chested and the 3rd is all tellin him to be more like oro
ok, this is getting to a point where it's almost unbearable. why do you keep downloading it if it sucks so much? stop your bitching and whining cuz it isn't accomplishing anything except telling us that you're a little spoiled baby. sorry to be harsh and i'm not saying this just to you, i'm saying it to every whiner out there. if you can whine so much about it, then fan sub the eps yourselves. and don't tell me "i don't fan sub cuz i can't do it" or "if people were to do something they should do it right" cuz that's total complete lack of respect for the people who are doing this out of their time for FREE to satisfy the many people out there. if you can't fan sub it yourselves, then either wait for a/a (i'm assuming it's the best group) or just keep your mouths shut. it's one thing to comment but it's another to trash it.Quote:
Originally posted by: GokuSonGoku
The quality of this Episode(Bakasan) REALLY REALLY SUCKED...
Sometimes the picture was blurred and the persons or things was being weird..
in all seriousness, i'm not trying to cause any trouble or anger anyone. i just feel that it's flat out rude to say such dumb things.
anybody notice that there's now a 6TH fansub group releasing naruto? a group called "Dr. Jackal" just released theirs on animesuki now
er....well technically more than 6....but im not sure if some of the groups gave up or not....geez how many groups do we need for one anime series anyway?
they should instead translate other great series that take forever to be released, or were dropped "Jungle wa Itsumo Hale Nochi Guu - FINAL"!!!1oneone
I posted my fav shots in Naruto. If you wanna go there and check, be my guest [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: The Troublesome One
Could anyone post some screen caps from this episode?
Honestly there was one shot that blew my mind totally. Totally simple and totally great. Wow, they are mastering cinematographic better language at each episode...
If you want any screen cap of the episode nice and huge let me know. I have my dsl back!!!! can clog my line again with all sorts of crap...