wow u are so right
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wow u are so right
Lee is a genius of hard work, even Neiji wasn't able to learn how to do the Initial Lotus, because he does not work as hard as Lee. It is possible for others to learn how to open gates like Lee, but only if they put in the same amount of effort as him.
Absolutely not, Kyuubi Naruto is so interesting, not when he politely asks for his demon for power, but when he is consumed absolutely by rage, you can feel the raw emotion.Quote:
Originally posted by: Hotsuma
People who say Naruto is strong, because of his Kyuubi, are a bunch of Kyuubi nut-huggers. Not Naruto fans. However, I think Naruto is much more interesting without the entire "secret power" gimmick going for him. I'd rather see him use his whits, spirit, and smarts to defeat an enemy, as opposed to out-muscle in chakra because of the Kyuubi chakra.
I also cannot fucking stand people who deify Naruto, BECAUSE of the Kyuubi chakra. People seem to elevate it to the point, where it's unbeatable. A lot of the posters here need to realze, Kyuubi chakra, and Kyuubi himself are two totally different things. Saying "Naruto is the best because he has Kyuubi!" is a load of crap.
And you also feel "Wow, the fight just got more boring." I admit, I like watching Naruto get all pissy on anybody with Kyuubi, but at the same time, I feel it's completely unoriginal for him to be able to tap into a hidden power, to win a fight instead of using whits. I like Naruto's style. Not his strength.Quote:
Originally posted by: CapsuleCorpJX
Absolutely not, Kyuubi Naruto is so interesting, not when he politely asks for his demon for power, but when he is consumed absolutely by rage, you can feel the raw emotion.Quote:
Originally posted by: Hotsuma
People who say Naruto is strong, because of his Kyuubi, are a bunch of Kyuubi nut-huggers. Not Naruto fans. However, I think Naruto is much more interesting without the entire "secret power" gimmick going for him. I'd rather see him use his whits, spirit, and smarts to defeat an enemy, as opposed to out-muscle in chakra because of the Kyuubi chakra.
I also cannot fucking stand people who deify Naruto, BECAUSE of the Kyuubi chakra. People seem to elevate it to the point, where it's unbeatable. A lot of the posters here need to realze, Kyuubi chakra, and Kyuubi himself are two totally different things. Saying "Naruto is the best because he has Kyuubi!" is a load of crap.
Naruto improvising Kagebunshins = awesome
Naruto turning SSJ w/Kyuubi = boring shit.
I didn't think it was boring when Naruto first went phsyco, busted Haku's mirrors and punched him so hard his mask fell off.
when i'm reading the manga, as soon as naruto goes kyubi or does kage bunshin, i push the delete button.
Naruto turning berserk = The HULK. I love Naruto's ability to adapt to his opponents movements, get a little roughed up, and finally make an amazing comeback, which nobody ever drempt was coming. That's his character. Not always win through some lame gimmick.Quote:
Originally posted by: CapsuleCorpJX
I didn't think it was boring when Naruto first went phsyco, busted Haku's mirrors and punched him so hard his mask fell off.
Naruto constantly tapping into Kyubi power does get boring after a while. The next time he asks for more chakra, Kyubi should tell Naruto to go fuck himself.
I think the kyuubi is not the most important thing in Naruto. But it's there for a reason. Basically, the same reason the Shukaku is inside of Gaara. Like Naruto, most of us have a great deal of energy at our disposition. If we don't learn to use those, they can turn out to be very dangerous to ourselves and to others. We have two people, Naruto and Gaara, with very similar amounts of power, the difference is how each of them uses this power. The kyuubi is here to show us how Naruto tames and discipline this power and how he puts it to good use. For me it's the basic premisse of Naruto. How to deal with a tremedous amount of energy, which has a great potential of becoming dangerous and destructive and instead of letting it run amok, tame it and put it to a productive use.Quote:
Originally posted by: Hotsuma
People who say Naruto is strong, because of his Kyuubi, are a bunch of Kyuubi nut-huggers. Not Naruto fans. However, I think Naruto is much more interesting without the entire "secret power" gimmick going for him. I'd rather see him use his whits, spirit, and smarts to defeat an enemy, as opposed to out-muscle in chakra because of the Kyuubi chakra.
I like when Naruto he comes up with coole moves with his bunshins like agianst Gaara when he did 1000 pain. He jumped on several clones to get behind Gaara,thats the Naruto i like when he comes with things like that but kyubi Naruto isnt bad either.
I think the more and more power he takes from kyubi..i think the more and more it will consume him..meaning he probably won't be able to control it and go berserk sometimes, i wouldn't know this is my opinion i havent seen or read the manga...
Thats an interesting concept though AkamichiChouji.
Naruto rocks. Naruto = strongest. Just needs some mad skills to go with all that raw strength.
The Kyuubi-chakra is there for one reason. That's for him to tap into an extra chakra battery, should his ever run low. That's it. Besides that though, he falls under the category of "main character with an unbeatable super power inside". We've seen this happen before, and quite frankly, the formula sucksQuote:
Originally posted by: Neji-Aniki-sama
I think the kyuubi is not the most important thing in Naruto. But it's there for a reason. Basically, the same reason the Shukaku is inside of Gaara. Like Naruto, most of us have a great deal of energy at our disposition. If we don't learn to use those, they can turn out to be very dangerous to ourselves and to others. We have two people, Naruto and Gaara, with very similar amounts of power, the difference is how each of them uses this power. The kyuubi is here to show us how Naruto tames and discipline this power and how he puts it to good use. For me it's the basic premisse of Naruto. How to deal with a tremedous amount of energy, which has a great potential of becoming dangerous and destructive and instead of letting it run amok, tame it and put it to a productive use.Quote:
Originally posted by: Hotsuma
People who say Naruto is strong, because of his Kyuubi, are a bunch of Kyuubi nut-huggers. Not Naruto fans. However, I think Naruto is much more interesting without the entire "secret power" gimmick going for him. I'd rather see him use his whits, spirit, and smarts to defeat an enemy, as opposed to out-muscle in chakra because of the Kyuubi chakra.
. I watch Naruto's fights, not interested at all, in him outmuscling somebody with his chakra, but for him to have a shining moment, by outwhitting an oponent completely. If anybody actually thinks him getting all angry, or just tapping into it is more fun than him using some strategy, they should just go and watch DBZ.
Once Naruto realizes the importance of his life (which he does now), the Kyuubi chakra has no meaning, other than some gimmick which no longer has it's purpose.
hm i wonder what sasuke will be able to do in his level 2 state. Maybe chidori in each hand..... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
He will be able to run faster. Both from Naruto and Itachi. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Vagabond
hm i wonder what sasuke will be able to do in his level 2 state. Maybe chidori in each hand..... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
well i guess that means you've missed a pretty good amount of the kimimaro fight scenes then, huh?Quote:
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
when i'm reading the manga, as soon as naruto goes kyubi or does kage bunshin, i push the delete button.
Not that it really mattered , that fight. It was just more of the same anyways. We could've done without that, really.
yeah but mut@t@'s all about the kimimaro stuff, it seems