Originally posted by: Legendary Nin
Gai never made it to ANBU-Itachi is the strongest Uchiha to ever live.No one knows if he created the mange sharingan or not,but it is known by age 9 he was light years ahead of any other Uchiha that lived.You have no basis whether mange sharingan would work or not,you assume it wouldn't,but seals for some reason worked right? Even the fourth had all that time to kill to seal Kyuubi,your saying Itachi wouldn't be able to look at his eyes once? Even though this would take a fraction of the time it would to seal.The 4th sealing him is so much more unrealistic compared to Itachi doing his genjutsu.Remember,all the fox was,was a demon,not a ninja.Genjutsu would work,it wouldn't be able to magiclly repell it.