There is option (e) and make a pseudo 120fps encode like TW's. Adding in drop frames would only increase the encode by about 2MB for a regular 24 min episode.
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There is option (e) and make a pseudo 120fps encode like TW's. Adding in drop frames would only increase the encode by about 2MB for a regular 24 min episode.
errm, kasuga: e is c. add drop frames, make effective frame rate 120fps. Regardless of the fact that those frames are relatively light, they are still too heavy to decode for the lower end watchers. TW was doing this and caught flak for it because the slower tier couldn't see it. While I'm all about getting people to use computers that aren't complete shit, it's not something we could force on the audience in general -- especially since several of the fansub crew members are in that group of people who can't watch 120fps anything. Until we can get some of our own crew members to get off their asses and buy modern machines, how can we expect anyone else to?
On a side note, I've never seen a "true" 120fps encode of anything. Pretty much nobody does that, and if they did it'd be a huge waste of data space. I have seen a lot of 120fps raws, and the ones I've seen are all "pseudo 120fps" like you are talking about. Back when I was using my athlon 1.33 for everything, a 24fps or 30fps divx 5 raw (frame rate courtesy of avisynth) ran around 20-40% cpu load, where a 120fps ran 80-90%.
That's really odd about the different frame rates on TV. Why don't they do the whole show in one if they can air both? Oh well, we can't affect how they air their shows, so we can only grin and bear it and enjoy the episodes. Though I would like a non-shakey opening as mongoose said. But hey, I'm greatful for what I got.
i have both the SO subs and the Anbu subs for 78 and 79, SOs do teh stuttering thing in divx player and winamp 5 but not WMP9, the anbu subs do the stuttering in Winamp and divx player also but not WMP9, these are teh only eps that do it 1-77 are fine, with the exception of 1 ep in ther ebut i used teh fourCC changer from xvid to change it and it worked fine
and its not just the openings that stutter for me its the whole episode
o my comp is a Athlon Xp1700+ Gig of PC 2700 Ram 3 HDs, 250 gigs total Win XP Pro GF4 TI4600