I don't like to admit it, mut@t@, but you are absolutely right. On this one...
No kidding, I believe we think the same.
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I don't like to admit it, mut@t@, but you are absolutely right. On this one...
No kidding, I believe we think the same.
Elia, you talked earlier about the whole ninja gaiden costs $$ thing. Sure it is different that choosing fan-subs. Their can't be any possible thing thats exactly in the same situation that fan-subs are in. Fan-subs are free, and thats the eternal difference between all of them.
you cant use this principal to compare to fan-subs. A/A, Bakasan, Shinotaku and whoever else subs all make the same .avi format (unless there's something I'm not aware of), while xbox and ps2 are like comparing an .mpeg to .mov formats. They are both different. They both use different programs.
Basically, because of the fact that all the fan-subs are free, you cant compare it to the purchase of a video game.
i give mad props to aone and anbu becuz they did a very good job that goodness i wait for their version before watching it -=) thank you for all your hard work
Like I said before, it's about the idea. Every body else avoids that and instead focusses on my example. ANyway, doesn't matter that much. I mean, the main 'men' of this forum are not fanboys, they're also fans of naruto, like me.
lol ur so full of shit
good job A/A, its quality work
i think ELiA is trying to get the point across that he has more of a life than the rest of us
A/A is the best of the three, dubbing the Naruto Anime, they sub the opening/ending, what the jutsus mean and all the other things that go with it definitly the best one
What makes you think I do, AssertnFailure? I also spend hours in front of a screen each week (wheter it be a tft or a television, it matters not). Like right now I am listening to the 2nd naruto soundtrack, why? Because I am like jou, that's why.
elia, you need to chiilll out. XBOX isn't bad - its actually an incredibly great party system. Thats why its the most played console in college cuz it can link to up to 3 other Xboxes which leads into an incredible game of Halo. And also, people buy games to consoles they like. Who cares which console its on? It is nearly the same for each console because its the same developer that makes the game. Only difference would be the graphic each console can handle and control. I dont think that if someone is that much of an "Xbox fanboy" and starts bad mouthing ps2 THAT much, then he wouldn't even be able to buy the game cuz he wouldn't own a ps2.
Well with that said, A/A is good, no.. great, and i try to wait for it, but if it takes way too long (like ep 78), then i will download a different sub because it just doesn't matter. However, i will always download A/A for storage.
A/A, you guys have definately come along way. I used to wait for TW all the time, but then I gave u guys a try, and I was pretty impressed. With each episode, subbing techinques improved, and I can honestly say, that with this latest release, there is no doubt in my mind, you guys are the number one group subbing naruto right now, you've even surpassed TW's level because if u saw the last two subbed naruto eps the released, they were nowhere near the level of their older eps..not to bash them or anything. In any case, keep up the good work guys. 78 was definately worth waiting for so I cant wait for 79, which is kinda silly cause I am waiting now...well, I'm gonna shut up now..[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
well said, thats the kind of attitude we need here
I agree that AA has the best translations. The only thing I have gripes about is their translation of the new opening, it doesn't seem right sumhow
This is the saddest post I've read for a while. I'd make a MS Paint pic to own this guy, but I don't think he deserves it. At least itachi_ was consistent when he was an asshole.Quote:
Originally posted by: ELiA
What makes you think I do, AssertnFailure? I also spend hours in front of a screen each week (wheter it be a tft or a television, it matters not). Like right now I am listening to the 2nd naruto soundtrack, why? Because I am like jou, that's why.
Then who the fuck are you?! Power PMV.
"I'd make a MS Paint pic to own this guy"
You think you are pretty special huh? I think not. Maybe 2749 posts on this forum makes you think you actually mean something, but in real life, this means you are a
There, I said it. I only told you that I spend most of my time in front of screens to make all you losers out there feel accepted. Yeah, I spend a lot of time in front of the tv, but the differnce between you and me? I have friends around me while I watch. REAL friends, not some fake-internet friend who, like yourself, doesn't mean a shit.
