kimmimaro has to go to level 2, or there's no point to his character
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kimmimaro has to go to level 2, or there's no point to his character
what? why wouldn't there be a point to his character?Quote:
Originally posted by: chaos4ever4
kimmimaro has to go to level 2, or there's no point to his character
Aren't we a little late for that?Quote:
Originally posted by: chaos4ever4
kimmimaro has to go to level 2, or there's no point to his character
originally, Kimimaru's point was to stop Naruto from fighting Sasuke, but now Lee and Gaara are here, and we know that he won't be able to kill any of them or heavily injure them, which makes him a cannon fodder, or in other words, an excuse to make some guys look cool and to stall time until the end of this fucked up arc.
I don't like Kimi or his blood line limit either.
No matter what you do with bone calcium, it's brittle. Sorry guys, it's just a fact of being where it is on the periodic table of elements. People are saying "well, it's super hard!" Well, super hard things break really easy. Try a diamond (the hardest substance known) versus a hammer. Well, don't.... give the diamond to me and you can have my word on it. All that matters for "durability" is really tensile strength, and... calcium has none.
Also, as for bone growth, those bones would have to grow from somewhere, which means he'd have to be eating Tums (with Calcium!) non-stop to have that much bone growth potential.
Yeah yeah, it's a story. I'll definitely agree with that. And yes, I know that stories aren't cool unless they bend what could/should be, quite frequently, sometimes.
Having said that, I think it'd be much cooler if he couldn't take his bone swords out, and his bones could break. It would give the story-arc a martyred feel if he were mauling Lee with these bones that were snapping off after having stabbed Lee. Lee'd be staggering around looking like a pin-cushion, Kimi would be reeling from the pain of having all those broken bones, and, and, and... that'd be neat. Actually, would feel a whole lot like the Zabuza-arc end.
im just waiting until he summons his gigantic porcupine, and gaara's sand demon can fight it.
i don't wanna ever see gaara go to shukaku again. that shit was lame. i hate these MONSTER VS MONSTER fights. so boring, not enough actual character fighting involved. and do realize that this is FICTION... so anything applies.
Lee is not simply going to bow out, not this time.
I'd really like to know why Orochimaru wants Kimmi's body...
I understand Sasuke and the Sharingan and his obsession with jutsus... but the bones?
I think he might or might not. Seeing that he probably can't harm Kimmi affectively. He has been very honourable though.Quote:
Originally posted by: Moriarte
Lee is not simply going to bow out, not this time.
Even if he doesn't.. He'll probably pass out without his medicine sooner or later.
Kimmi has to go level 2 or Gaara would crush him like a hamster.
hahahahhaha good one dude.Quote:
Originally posted by: Moriarte
Lee is not simply going to bow out, not this time.
All neji needs to do is touch those protruding bones and shutdown bone growth chakra or whatever else he wanted to shut down.Quote:
Originally posted by: jing
By the way whoever said Neji would win against kimmimaro is wrong.
64 hakke won't work on spiky bones.
and i believe kimimaro will get to level 2 cursed seal.
im hoping gaara will use new moves on him.
What can kimimaro do against the desert coffin? Bones won't save him from being crushed.
Not sure but seeing how when lee attacked and kimmi made his bone calcium much higher to somewhat soften the blow. I think gaara's sand will have a hard time since kimmi might just do the same thing making hard to crush his bones, and i wouldn't be suprised if he made one part of his body [ex. arm] calcium grow allowing really powerful punches hehhe [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
i think kimimaro is just like wolverine... times 10. if he is able to heal himself after his bones protrude out like that and how he ripped his bone out of his arm, then i bet you gaara and lee will have a horrible time beating kimimaro.
i'll admit.....that whole shukaku vs gamabunta thing was almost power rangers-esqueQuote:
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
i don't wanna ever see gaara go to shukaku again. that shit was lame. i hate these MONSTER VS MONSTER fights. so boring, not enough actual character fighting involved. and do realize that this is FICTION... so anything applies.
but then again i cant imagine any other situation where calling gamabunta is both useful and interesting to the story
did Shukaku die(as in go away never to be seen again) because hes too frustrating to worry about now in the current manga situation
If Kimimaro was like wolverine he wouldn't be dieing from a form of sickness.Quote:
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
i think kimimaro is just like wolverine... times 10. if he is able to heal himself after his bones protrude out like that and how he ripped his bone out of his arm, then i bet you gaara and lee will have a horrible time beating kimimaro.
Well if people believe that he can't be crushed, then take out his brain. Gaara could send his sand through Kimimaro's mouth, ears, nose and just desert coffin his brain.Quote:
Not sure but seeing how when lee attacked and kimmi made his bone calcium much higher to somewhat soften the blow. I think gaara's sand will have a hard time since kimmi might just do the same thing making hard to crush his bones, and i wouldn't be suprised if he made one part of his body [ex. arm] calcium grow allowing really powerful punches hehhe
Go to the beach or the desert, you get sand in all kinds of places.
stop over analyzing. i was talking about his ability to heal himself after putting holes in his body. we don't know what kind of disease or illness kimimaro has. maybe it's one that can't healed through his ability. god...
well we clearly saw kimimaro's shoulder heal itself after he pulled a bone out to use as a sword
and no knives, there wasnt any indication that shukaku was killed, all that happened with him was gaara woke up and he was suppressed back inside....i think if shukaku somehow died, then gaara's sand abilities would go with him
Who's overanalyzing. I was just stating that he would be healthy if he was "just like Wolverine."
Bring on 213! I want to see Kimi and the rest of the sound get squashed quick, so we can get this story going somewhere... get Sasuke to Oro already, get the surviving Genin back to Konoha, etc ..