Please try to "own" me. I can hear you think: "I'll ban this stupid boy!!! I am powerfull!", but, you are not.
How can anyone manage 2749 posts? I'll tell you! You are ugly! You are so ugly, that you are ashamed to go outside of you home.
You can never own me. I'll laugh at you. Today at my school, in class I told everyone about this forum, and about 'forum-n00bs', at the mention of someone like you, we laughed our asses off. You can never own me!
So, do as you please. Really, ban me! I'll always watch Naruto and other anime.
It was 'nice' knowing you (hahahaha!!! you bunch of losers, you only excist to make me look good).
ANd one last thing. My name really is Elia (/Elias). I don't need a fake name, unlike you sad fuckers.
yeesh .... it must be "flame everyone" week or something, here on the naruto forums. Did I miss some sort of announcement about it?
Elia: in 2 days you got to 70 posts .... 35 posts per day. If you were here for 3 months at the rate you're going, you'd have around 3100 posts. Maybe best not to flame someone for their high post count considering the fact that you're well on your way to being there too.
You are posting 3.5 times MORE posts per day than the person you're flaming for having no life and being ugly. What's that say about you, huh?
So how are the people you're flaming making you look good, when your criticism of them is so incredibly applicable to you?
Lastly, many of us have extremely common names ... aliases are unique, where first names are common. I know someone on my floor named Elia, I know 4 people on my floor with the same first name as me, and 5 with the same first name as my roommate. Your name may be based on your real name, but it's no unique expression of your identity. Maybe it'd be best to understand why people use their aliases before you decide that it's "sad" to do so.
this quote wins the "stupidest quote award", permanently.Quote:
Originally posted by: ELiA
You can never own me. I'll laugh at you. Today at my school, in class I told everyone about this forum, and about 'forum-n00bs', at the mention of someone like you, we laughed our asses off. You can never own me!
i think we should let this guy hang around for a while, his immaturity and stupidity amuses me.
mode7 you shut up about baka-san, you probably don't have the codecs, because once u get the codecs, its quite good. he subs the episodes by himself, and i give him respects.
Elia: yeah elia! you tell ur immature friends! thats right! (your friends are losers JUST LIKE YOU)
ELiA, your posts are rarely on topic, and you try to start flame wars with other members. You claim not to be a loser that gets too caught up in fake internet friends, but if that were the case, you wouldn't have posted that stupid little essay in retaliation to Power PMV, and you wouldn't have talked to your "real" friends about this forum. Flaming you now would be pointless, because you've already made yourself look like enough of an idiot for me to have to continue.
v yea, ELiA brings good entertainment v
ELiA is entertaining though, in an endearing way. It's like most people have a part of their brain that regulates whether or not they say what they're thinking. ELiA just goes ahead and says it spontaneously [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
He's not as cool as Said53 though ... that guy pwns .. wish he would come here to talk about Naruto .. he would say something like :
"KomohamaruCorps you the man i love you tanks ... Itachi_ i gona poump up the shet out of you 140 lb skiny whity boy."
To read the goodness that is Said53, go to http://www.rage3d.com/board/showthre...ghlight=said53
indeed Mut@t@, this guy is such a loser.Quote:
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
this quote wins the "stupidest quote award", permanently.Quote:
Originally posted by: ELiA
You can never own me. I'll laugh at you. Today at my school, in class I told everyone about this forum, and about 'forum-n00bs', at the mention of someone like you, we laughed our asses off. You can never own me!
i think we should let this guy hang around for a while, his immaturity and stupidity amuses me.
First of all Elias, if the best insult you can use is "ugly", then you should go and ask your boyfriend to teach you some better ones. Second, what makes you think you know anything about me you freaking loser? If you check when I joined you would see that I've been here for a long time and that's why I have so many posts, also I don't need to post in a forum "I have real friends around me while I watch. REAL FRIENDS" to feel better since I don't give a crap what a 12 year old pussy kid (that's you in case you don't understand) thinks.